Friday 14 December 2012

My Special Day!!!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Life is like a wheel.

Assalamualaikum Sahabati.

Today I feel like writting, walau only few sahabat yang akan membacanya but syukur dapat berbagi kebahagiaan. If mom know she maybe mad at me now for sharing life stories here. Anyway, I just wana share few moments happening around last september tho.

And how to start? hmm.. it was started off when I heard a sad news from my family in Jakarta, when my Auntie texted me and mom that my Grandfather was ill on sunday morning. And mom feels like going back home the soonest possible! So I decided to deposit a cash to my cash card, where unfortunately after I deposit some cash I thought I can use the card directly to book a ticket online but I was false. As I called Call centre, they explained that it takes 2 days to be able to use the cash that I deposited. Where I went home with disappointment. If only I could call them earlier, my mom probably be back in Jakarta on the same day or early monday morning.

So as time goes by, we decided to book the ticket by monday morning, it was one fine morning, I went to work as usual, and mom went to the bank to withraw some money and went to airasia to book the ticket. I decided to join after my work is done. Unfortunately, on the same morning I received another text by my aunt saying that "Mbah Meninggal" where my heart pound so quick and I was so nervous where tears started to fall. Then mom called asking  things about the ticket pricing. And I told her on the spot that her father just passed away and she was shocked and suddenly the environment was quite for a moment. I was so nervous that I should have informed her face to face rather than on the phone. Then I decided to take one day emergency leave to settle things up and send mom to the airport for an afternoon flight, 10th Sept 2012... 

To cut it short, it was 4 days till my birthday. Since early of the year, I got good news and come a time just exactly before my 24th birthday my grandfather passed away. I was so sad to be left alone with my brother at these time, but Allah have another plan. I accept it with open heart. And just be positive.. 

As days goes by, towards the end of September. On the 25th, at dawn, My cat died. Indescribable feeling at that time. Was wondering and keep on thinking it was a gloomy september, indeed! I dont feel it was my year... May beloved cat Mimit, the night before she died.. I was cleaning up the kitchen and she went out and I thought it would be ok to leave her outside cos usually nothing happen. So I was so stupid that I don't even care.. I never expect that this would happened. So during the dawn, I heard dogs barking around the house, at first I don't really care cos I was so sleepy that suddenly I woke up as I remember Mimit was outside without thinking further, I shoo the dogs away and I went out of the house taking with me my Car key to switch on the highlight, the weather I remember was raining cats and dogs. So I dare myself to go out and checked cos I was so worried when I called up Mimit's name but no respond I suddenly saw a small body lying just infront of the coconut tree, as I go near...Im speechless the body was motionless and I thought it was other cat, BUT No, it was Mimit! :'( I really feel sory for her... if not because of me letting her out that night, things will not happened! :'(

Well anyway, taking it positively again... I believed that Allah loves her more.  Was so sad... but no one to turn to, only my brother understand me how I felt.. he said..." it was a very sady month for me..." I said yes, indeed...but it's okay".

But I was so happy that on the same day, 25th September 2012 was my luckiest day too where I received a call from jpke informing me to dropby to their office to take a letter. I was curious, but was stupid that I dont even ask! Haiyaa!! All I can think, was I getting an offer for a scholarship? was I?? Was I?? was so anxious! So the next day straight from home I went to jpke to take the letter. Alhamdulillah, I was so thankful that they said I was given a scholarship to further my studies to degree... Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin......... Subhanallah, I was terribly indescribably happy with joy and butterflies in my stomach! Feels like wanted to screem! Once again, the officer in charge congratulate me! and I was really-really happy! Alhamdulillah..... :))))) The morning I received the letter, I texted mom that I got the scholarship! Subhanallah... Mom this is for you. And She's really happy... :)

Remebering my conversation with her just before she departed to Jakarta, I have a small fight with her and I was ssssoooooo sad, when I cried like a kid wanted a toys! Tersedu sedan.. (Overly sad) why?? 

