Tuesday 7 February 2012

Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Wa syukurillah...

Salam ukhti dan akhi! :)

Alhamdulillah ya Allah. Itulah yang hanya mampu ku katakan... betapa senangnya hati apabila keputusan peperiksaan yang terakhir telah keluar!! 

Dan Tahniah buat semua rakan seperjuangan!! :) Teruskan usaha kamu hingga mencapai apa yang dinginkan... Amin Insyallah..
And Now I am officially a Diploma Holder.. (Baru Diploma) ehe takpe teruskan usaha saja, yes?

Alhamdulillah, result yang diperolehi adalah memuaskan. Taklah secemerlang yang lainnya tapi Alhamdulillah...

Principle of Quantitative Method - A
Economics - B
Marketing - B
Principle of Account - B
Principle of Business Communications - B
Management - C
Principle of Management - C
Accounting - C

I havent go to school to take my result, But I did called my college.. They will release the results once my payment is settle. I have one pending payment for this.. hehe :D But anyways by end of this month insyallah... 

A msg mom this morning she said... 

"Ya Allah aku bersyukur kepadaMu ya Allah. Tq my daughter very much. Congratulation Nad"

Simple... yet deep! Very deep... How on earth can you describe, when you can make your mum happy? It's a feeling that you can't buy in a store or everywhere... And I am happy to know she is happy. =) Alhamdulillah sekali lagi aku bisa buat Ibu bahagia... Besides that, Usai solat Isyak, Me sedekahkan Surah Al-fatihah and surah Yaasin  buat Ayahanda tercinta kerana rasa bersyukurku atas kejayaan yang diperoleh! :) Biar lebih berkat ilmu yang ku perolehi dan berguna buat dunia dan akhiratku... Insyallah...

anyway, after this I'll be continuing my degree Insyallah... Mudah2an semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.. Amiin Insyallah... =)

Another good news today, I'll be a part-time tuition teacher. Not that I want but a demand by a friend of mine. He is seeking help for his O'level exams this coming June. And he is willing to pay me everymonth.. Alhamdulillah Rezki dari Allah... Akan ku cuba usahakan..

And next, I have to complete my French Essay before this coming 17th Feb 2012 for a Scholarship studying French in France sponsored by French Embassy and organised by Alliance Francaise. Our luck is everywhere so, I just have a try! :) and Congrats to Newzelena as she is one of the trainee that will be sent to France to attend this course.

Anyway, Bon Chance! Une reve, Une Realite. A Dream, A Reality! A reality wouldnt be coming true without a dream! So don't be afraid to dream big... As English quotes says... "Aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll still landed among the star!"

Thanks all for your support! Love you guys...
Yours Truly,

Friday 3 February 2012

Mon Janvier! Pt 1

Assalamualikum Wr Wb.

Its been a month full of productivity. Hehe I mean, the month of January was not wasted simply just like that. I actually wanted to upload and update what has been happening around for just a month of January. Lets just seee... Well, for this new post, I would like to say a little about the surah Yaasin. 

Somehow I've gotten an inspiration and hidayah by Allah Swt. (Waullahua'lam bisawab). This was about my feelings when I read the surah yaasin. Let me begin, as a human we all have problems.. And I've been through this time of my life that I feel useless when everything just seems bad to my eyes. Everything happened is like a piece of s**t. Im sory to say.. It's simply useless and down. Lost of motivation. Mom always adviced me to read the surah yaasin. At first I neglected her advice.. you know... "masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri". But then, deep inside I said why didnt I just follow what she said? 

Then one day after I read the surah yaasin... I feel that calmness where my tears drop. I keep continuing to read the surah yaasin until now everynight either after maghrib prayer or before I sleep. I just niat hoping that Allah will give me light and strength for that. Something different will just pop up in your life one day. I believe in that! 

The good things happened was this month of January gives me happiness and laughter! Tho I am still in doubt about this.. Then where one day, I did my job attentively. Then I met my boss explaining every single thing that I dont understand, I explained and the communication continues... Once everything was settle.. In the end my boss whom never I heard his compliment to me about my work.. suddenly says... 

"ani baru pandai...." 

gulp, I was shocked for a minute! Is he saying the truth or what? I did asked? 


bagus lah pandai... okay... I didnt asked for more. I keep it as a constructive comments and after that Im happy aha no.. I mean I keep on smiling... (so unbelievable).. :D

Other than that, I have one good happy news too! But let it be as it is... :) Yeah, there is one thing that I learn today during my french class. I used to be demotivated learning this so called "My Favourite Language" because of the 'struggle' I faced... I feel losing of the motivation. But now... it seems that I am more enjoying it than ever where I did some revision everynight before class! Somehow it goes up. From a lazy lady to a diligent lady.. ahah Just kiddin.. I mean I see some changes in me about this.. And I received what had been taught easily.. 

Maybe this is some of the hikmah and hidayah from Allah the Almighty. I promise to myself, Insyallah I will continue this everyday of my life reading the surah yaasin everynight... :) Alhamdulillah good things happened continuously insyallah.. 

For my next update, I will upload what had happened in 'Mon Janvier!' (Good thing I learnt French is that I love their pronounciation so much!! and just pretending I am able to speak french fluently!) *pretending* as it motivates me so much!

Like a person in love always says... "Lucky I found you..." that is me with French Language.. hehe :D

Anyways I pray again hoping that ALL GOOD THINGS WILL COME TO US!! Have faith to Allah.... 


This picture captured before the french class commences. With All red theme (coincidentally) and Amie, we are happy to see that she's wearing a cute pink Baju Kurong! :)

To my love! Wahishteny awi awi... :)

PS: Mon Janvier! Pt 2 (tbc......)

Yours Truly,


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