Wednesday 28 September 2011


Salam. Last Monday the Result was out... I was a lil bit too shocked to know the outcome.

It was almost 'Lunch Hour' that I have the instinct to call Mr. Reji, my lecturer. So, I did called him to ask if the result was already out or not. I am so fortunate that it was actually.

So, w/o wasting my time.. I asked him what did I get?? Innocently answering my question.. "You failed again" he said and I was terribly shocked! "you sure? AGAIN? Please dont lied to me sir!!" with my voice a lil bit dissapointed... Then he answered "I was just joking, you got 'A', and Thank You for getting an A for me. You should bring me food for it".

And I was speechless and suddenly the tears fall apart!... Without I wanting it to happened, I suddenly fall to the ground and my colleagues was a bit terrified with what had just happened. They thought I was receiving a bad news. I dont care what had just happened.. And at the end of the conversation, I directly said Thanks So Much to Mr Reji for my result..

My colleagues was still wondering.. what had happened. I said I got an A for my exam. They were shocked and said "You were crying because you got an A?" I simply said "Yes, I did" and they congratulate me for that.


Alhamdulillah Ya Allah... Allah gave me another unexpected happiness... :) But yet I am still awaiting one more subject, my Management. I stucked with my management again. So the overall result was 1 A's, 4 B's and 2 C's. Alhamdulillah.......... Syukran ya Allah...........

Next I am looking forward for my Graduation Next Year! I just can't wait to wear a graduation robe.... :') And officially to be an International Diploma in Business Admin Holder.

Mr Reji informed me that I can skip my HNC and HND year and directly go pursue my degree at Cosmo. The first intake will be September 2012. Registration open in January 2012.. I was soo happy to hear that.... A great good news indeed! :)

Alhamdulillah... May Allah blessed all of us.

Never say never! Never give up... Keep moving though you move slow and steady but keep your consistency. InsyAllah Allah will give the way~

Lotsa Love,

Thursday 8 September 2011

Life must go on...

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin to All my beloved families and friends who are somewhere out there in this world. This year of Hari Raya was well prepared. I have managed to cut my budget on an unnecessary spending. But to tell the truth I have 6 set of Hari Raya Baju. But luckily I get it done way before Hari Raya comes in, even before Ramadhan. This was so because of the lesson learnt last year where everything was last minute. I am just so happy about that improvement. The second thing was that, in terms of budget wise - if everything to pay in one go, all my salary will definitely broke down. LoL.

In terms of my study, I Have just finished my final subject last term. Im awaiting my result for this upcoming 16 days left. Last Monday, I met Mr. Reji with regards to my subject to be taken this term (September) as I decided to continue to my 2nd year. Time flew very fast, I dont realised that my 1st year has gone through. Been through the ups and downs. But so far, Alhamdulillah. Managed to study different interesting subjects. This term, ill be continuing my study to my second year which is International Advance Diploma (IAD) which is equivalent to Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Business Administration. I may take only one subject this semester because CCCT only offer 2 subjects which is Business Law(BL) & Quantitative Method(QM) this term. Unfortunately, The class for QM is on Friday from 3pm to 6pm which I will not be able to attend due to work commitment. My first class of the week was conducted yesterday - wednesday, 7th September 2011. Only 2 people attended the class, the rest was still missing! So Lucky ME! haha I can concentrate more on this very difficult yet interesting subject.. Law is out of my boundary. But somewhat I am starting to like it but I have catch up with Law Jargon starting from now! :D

Anyhoos, with regards to my French Class, AF called me yesterday about my class. She asked me either I want to continue this coming term or next term. As I think back, If I continue on the next term, I will tend to forgot the lesson, as French is not easy - it does required intensive study in order to understand the grammar, the verb to be, the verb to have, to familiarize more masculine and feminine word, etc.. etc.. InsyAllah, if time permits I decided to continue.

Talking about my activities this year, I have done so many things this year. I think it was my year Full of activities. From Work to my study. BRIDEX, my BA course, my french classes, business and rasamas. I think I am half way trough my dreams. But Distractions along the way doesn't bother me. People who just knew me this year may say... "Semua jua kau buat ani..., nda ko ngalih kah?" I have no specific answer to that. If I were to say I am tired, Yes I am tremendously tired! But My dream is still my dream, as long as I know how to handle everything, it should be fine right? Divide my time accordingly and spent my time wisely. People often underestimate me with what I have done. But it does not matter, as long as I still know who I am in this world and everything I do is for the sake of my family and myself.

I have so many things to achieve, While I'm still young and can effort to earn money, I will continue/pursue my studies no matter in what field I intend to do. Let me just tell you a bit of everything I've done:

1. Involved with BRIDEX - To gain more experience (to be out of my comfort zone)

2. Involved with Online business - To earn more income & to study how to manage business and finance matter.

3. Working with Rasamas - Initially before I was confirm my promotion as A.E to Deputy Chief Executive (aka P.A) and I did business, I work here because to earn more income as I decided to pursue my study. My school fees is way too expensive for me. Which therefore it make me do so. It has been one year plus working with rasamas and at one time I decided to resign but My boss told me to think twice. And finally I feel like continuing so I did.

4. French classes - To get additional knowledge. Tho some may underestimate me in this matter. I will still pursue it no matter what.

5. Last but not least my IADBA - This is the qualification that will determine my work in the future.

It's up to you to precepts me in everything I done. I just be my authentic self - it's my only opportunity, fully utilizing my youth, isn't this what the government wanted to see - an active youth who are independent and active. This is what I have been doing this year. So, I really need your pray and support. I will not disappoint all of you. InsyAllah..


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