Friday 27 May 2011



Result was out unofficially. It will be announced officially by the 30th May 2011. Was informed by someone trusted! :)

As i posted a status on my facebook. "Comme ci Comme ça". which literally means 'so-so' or 'like this like that' in French. So, basically it means my result was 50-50. I managed to score my Principle of Management, it happened to be C. and Principle of Quantitative Method - RU. Reunit..Of all the subject that I have gone through this was the easiest one, yet i failed. And before this I even get the highest and 2nd highest during test in class.

This is where you dont expect things to happened the way you wanted it to be. But hey, I dont feel so down at this time. I am only left by 2 more subject. I dont mind to resit PQM, it should be fine.. At least I can try my best for the exam this semester.

* * * * * * * * * *

As for my work side, I am now 3 years in RBTS last 28th April 2011. I have been through the hard and happy times in my working years. I faced soo many challenges along the way. During my first year with RBTS and a fresh graduate College student, I have no experience at all.. But all of 'em are now worth it, though in some instance I set aside my study just for the sake of earning income for the family..

Finally now after being promoted to be the secretary to my Deputy CE, currently Acting CE brings me a lot of experience, I have been dealing with suppliers, clients.. local and overseas doing all those secretarial works, involved 'real-directly' with bridex, as my bos is also the Director for BRIDEX, etc etc... its a really a challenge, and there was one time that I felt that I have to raised a white flag as I was so tired dealing with bunch of work, soo stressed out.. But now I realised that this challenges has taught me a lot of things and it brought me deeper and I gaining more and more experience that all my friend probably dont have it atm.

So anyway... Now I have to face all those challenges, move on and try to adapt all those changes and challenges along the way to success. As many have said, Allah have a better plan for us. I will try to be happy, doing what I Love to do... Life will have to go on..

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Now, that my business is growing, many and many customer starting to come back and wanting more from Adriana Collections. I am so happy with it.

Its just that I know so many things in just so lil time, What I am worried now is BRIDEX is coming near and I also have to sit for my exam, assignment as well as my test. I think now i will have to take days off for 1 month again in June for Rasamas. like I did before.. to keep everything on track. I really have to.

* * * * * * * * * *

Well to wrap up the updates today as a reward to myself, I bought myself a Samsung Galaxy Tab GT P1000. Its easier than laptop where it is actually a hand-phone as well as an ebook reader, a web browser, and it has a lot of other amazing apps and games. It looks like an iPad but is much better than iPad. :) hehe Now I can do my works and learn french on the go! :p

FYI, My samsung galaxy tab, I bought dr hasil jerih payah ku selama 3 tahun bekerja di RBTS. Tambang free yang diberikan oleh RBTS aku gunakan untuk me-reward diriku sendiri dan untuk memotivasikanku untuk terus berjuang. Janganlah kalian semua salah menilainya. Bukan sekadar untuk suka-suka atau apa.

Your truly,

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Lil' Updates!

Salam Semua....

Just a lil update!! Hehe Ive started my French class last 2 weeks ago. This week gona be my 3rd Class. It will be conducted until July Insyallah.. Whee... My favourite Language. Somehow Im fallin' in Love with French Language. Its Fun and much love.. haha

So anyway... This was the book with Audio CD, I bought from last 2 months ago. It just arrived on the 2nd week of my French Class. And I am so eagerly HAPPY! *ecstatic*

So, other than that... I am only left with one more subject to go for my International Diploma in Business Administrations (B.A) Course.. I decided to further my study to Degree in B.A as well in IGS College. But the requirement must be 2.0 GPA. which i need to achieved at least 1 A and 6 Bs and 1 Cs. Currently I have achieved 4 Bs n 1 Cs. And that means i need to score 1 A and 2 Bs more. I am still awaiting my last semester result.

This semester i am only left with 1 subject which is Management-1. This is the subject that I have to refer exam (RX) and I have to sit for the exam once again.. But its ok, I will never give up. Continue working Harder n smarter. I always have plan B to continue my journey.

My plan, if did not managed my targeted score marks, will continue my HNC on the next semester that is around August or September. Will be taking up 3 subject directly so I do not waste my time..

So I hope and pray all good things comes true.. Semoga Allah melancarkan segala usahaku.. Aminn Insyallah...

Selamat Hari Ibu Bunda...

Semoga Mama sentiasa berbahagia dunia dan akhirat...
Mama lah cinta sejatiku...

P/s: I said to mom: Ma, I LOVE YOU..
Mama said: I LOVE YOU TOO

hehe mama is cute!

Happy Mother's Day!! You are the prettiest mother in the world...

Tuesday 10 May 2011

She is... The Single Women...

She might be the bravest woman I know.

She walks the unaccompanied path. She has her own back. She asks for no favors. Not an ounce of independence does she lack.

She has moments where she feels as though no one sees her. She feels them LOOK at her, but do they really SEE her? She gets catcalls when she walks down the street…yet she goes to bed alone.

She’s not afraid to change her mind…but petrified to change a tire. She makes her own decisions…but can’t make toast without burning it. Her idea of a three course meal is a Lean Cuisine. There are shoes in her cupboard where flour and sugar are supposed to be.

She’s sassy and feisty on the streets…but some nights her tears fall on empty sheets.

She has moments where she KNOWS she’s sexy…and moments where she doubts everything about herself.

She screws up…a lot. She stumbles and she falls. She gets it wrong as often as she gets it right. But she never gives up the fight.

She has bad hair days. She’ll buy a new dress at Target and pray it passes for something a little fancier. Some months she struggles to make her rent and her car payment in the same month. Because she bought too many shoes? Sometimes. But the only pair of designer shoes she has in her collection are a pair of Christian LaCroix that she got half off at a sidewalk sale.

Sometimes her friends let her down. They don’t always say the right things. And the elusive “One That Got Away”? She still can’t cut the strings.

She has moments of panic where she wonders if her Prince Charming got lost somewhere, or decided to settle instead for another less complicated, less stubborn, less independent princess. Sometimes she don’t know where she’s going until she gets there.

She hasn’t got it all figured out...far from it, in fact.

But she loves God and she loves to dance…and she’s her own “Better Half.”

The bravest woman I know?

She is the reason I do what I do.

She is The Single Woman.

She’s me…and she’s you.

Im happy with myself. I am the Lover of Life...


designer : anniebluesky :