Tuesday 12 October 2010

A day when result was out...

.....and it's finally out. I've managed to get 1B and 2 Fail. it is when we should expect the unexpected. And the time when P.A texted me that the result was out. My hand was shaking...and I just went on to my deskstop and without wasting my time I open my IVC and check my result. AND it turns out to be unexpected result. I was really hoping for my PQM to b at least C my POA to be F. But my POA turns out to be a hope that I used to have during my economics time where i hope for little luck in this subject and it was turn out to be out of the blue.. Anyhoos, tho I am a bit sad for the 2 subjects, I am happy for some reason. At least Ive got a 'B' for accounting.

More or less, morale of the story... Do not over expect a particular thing but do not least expect either. As you will in the end realised that if you put too much expectation on a particular matter in the end you suffer a loss! Cus I still remember when I am too much concentrated on my PoA even more than a week before the finals exam. Everyday accounting. At work I will ask Anoy my ex colleague about accounting and even at college I ask Alif for accounting. Not even that, I've attended extra-class with my lecturer just for the sake of PoA... i put too much effort in it! sigh oh well... what matters now I should balance it... its a lesson learnt. =)

And I would also like to congratulate to my lovely sweet duckling :) Congratulation on your outsatanding result. I pray for your success and may happiness shower your life more and more. Well, deep in my heart I wanted to beat and smack you down... But I am not sure if I ever could smack you cus I dont have the strength and I just cant do it cus I love you..hehe And well you are strong anyway. haha I know I am talking nonsense! But still it was balance! We still got 3 B's on the same subject... haha *rasa2han inda mau alah* hehe

Wow, life... life... life... I wish to have a healthy and wonderful life... I want to feel like this forever... I thank you all once again for the support given! I love you all deep from my heart and thanks for being part of my lovely beautiful life.

Today, tho I am a bit disappointed and down but people come and go to my office brings and left me with lots of laughter and smile... I laugh out loud with them today. simply loving my every moments... All in all, I am now getting my motivation back to do my assignments and school works done.. I believe that one happiness day of graduation will come to me.

I have sent my letter of advance leave to rasamas to apply for leave for the month of November and December. Alhamdulillah...I know now I have the chance to concentrate on doing my assignments.. ^^,

Orite guys.. a lil update from me. Till then...

ILY & IMY teddy's duckling! =')

Yours truly,

Saturday 9 October 2010

due date..

Wow!! Due date for 1st DRAFT Assignment is in 2 weeks time...And its gona be another 6000 words. A gentle reminder for P.A and A.P. due date is coming so soon... we have to do it!~~ Chaiyo-Chaiyo!! No wasting time.. ^_^


Thursday 7 October 2010

fond memories...

We were walking, shivering in the cold wind. Yet your company was warm. Every words exchanged with you, keeps a fire burning inside of me. You fuel me.

We walked. Side by side.Occasionally we bumped into each other out of playfulness. It was nice. I’m truly myself when I’m around you.

It was very cold, who knew the wind would blow so hard that night.

And then, our hands met.

I took hold of your hand. They were small, nevertheless, warm.

Our fingers interlock. That bind, so strong. I don’t ever want to let your hand go. You squeezed lightly. I squeezed back. Suddenly, the cold weather isn't so cold anymore.

Hand in hand we walked around aimlessly. But with your hand in mine, we’re not lost. We had nowhere to got, yet, we are going somewhere. On an adventure? Perhaps. Every moment with you feels like an adventure.

Your hand in mine. My hand……..in yours. We looked into each other’s eyes. And smiled.

My hands, forever yours.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Langit tak selalunya cerah...

Begitulah lumrah hidup... Kadang kita di atas dan kadang pula kita berada dibawah... Tiga tahun yang lalu, hidupku sama seperti ini... ditinggal pergi begitu saja, tahun seterusnya seperti itu juga. Setelah itu, jika difikirkan tentang keadaan yang pernah menimpa diri ini. Tiada cinta dan harapan yang bisa membuatkan ku jatuh lagi...namun begitu, tidak disangka cinta itu hadir sekali lagi. Hadir untuk merobek hati ku sekali lagi. Mengikut kata hatiku yg kejam...memang semua lelaki sama. Suka mempermainkan perasaan wanita. Sudah menjadi lumrah alam, begitu kejadiaannya. Namun jauh disudut hati dan perasaanku aku mengasihani mereka ini. Adakah kerana kasihan itu membuat hidup ku sendiri tak tentu arah?

Ceritera ku ini adalah umpama novel kisah cinta yang sukar dimengerti. Boleh dikata seperti mengapai bintang dilangit. Kita menyintainya dan mengaharapnya sepenuh hati, kita sangat tertarik dengan keindahanya, namun begitu, sayangnya kita hanya tergapai-gapai ingin memeggang bintang itu. Kita mengharapnya berada disisi namun itu semua hanya mimpi indah yang tak bisa menjadi kenyataan...

Hati pernah berkata aku tak mau bercinta lagi...aku mau teruskan perjuanganku. Kejayaan sepenuhnya belum ku kecapi. Aku berharap suatu hari nanti pasti ada lagi yang terbaik...

Monday 4 October 2010

September come and go...

Assalamualaikum Cik Abang and Cik Adik Sekalian...

CCCT Hari Raya Celebrations


Happy 22nd Birthday to the Owner of this blog,
Adriana Puteri Nadia
14th Septmeber 2010


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