Because of financial issues my mom suddenly said, 

"Nadiah, No need to further your studies cos we need money at the moment. Your studies is too expensive! It's better for you to work and save money first" ........and the conversation goes on... I cried terribly infront of her, but I don't speak a thing, except to keep on crying. I really wanted to further my studies.. I really amm..........!!! I know I'm angry and my mouth seperti bisu kelu. Whenever I remember this conversation and realising that I got this scholarship my tears wil definitely fall! :'( :'( :'(  

Dear friends, who would expect, initially she keep motivating me to further my study when suddenly she change her mind! (due to financial problem). Despite the rain, a rainbow came. Despite the sorrow & hardship, success just around the corner. Who would expect that right? I really am feel grateful & thankful now. Alhamdulillah..... 

Allah is great! Allah is the best planner... It's just us either to give up or to move on...

Till then, Je'taime beaucoup! Mwah! ;)

Saturday 29 September 2012

Bermimpi biar sampai ke bulan...

If you don't reach the moon, at least you land among the stars.... :)


Alhamdulillahi Rabbil alamin.... Officially seorang Mahasiswi now...This is especially for my beloved parents.. Ahirnya impian Ayah dan Mama kesampaian... Semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar sehingga ke ahirnya... Aaamiiinnnnn Insyallah! :')

May I present to you a beutiful song from Andien... 
Semoga kebahagiaan ini dapat diraikan bersama... :)

Yours Truly,

Friday 28 September 2012

Joyeux Anniversaire Puteri!

Salam, these are among the happenings during my birthday. Thanks to those involved! A big appreciation to all my beloved friends...

 One of it's kind birthday treat, Michelle Lazar Facial Treatment...
Love it but terkejut! huhu
Thanks to the Gangsisters (1st Phase Surprise!) :)
 Birthday-Dinner-Date-treat + watched a Movie (Salam Cinta)
with Mr. B. (My partner in Birthday!)
Hua hua he's my 1 day older than me friend..

Surprise gift from beloved CEO and my attachment student.
Thanks to these wonderful ladies...

 2nd phase Birthday Treat & Surprise.
Tak jemu-jemu dorang ni..

Mula2 konon kan bawa jogging uh? Then surprise me a Birthday cake at Tasek and thanks to the public for singing a birthday song & your clapping hands is very much appreciated! Lol *malu*
A total surprise exactly infront of the public. Bravo guys! :p

Next phase a surprise movie ticket plus a Super Huge Birthday Card and thanks for singing a birthday song at The Mall guys! Bravo again. You guys just love surprises right! haha
Very well planned Birthday Surprise and thanks for making my day!!!!!

I love you all :)

My Besties Graduations!!

Our photoshoot with beloved besties!

 Bachelor in Public Relations
BA in Geography

Yours Truly

Eid Mubarak 2012

Salam everyone. This is my due picture for Hari Raya... :)

Yours Truly,

Thursday 23 August 2012


 Assalamualaikum Wr Wb



Tulus Ikhlas dari,
Nadiah HJL serta Keluarga
Syawal 1433H

Raya 2012 Preparation!

Salam everyone. It was more than a month of preparing for Hari Raya (Syawal 2012). Been doing things properly, planned every single thing til the day came. Everything furnished! 

This was some of the House Faulty that I have to face before Raya came

Well, I should've taken picture of the actual "BEFORE" small-renovation done to my living room & kitchen but I was helpless at that time was so tired and very busy to take picture. And here it is the "AFTER" picture.

 I know it's not as gorgeous as what you may think, nevertheless - Home sweet Home!

And what makes me happy even more when everything is set-up, Food is packed, Green Packet been concealed and simply ready for Raya! (This time no last-minute)

Things done and bought for this renovation, 

1) Bought 2 sets of kitchen cabinet
2) 3 sets of wall paint (Purple for kitchen, Red for Living room & White (Outside)
3) New Cushion Set

Please be reminded, before that you can say I am wasting (Membazir), after for how many years we have been using the same thing over & over, the year 2012 is the year we need a lil bit of changes! We have been purchasing things earlier way too far before Raya came. This is to be taken into account is our Baju Raya, Yes... I have been planning what materials and colour to wear this coming raya as early as March and sending them to the boutique in April and it's done by end of May!

You know, year 2012 is just perfect! Alhamdulillah with the help of expert (i.e. My beloved Mommy) everything went well. 

One tips from her to share with you guys about how to plan your financial before raya is... prepare things as early as possible and purchase what you want to purchase one after another. For e.g. March's salary you buy Kain for Raya, April's salary you pay your tailor, May's salary you buy furniture (when needed), June's salary you purchase sofa (when needed), and the list goes on (when needed!)

