Sunday 30 January 2011

Renungan renungkan lah...

Adakalanya kita perlu menangis agar kita tahu hidup ini bukan sekadar ketawa,
adakalanya kita perlu ketawa agar kita tahu mahalnya nilai airmata,
syukurlah kiranya ada yang menyakitimu,
kerana dia mengajarmu erti TABAH,
syukurlah kiranya ada yang tidak memperdulikan mu,
kerana dia mengajarmu BERDIKARI,
syukurlah jika ada yang menjatuhkanmu,
kerana dia menghebatkanmu untuk terus BANGUN LAGI,
syukurlah kiranya ada yang menyiksamu,
kerana dia mengajarmu erti KESABARAN & KETABAHAN.

Petikan kata-kata mutiara dari seorang sahabat dalam Facebook.


Saturday 29 January 2011

Alhamdulillah.... I passed!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh....

First thing that I can say is... YEAY!! ALHAMDULILLAH~~ I PASSED! And 3 subject to go... Ya Allah ya Rabbana.. Seseungguhnya aku bersyukur kepadamu.. Kerana engkau berikan aku kejayaan ini... Alhamdulillah...

I know the result was out Yesterday Friday 28th January 2011. But I didnt tell anyone. Cos i knew it from miss mahirah's status. Then I try to check my result myself from the IVC. But they block the result. So, i texted biah through MSN this morning. I asked her to text me once she checked the result for me.

So, when i was doing my work at RAsamas. Biah called me from college. She told me the result and it turn to be unexpected. Accounting C and Marketing B and only management i stuck it is RX. After biah told me that i was terribly happy.... soo happy! I just cant believe it.. ^.^ And i text miss mahirah directly to thankss her for teaching me marketing. And I dont regret coming to every of her extra classes! I still remember when I attend the last extra class before exam. its only 3 people out of 20 plus student turn out attending her extra class. Alhamdulillah. I managed again! Yeay.

So, only 3 more to go and to be achieved. Smoga segala perjalanan ku lancar semester terakhir.. Day by day when i look back my result.. I, myself dont believe its happening. I managed to get 4 B's and 1 C. Alhamdulillah..

Tahniah kepada yang pass... To myself.. masih ada 3 subject untuk didapatkan.. smoga segalanya lancar aminn amin ya Rabbalamin... ^.^

~This was me this morning~
hehe :D

Sunday 23 January 2011

Keliru - Ruth Sahanaya...

In my heart there are doubts
Which I was reluctant to speak of
I've just realize that there's used to be a part of your heart
which you have kept for her
I love you I long to be in your embrace - in your heart
But I was wrong for having killed the love between you and her
I love you I long to be in your embrace
I want to end everything (that has happened)
but daydream brought you back....
Dear God, please forgive me for naively stepping forward and causing doubt in his heart...



Jika kamu memancing ikan.... Setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu.... Janganlah sesekali kamu LEPASKAN ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja.... Karena ia akan SAKIT oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup.

Begitulah juga ......... Setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang... Setelah ia mulai MENYAYANGIMU hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya.... Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja.... Kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia mengingatmu....

Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh.... cukuplah sekadar keperluanmu.... Apabila sekali ia retak.... tentu sukar untuk kamu menambalnya semula.... Akhirnya ia dibuang.... Sedangkan jika kamu cuba memperbaikinya mungkin ia masih dapat dipergunakan lagi....

Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, TERIMALAH seadanya.... Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya begitu istimewa.... Anggaplah dia manusia biasa. Apabila sekali dia melakukan KESILAPAN bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya.... akhirnya kamu KECEWA dan meninggalkannya. Sedangkan jika kamu MEMAAFKANNYA boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan TERUS hingga ke akhirnya....

Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi... yang kamu pasti baik untuk dirimu. Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba mencari makanan yang lain.. Terlalu ingin mengejar kelezatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya. Kamu akan menyesal.

Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan..... yang pasti membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu. MENYAYANGIMU... MENGASIHIMU... Mengapa kamu berlengah, cuba MEMBANDINGKANNYA dengan yang lain. Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan. Kelak, kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang ain Kamu juga yang akan MENYESAL....

