Wednesday 10 August 2011


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Tak tahulah mengapa hati dan fikiran bercelaru pada ketika ini. September is so soon! My new Semester Term will start v.soon! I was thinking of quitting my Rasamas job. Because I really wanted to focus on my study. Next term ill be taking up my Higher National certificate (Which also equivalent to International Advance Diploma).

If I were to quit, I need money to pay my school fees and exam fees. Studying under private college is not easy. paying monthly fees of $450/month and exam fees 1 subject = $100. If i take 3 subject ill have to pay $300. In addition to that, M.o.E fees is $50. Added together of $350/SEMESTER TERM. (AND $450 every month).

People dont know how difficult it is to improve my standard of living. Studying and working at the same time. I work at Rasamas just to be paid $100/month and doing my side business earning profit by $300-400 per month. All of my money goes for my education, my brother's education and my mother's expenses, loans, etc. Intending to save money every month seems impossible for me. I am still fortunate that I am currently working with RBTS which literally reduces the burden.

But the problem now is how am I going to decide either to quit rasamas or not. The problem is I wanted to focus doing my assignments as I decided to take 3 module next semester. If I am still working with Rasamas, I would rarely have time to do the assignment. Whereas at the same time, I need money to pay all those expenses! Even a hundred counts!

Ya Allah.... aku bingung.... :s kalau saja aku mampu.... Namun aku bersyukur kerana Engkau telah memberikan ku jalan untuk bekerja di dua tempat, berbisnes dan belajar pada masa yang sama.. Akulah penanggung keluarga akulah juga penentu masa hadapanku.

Biarlah org mau berkata apa pada diri ini, yang penting pekerjaanku dan rezki yang kuberikan buat keluarga adalah suatu yang halal... InsyAllah.. 

Sharing some happy moment, I have just finished learning basic french at Alliance Fracaise de Brunei. Money earned, is also fully utilised for learning additional language too.

My writting today is to open your eyes. Not by mean of showing off, Who am I to show you off? I did everything with my own effort, Mind you that. I earned money in a Halal way, Never in my intention to get it in a wrong(Haram) way. I still stand on my Principe, to work sincerely and honestly. I know to define what is good and what is not.

May Allah gives us Hidayah more... amiin InsyAllah.

Jazakaullah hu Khoir. salam Ramadhan everyone =)



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