Wednesday 22 December 2010

It's Time to.....

Fly Off...

To the land of Jakarta...

See you soon...

I Love you & Miss you guys.....=')

Tuesday 21 December 2010


Please Im sorry... I just can't help to fall in love with kittens. I need one. My birthday wishlist... :s oh my oh my... how i wish i can only not stare to those kittens but touch them and love them.. aww... soooo cuteee. Im sorry that I have to steal this picture again from facebook. Im sorry cos I love them..........
How adorable.. so adorable.... :'s

Dear All, tomorrow is my last day I am in Brunei before going for vacation. Its been a very long2 time I havent go back to Jakarta. So this is it. This is the time... Semoga perjalanan kami lancar aminnn.... InsyAllah... =)

Love and hugs,

Thursday 16 December 2010

sad mode 'on'.

Life is hard. Today was terribly a bad day. As if the world turns upside down. I Was so down. And losing the hope. Today, Im fasting for Hari Asyura. But there was so many thing that slap me on my face.

Can I just pretend to be happy?

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Dilema Cinta Dua Hati.

Salam Cinta... Salam Wahai Dunia... Salam Buat Semua...

Today, a calm bright sunny day. It was a coincidence last night that I saw a Afgan's new song of "CInta Dua Hati" OST Dilema Cinta Dua Hati. Sinopsis ceritanya...

Berawal dari kisah Jane (Olivia lubis Jensen) yang sedang berjuang melawan kanker pankreas tetapi tetap memiliki obsesi besar agar bisa mencintai dan dicintai oleh penyanyi idolanya, Alfa (Afgansyahreza). Lewat campur tangan kakeknya, Bhakti Hassan (Deddy Mizwar), yang seorang konglomerat, Jane akhirnya bisa masuk dalam kehidupan Alfa. Hanya saja Alfa telah memiliki kekasih yang bernama Laras (Tika Putri).

Trailer "Dilema Cinta Dua Hati"

Entah dari sudut apa yang membuatku amat tersentuh oleh lagu dan cerita nya... Personally saying, this story tells alot of my personal Love story. Im so touched by it where Alfa (Afgan) was firstly in love with Laras (Tika Putri) and suddenly came Jane (Olivia) in their Life.

On one side, I believe that I am at Laras position where she let Alfa love Jane because she saw a love on jane's eyes for Alfa. And coincidentally Jane is sick suffer from cancer. Which makes Laras try to be "Ikhlas" Although from the beginning she knows the risk of loving Alfa.

But the other side, I am also in Jane's side where Jane was the second love of Alfa. And I knew that Alfa is also loving Jane in return. THat is the part where I am touched by it. Looking at Alfa who loves both of them so much makes me like crying so much.

For Prince Adrian. If you ever saw My writtings today...Please do take care of her very much... I dont deserve this happiness, She deserve more than I do.


Hayati cerita nie... :'\ :'| :')

Aku Ikhlas meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu,

Sunday 12 December 2010

Simah's Solemnisation...



*Picture courtesy of Meinz Jurugambar*

Bahagianya ku lihat simah bahagia... Semoga kekal hingga ke anak cucu Simah...
Smoga persahabatan kita kekal abadi jua...

I miss the moment of MD with you especially during PS 3 at dining hall with dyah, ezan, munie, far, shidah, tiqah... and all... i miss the moments. And now you are married already... :') how fast times flew. Happy Always Simah.... =')

Friday 10 December 2010


I am in need of this calmness...

Im sorry I steal this pix from my Fren's fb heehe

Can I request to go to Loughborough? haha to meet the swan there. huhu.. So loving the beautiful place. I wana go to somewhere beautiful..... and live there. :')


Thursday 9 December 2010

monotonous. peanut butter. cheezy milk. soya sauce!

Lol. Im lacking of title actually. bored and lonely. i am now. Shouldn't my life is full of butterfly? Anyway, I decided to write something tonite, becos i feel i wanna write.

Today, hmm... i really have no mood to do things. indescribable feeling i have. But lucky thing that I made my boss happy. she even text me that she's happy and give me a small reward. I was wondering...what did i do? I was only meeting her expectation that's all. What she want, I try my best to do n complete it. No complain. Well, maybe thats the reward for patient. sigh. I was again reflecting my life back. Don't you think my life is the other way round? Aren't me supposed to be happy to myself? Instead, I make people happy? I know rite there's a saying, you make people happy first than you get yours. You give others first than you'll received more. Was like....ouww well... lets must be patient again.

Kita buat orang bahagia, tapi diri kita merana? Today, really... my mood turns down.. I feel everything changes. Why life always treat me unfairly~ I want to cry but i can't. i want to run but I can't. I want to kill myself but ofc ourse definitely im still sane ok. hmm...

Few days back we had our RBTS summer camp. It was a success for the committee and of course RBTS. I guess people are having fun among themselves.. The married bring their family and spouses, The engaged bring their fiancee, The couples bring their own partner. And for me who are single, I bring myself. Mum n Abi don't wana join in. And again I'm alone.

Tho it was a success, at one point, some of Rbts-ians were having food poisoning,including myself. The day when there's a public holiday which is on tuesday. I had a teribble stomach ache. But I am yet to go to the toilet. But when wednesday came, it turns out to be diarrhea. Today, it was recovering. Some of my colleagues are taking MC. "Lucky them". huhu. Wow for me it was like a disaster for rbts when the people get sick almost everyone. haha Cali plg rasaku smua urg beria2.. haha :D anyway...i cant blame the committee. maybe the catterer didnt make the food properly. Only ALLAH's know.

Last sunday evening, I've watch movie with Ali and afy plus his brothers. On my way there, I was thinking isnt it good we watch movie with our love ones. aiya~ I know I shouldn't think about it tho. but it was suddenly there. The feeling. Coincidently lagi my ticket labih dua. haiyaa~ susah lor ini macam..

Anyways... Exam was almost over. Last paper gona be this saturday. ANd Im still stuck with my fb and blog! huuu~~ what happened to nadia???? I did my best. Quite dissapointed when my boss asked me how's my exam. Cus I answered it was quite hard. And she said.. "nda kan smua payah?" well, only Allah knows. Sabar nad... I feel tercabar jua lah dgn ckpnya atuh..hmm.

Umph. last monday i went to Khai's house at Telanai. Her daddy's birthday. Happy Birthday Uncle Malik!!

Uncle Malik in the Middle with grey shirt with yayah's UBD mates, a cousin n guitars.

Talking about my best friends now, I have just realised one thing. Tho Imma quite person (I know Im not with certain) haha :D okay.. i mean my point is.. Now that I realised that Im close with their families as well.. Let see..Munirah, I think Im closed with the entire family. Well, we always be together before..thats the reason. Khairiah. also the entire fams, as well as tiqah, dyah, ezan n rosdiah. Syami not really that close... maybe the connection with them get me more closer with them. well, knowing them is my pleasure. Kalau dikata I am a guy mengkali, boleh jadi menantu kali eh. Some of them we know them well, including dad and momnya. ohh well, so lucky they are gurls haha :D

Talking nonsense lagi c adriana puteri ani. Nada orang sudi dgr cerita, i cerita with blog saja lah... hee

Life, i will get you busy so that you will not feel lonely and boring after this examination is over. i promise... hmm so sad!!!!! i feel downn....



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