Wednesday 19 January 2011

My January :)

Salam Everyone. I know the new beginning of 2011 has been so quite. Even the picture for my last post I didnt have time to upload it. I am so tired. Im sorry.. Anyway, Let me just upload a few of the pictures that has been caught along the way..


New Year Celebration With the Lovelies 'Bu Ajah's Gang...'


Sumbangsih Mulia With My Colleagues...


with My colleagues...


Arcade Photobooth

Saturday Getaway at Yayasan...


Dyah's 22nd Birthday...
HaPPY Birthday Dy Sinchan..
hehe *Hugs*


Futsall Court
(Left Wing of BRIDEX Hall)

Badminton Court
(Right Wing of BRIDEX Hall)

Me and Zar ready to play!

Me and Rose posing for the best Badminton ladies! hehe
*and.....the winnneeer is all the losers.. haha* xp

Good Luck for the upcoming Months... There are many more to come... Many more happiness to be achieved! I LOVE YOU 2011.... Hugs!!

Yours truly,

Wednesday 12 January 2011


Madah Dari Hukama:

* Banyak diam tidak semestinya bodoh, banyak cakap tidak semestinya cerdik, kerana kecerdikan itu buah fikiran, orang cerdik yang pendiam lebih baik dari orang bodoh yang banyak cakap.

* Menasihati orang yang bersalah, tidak salah. Yang salah memikirkan kesalahan orang.

* Kalau orang menghina kita, bukan kita terhina, yang sebenarnya orang itu menghina dirinya sendiri.

Manusia tidak akan dapat mengalahkan syaitan kecuali dengan diam. Jalan yang terbaik ialah diam kalau kita tidak dapat bercakap ke arah perkara-perkara yang baik. Bicara yang baik adalah lambang hati yang baik dan bersih yang bergantung kepada kekuatan iman pada diri manusia.

Monday 3 January 2011

My December 2010 Vacation.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh...

Wow, Warkah kali ini mungkin agak menarik sedikit, dimana Adriana Puteri went to Jakarta Indonesia last december. Being there for over a week, really taught me a lot of things. Besides having a vacation and visiting family members. We went to Indonesia by Air Asia Airlines where we have to transit from KK. My vacation was only for 9 days from 23rd Dec til 31st Dec. (Including 1 night stay in KK)

On the 1st Day, Thursday, 23rd Dec 2010. In the morning, we visited my dad's cemetry. This is just to give prayers for him before we left Brunei. Then in the afternoon our flight was at 1pm. Going to KK via airplanes only took 1/2 hours. "Rasanya baru naik dah mendarat pulak.." hehe. So anyways, we have to transit there for 7 hours before departing for Jakarta. So during the 7 hours time. We appreciate our time and went to visit my mom's foster sister. I am a bit pitty with them, cus they are the less fortunate people. They have 5 kids living in a very small rental house with only 2 bedrooms. We spent our time there listening to their stories.. well, exchanging stories actually.

Then, we reached Jakarta at around 10.30pm. And when we were out of the terminal, I saw my uncles waiting for us there. Once they saw us, they immediately approach us. And the best thing that I have done for mum is when I meet her back with her family... :') Im so touched... I never saw guys (my uncles) cried because they missed my mum (their sisters) so much. Ya Allah.. Thanks for the barakkah of my rezki that you gave to me, I can make mom and her family happy again... Then, we go straight to my auntie's house at Tanggerang, the suburban of Jakarta. We took 1 hour to reach to her house.. On our way there we talk and updates on each other life.. it was a relieve to know everything's doing fine. When we reached to my aunt's house we were welcomed and another moment of truth we have to face. My aunt then cried again...because its been 10 years they didnt see us. So then...the story goes for the first day.