 That's tips from Mom! I have encountered a lot of last minute examples whereby all of the above-mentioned specifically preparing Baju Raya only for 'a month' before raya (this is typical! common! in Brunei) and frankly speaking I hate it! Why? 1) Rushing, 2) No guarentee the tailor would be able to get it done on time! 3) Big possibility the tailor would sew our baju hantam-hantam as a result "imperfect" - & of course some may "COMPLAINT" (and definitely a BIG NO time to alter it!) True heh? So, think of it!

So, here it is, while people is busy doing things, I am busy relaxing... :) Mind my word, don't think of the harsh-wise! But think of the True-wise. (Mind my ENGLISH) 

P/s: I only have one baju Raya this year! Great for those who use their last year's baju raya & bad for them who've had more than one baju raya this year.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri people! :)

Till then,

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Ramadhan Feast!

Salam Ramadhan,

Our company's 3 in 1 Function
Majlis Khatam Al-Quraan,
24th Company's Anniversary
Bersungkai bersama anak2 yatim

 Annual gathering with my lovelies, Iftar @ Pastamania! :)

Friday 3 August 2012

My adorable ones!

I Have SEVEN of them. 5 from Memel and one from adopted  cat.




 Assalamualaikum Dear Friends...

Last Friday, I bought Diamante Charm Pins for my Hijab from Beads Heaps!! Imma loyal customer to Beads Heaps!! Thanks Nadia for your creative ideas!
Love it to the max!!
(Btw, Nadia was the owner of Beads Heaps!
 I know we have one thing in common, our NAME!)

(These are some of my collection from Beads Heaps & mixed with others)

Last but not least, was given a Swarovski Shamballa Macrame Bracelete from my CEO. It's done by her daughter Zati, such a creative girl! Thanks Izzati :)

"Ideas inspire creativity, creativity inspire changes!"

Lotsa Love,

Ain's B-Day Surprise!


May all your wishes comes true!

Thursday 26 July 2012

Rose Ana's Bday Surprise


As early as 6am our plan begins... hehe Apology for the too early birthday surprise! 
At least 90% success!! hohoho

Monday 16 July 2012


(Indahnya Bahagia itu... Sesungguhnya aku cemburu... Maafkan aku ya Allah...)


Ya Allah, berikan Hambamu ini cinta yang sederhana dan berada di jalanMu...
Aku tak mahu cinta itu atas dasar Nafsu...
Aku tak mahu cinta itu atas dasar Kekayaan...
Aku tak mahu cinta itu atas dasar-dasar lainnya...
Sesungguhnya cinta yang kekal adalah cinta kepada sang Pencipta...
Ya Allah berikanku cinta berdasarkan agama yang ada padaMu ya Allah...
...agar ia bisa membimbingku pada jalanMu...

Aku kesal, kesal, kesal...
Kerana dahulu cinta yang hadir bukan cinta yang kuimpikan sekarang...
Sesungguhnya aku sadar...

Maaf buat semua...
Mungkin dahulu aku sang pencari cinta...
Namun kini, aku berserah kepadaMu ya Allah...
Hanya engkau yang bisa membimbingku...
Menuju JalanMu...

Sesungguhnya cinta pada agamaMu itulah...
...yang memberikan ku kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat...

Nukilan sang perindu kebahagiaan,
Adriana Puteri Nadia
(Nadiah HJL)


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Happy Birthday Abi !

Monday 2 July 2012

Outing With My Babies!

Salam, Hi peers! :D 

I had my sundays with Lovely colleagues as usual at The Colony Tea Room, Movies outing and Shop some Friendship-Accessories. We bought Rings and Butterfly-Engrave Keychain with our name on it. hehe 

Yours Truly,

Sunday 1 July 2012

Woman & Fashion


Dear Friends... Last Saturday Night, I went to Mia Mia Style Studio at the Airport Mall for a talk show about Woman & Fashion with Affi. It's one of it's kind in Brunei. Our special guest were Putri Norizah. I am glad that we have such event in Brunei, Wishing that one day we will officially have Hijabers Community in Brunei. 

~A gift from Still Carving and bought bangles from MMSS~

Yours Faithfully,


designer : anniebluesky :