On the 2nd day, Friday, 24th December 2010. (A.M) Early in the morning, I wake up and had a wonderful breakfast. Pertama kali breakfast di jakarta setelah sekian lama.. After everyone was ready, we start our first journey to meet my grandparents. We went there via 'Angkot' This medium of transportation is a van that only enough for 12 seats. This transportation is the second cheapest medium of transportation only 3000 the first was train 2000 per person. hehe So after we reached Pondok Labu from there we take bus to Blok A. In the bus, "Pengamen" start to do their job. huhu. Some pengamen is very scary u know. There are different types of pengamen, ada punk rock, etc. What i meant by Pengamen here is orang menyanyi inside of the bus. The one that i encounter along the way were first a nomal guy sing a song with his guitar and the other was a gurl whose singing but she only making a noise, the voice was teribbly worse. Only god knows. They did this just for the means of their survival by singing and then begging for donation. yeah..quite interesting there.. And from blok A we naik bajai. the small orange transport.. a classic transportation. We reached to my grandparents house around noon. When i reached there, the environment turns tearful. Where my granny cried and say "Cucuku sudah pulang" besides they hugs me tight. I also met my cousins and aunt there. A very tearful and joyful moments !! We hang out there til night..

On the 3rd day, Saturday, 25th December 2010. Mom decided to have a thanksgiving ceremony for our family get back together after 10 years. So, in the morning we went to the wet market. Same like Brunei..and i love accompanying mum there where we bought a lot of veges, fruits, wet food, and everything for our ceremony. I remind mum that I wanted to eat Buntil. This is like sayur ubi (for Brunei) but the special thing was the sayur ubi was wrapped by plastic rope and inside it contains kelapa parut.. ermm... teribbly scupmtious. hehe :p So, pagi we went shopping to the wet market, in the afternoon we start the ceremony. All our family gathered in my aunts place in Pondok Cabe in Tanggerang City. :o) And in the evening, i went to SCB and its my first time riding a motor bike, My uncle brought me there. Its awkward and nervous at the same time. hehe i mean for riding the bike la okay? hehe

The next day, on the 26th December. Our next plan was going to buy my brother's laptop. There was a lot of cheap laptop there. So, me and my cousins (iiq n fia) went to POINS SQUARE. It was quite big mall. mcm the mall but tinggi lagi 7 floor. So there, the whole afternoon we spent our time surveying and bought one ACER Laptop for my bro. and he actually get free voucher to get one printer. But i think its impossible for us to bring printer in our baggage so my bro change it to other computer stuff i.e. mouse, cooling pad etc. And i bought one digital camera, Casio Exilim 12 mp. haha :D abis usin nyamu membali naindah.. haha but anyway everything is cheaper disana then in Malaysia. FOR REALLLLL!!!!~

So on Monday, 27th Jan we went to Pantai Anyer in Jawa Barat. We actually decided to go to Bali but due to time constraint, we decide either to go to Puncak in Bandung (Where there are tea growing area, the area and environment is very cold) but my grandmother said, you can only see tea garden there and gunung ganang. So, the next choice was went to Anyer Beach in Banten Jawa Barat. In the end, we decided to go to the beach. It was a very long journey of 2 hours plus.. huhu :s then we go round the mountain merentas gunung yang tinggi di Bogor and i really love the beauty there...truly.. :) So, at the beach i was told by my uncle that infornt of us was the mount karakatoa. Im curious "For real?" yes it is, but i didnt see any mountain ahead of us. Yeah, at that time the weather was foggy. so, we can't see it clearly. It was an awesome trip for me as i love the beauty of the nature..

On Tuesday, 28th December, we went again to Blok M to bali barang-barang-barang. Thats mean Shopping time berabisly!!~ Its totally worth shopping! To be counted, I bought so many things there Bag ,baju jalan, baju kerja, selipar, kasut. LoL. please dont laugh. I know Imma gurl and i saw a lot of cheap2 things that for sure! haha :D Being once in a life time shoppaholic! So, our afternoon of shoppings end with visiting my Mom's BEST FRIEND. I intend not to stop shopping but mum said she insisted to go visit her friend since she was in secondary school. Can you imagine, for how long they have not met each other? wow....its been 26 years... omg!!! They really missing each other for sure. So, we went there with my grandmother, mom, myself and my bro. We went there by taxi. It was raining heavily but Alhamdulillah everything went good! Once we reached there, we encounter another moments of joyful and tearful again! haha :D It's totally been quite a while. The husband and the wife is mum's classmate. We even browse through their old picture and i saw mum when she was young. OMG! hehehe :D So, we end the meeting by having dinner at the nearby restaurant called D'COst. There we meet another a close friend of them. fiewwhh... its a very interesting life classic story.. hehe

Now this is the moment on the 29th December is the day that I have been waiting for was visiting MONAS and we went there by train. It was an awesome experience. Iski plus sakai, for the first time naik kereta api hahaha...*memalukan* huhu Before we reached the train station I was several times reminded to be aware and be cautious because there are a lot of crimes there! So, Please be more cautious if you are willing to go to Jakarta. hehe Its fun but must be careful everywhere you go. One thing that i have to remind is do not show off that u are foreigners and even banyak usin as in KAYA (Menunjuk2) Kalau di negeri sendiri tak pe jadi org kaya. But di negeri orang, JANGAN SEKALI2!! Baik nampakkan jadi org yg sederhana saja.. Anyways, We start our journey by Naik Angkot again, and then when we reach the train station, initially we have our plan in mind not to continue the journey cos its raining heavily. So, I said since its still early, we go shopping to the nearby areas. So, after one hour of shopping, the rain stop. Along the way, I saw cheap flats and i bought 2 sets for Afy (her request) Lawa2... irresistable!! Along the way to the station as well, its a bit scary but we just chill and relax no panicking or watsoever. The ticket was cheap only RP2000 equivalent to BND0.30 cent. 30 CENTS BAbe!?! lol. BUT, you know what? when i saw the train coming, Oh maiii gattt!!~~ It is packed with peeepholless.. All I can do is just Tawakkal. Im so lucky becos we went there with my uncle. SO, he take good care of me, bro n my cousin, Fia. Another interesting thing to share is in the train rite? Berbagai ragam dan kerenah orang2nya. Wana know what? Bnyak pengemis? And Banyak pengamen. Besides yang rajin menjual makanan walau apapun dijualnya... macam2 ada!! Keisan lah ku jua sebenarnya.. kalau boleh aku mau tolong semua org2 susah atu. Ganya i dont have "Wang Recehan" (Usin damit2) alahai...

So, around 1/2 hour in the train we reached Jakarta Pusat. we started to walk to the MONAS. Monas is a short form of Monumen Nasional. Its like KLCC of Malysia. And MONAS is Jakarta. You can even naik the monas building and see the entire of JAKARTA. But unfortunately, time's limited and its realllly a long que! Mcm snake ada jua rasaku cus terlalu panjang. Pls believe me that the ticket is only RP5000 babe.. Cheap rite? less than a brunei dollar. huhu. :p There we take picture, we went to the undergroundfloor museum, we bought souvenirs...... Mcm urang pun bangang melihat kami bali souvinirs smpai berpuluh2. Dorang bali 2-3 buting haha :D *mun paham bisai* Anyways, after that my uncle said he want to go for prayer, but i insist not to go to their surau cus its crowded, and i feel uneasy. Guess where we go? Masjid Istiqlal... Its really awesome. A very-very-very biq mosque! 7th floor and huge mosque. AWESOME!! I Likes. *Mom Jealous cus ia blm pernah merasai kesana* btw, mum is ALWAYS not with us ah.. cus she have other plans as well. After prayer, we go SHOPPING again. Im sory I have to hahaha :D So we went to Pasar Cipulir *a bit weird name rite* but pls think as if u dont realise anything ahaha :p The good thing here is this is the place I have been waiting for becos CHEAPEST in town! where they sell wholesale things. You know what I rather go to this kinda place rather going to the mall.. Mall quite expensive! So, here we buy 1/2 dozen jeans and 1/2 dozen work attire! and many other things.. and we end the nite berkumpul dirumah my aunt rehat becos the next day will be our last day!! Ohh nearly forget, on that day itself, was Piala AFF Finals happening. So, this is my first time experience seeing alot of people wearing red shirt to support their Indonesian team. Like Everywhere?? haha even when kami otw to Cipulir, kan we pass through the kereta api station. Like kerana telah terlalu sempit, the passenger seats on top of the trains.. Omg. Indonesia is really uncontrollable in terms of football. quite scary.. huhu :s Wen we reach home, jalan raya sunyi semacam saja.. haha all becos of football. Sdh smpai rmh blm lagi abis tu.. smpai sja dirumah they watch tv on the football channel.. like arghh football again? xp

Thursday, 30th December 2010. Our flight to KK will be at 4 in the afternoon. As early as 8 a.m. me and my uncle went to cipulir again to change my jeans becos sempit! huhu :s so, after changing my suitable size, we go directly to Carefour, to buy my baggage fees. As airasia need to pre-booked your baggage so that u have a discounted price rather u pay it on the spot at the counter! So, while waiting the air asia counter to open, i went inside carefour to look around, and i saw PINK Baggage.. as advice by my I bought it.. *last minute shopping* :p haha :p Then after settling the pre booked baggage we went home straight away. My mum almost jalan sudah. haha :p So before we go to Bandara Soekarno Hatta International Airport, we drop by to my Grandparents home to say the last goodbye to them and also to my relatives. Ohh, after a week of joyful moment, we have to say good bye.. Until we meet them again next time. :') The clock is ticking very fast, that we only have 2 hours left to intrude the traffic in order to reached airport on time. But there was a unfortunate coincidence happened where mum left her "Bebas Fiscal" at the Immigration. Oh NOOO!!!~ we have to turn back. We were terribly rush-rush! Macam my uncle drive so fast that i cant barely breath. haha :p Gila lah yg pentingnya... *dududu* ada2 saja..

Alhamdulillah kami selamat smpai di airport, once evrything settled, we fly off to KK around 5pm? like what kami menunggu ah.. huhu cus the air was having a traffic the captain said. So it was delayed.. huhu rupanya airspace ani pun pandai traffic. Nya urang duduk blakang kami, Udara juga bisa macet yach? haha :p anyhoos, it was terribly awesome experience and joyful moments of visiting the family as well. Every single one was crying~~~ Semoga kita berjumpa lagi di masa akan datang... amin insyallah.

We reached KK late nite around 10 plus where we just go direct to hotel. So lucky that we dont have to go by taxi, we have kenalan disana that can pick us up. Mum's adik angkat. Alhamdulillah save budget! haha :D So, sampai hotel do u think kami berehat? no no no? haha we went around one borneo thought the shops were all close. So, we take pictures saja and eat mc donald. the only restaurant still open at 11 plus. hhehe :p i asked one of the sales girl what time they close, they answer supposedly now. but customer still keep coming. hehe we are lucky... cus we are really tired and hungry! Back to our room. I take my time to jot down what has been happening for over a week of away in Jakarta. sambil onlining... My bro sebok dgn barang barunya.. hmm x) Keesokkan paginya...kami awal bgn and teruskan mengambil gmbar2 yang menarik. Kedai pun belum buka.. We have to take our time there as our flight will be at 12 noon. So..."we actually smpai waktu kedai tutup and balik masa kedai baru mau buka" apa boleh buat.. bukan rezki... mun nda banyak ni buah tangan ku bawa sdh... tak pe.. next time... Sblm ke airport we drop by to mum foster brother's house. And there i met the 3 kids that really loving me when i drop by to their house. One of the boy hugs me directly.. And Im so touched by him... you know how it feel rite being hugs by kids,.. the energy & love sent... Im so loving them~ I gave them souvenirs i bought @ Monas and the seems to like it. :D Im happy for them!!

Alhamdulillah when we reached Brunei, Ka Ina fetch us up.. Ustad sedang solat Jumaat. So we went for KFC untuk mengisi perut.. Then we finally reached home at around 2 pm....

For me, It was a real vacation and a complete journey of meeting the relatives, shopping and traveling. AWESOME!! :)

P/S: Pictures?? esuk2 tah.. hehe :D Apology if my words tunggang tebalik etc. Its a one go story typing, so i havent vet through.. haha next time... :D



Azam Tahun Baru:
Simple je...
Ingin menjadi lebih berdisiplin untuk meraih cita-cita yang diimpikan.


designer : anniebluesky :