Sunday 29 April 2012

As May is coming...

 Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. Dear Readers,

 My blog is so not a famous ones! But I'm glad. Why? Well, I let people discover it by themselves about this ordinary life of this ordinary lady. I deactivate my facebook because I feels like I am exposing myself consistently in the virtual world. Everyone seems to know what we are up to. Though I still have my twitter and blog for the mean time. I just dont like it how facebook has influenced us in everyway they did. You may wondering why I still have my blog right? My friends who used to have blog is now inactive, shall I say. One thing I like about blog is I LOVE to WRITE. Though I have No Reader. But at least My journey of writing continues.
 It's my not so cool masterpiece.  Haha. Anyway I have a lil update about life has been this week. Let's See....

Okay, first of all.. about my French Class. Me and my Classmates have been informed that our 6 months class will be ended by this Mid of May, since November 2011. But anyway a good news came along the way that our profeseur told us that w can continue the class till 1st Week of July if all of us agree. Oh well, we all agreed! Good news indeed! *Smile all the way*. And at the same time right, profeseur Riaz also told us that if my classmates wanted to take the A1 DELF exam. Honestly we are not ready yet. But he said by end of this year, if we keep continue studying we can take 2 exams of A1 and A2 at the same time. Cos we are eligible. Oh wow. How confident he is towards us. Unfortunately, he will be going back to his home country somewhere in France by this July. *unhappy faces* 

Oh well...what can we say. Maybe his contract finishes by July. He said he will be teaching History in France. Bon Chance Profeseur!! He said that we can visit him one day, I don't quite remember the exact place but somewhere next to Madagascar and Mauritius Island. Oh wow. In addition, if we visit him, just let him know and he will guide us on the accomodations, transport & halal food. So lucky he is French Muslim. Hehe

I have one more thing to tell here that I have resign from my Weekend Job. It has been almost 2 years. But I just feel I have to. As I told my Manager that I am quitting.. He was proposing me back to work. He gave me 1 day to think deeply. However, the answer is still "I Can't and I am really Sorry". I have my own reasons for that.

So anyway since I get my weekend back. My first week was so-so. I promised mom to get her a new handphone and I did. Bought her a Samsung Galaxy Y. She was happy and actually she finds it pretty hard to use. I'm sory mom hehe.

 And I bought myself French Lavender Hand wash and faceshop beauty products.

And spending the day doing flower arrangement...

And still-learning-to-cook with my-own-recipe hehe :p anyway it's not so presentable. But at least me and my brother finished all the food by ourselves! Sardine, Squid with Oyster sause, Cabbage and some kind of omellete? Well, I dont know what it's called.

And anyway, this 12th May 2012 will be attending Jazz Entertainment, and I am really eager to attend such events. One of it's kind tho, so why not? Lookin' forward for another nice weekend! *Smile*

See you Next Post! :)
Yours truly,

Thursday 19 April 2012

Activité, Ce Mois-Ci !

Bonjour! "Activity, this Month!" Assalamualaikum!

Last week, Me and Afy went to the french Film festival. We went there on the 3 consecutive days. We've watched quite numbers of French film. And it was really interesting! We love it. 

And interestingly, I did come as well to the forum titled "The perception of the French Cinema Abroad"  It was really interesting that actually I know a lil bit of French Movies as almost every week, I lend French dvds. 

During the forum, the discussion made was about the different structure of French Film and Hollywood and other European Film as well. Well, initially I was a bit sleepy listening to the discussion but towards the end, I feel it interesting that I got to learned and knows the structure of French Film. I am really proud of them because they maintain their way of presenting their film. Each of their Film is unique in their own way.

One interesting fact that I really believed on what they've discussed, French Film is a very slow movie where they always actually show a scene specifically. For e.g. in the short film presented before the  forum held. The short story called "C'est Dimanche" (It's Sunday) there was this scene where a barber cut a boy's hair. The scene were very detailed. Perhaps it takes 30 seconds just to show the movement of the barber. I totally agree of what they said. Most of the dvds I've lend shows the similarity. 

Well, it was interesting indeed (Well, maybe for me, depends on you guys actually) cos I tend to watched French Movie quite often. hehe.


And Guess what, I have informed mom that I have booked a ticket to Melbourne next year. Alhamdulillah Mom gave a green light to go! InsyAllah will be going with my ex class-mates. Its gona be an fun vacation! Insyallah. 5-6 days in melbourne and transit to KL for few days!

I guess, It's indirectly a reward for myself and my friends that we passed our examination and soon be graduating together! Insyallah... :)

Yours truly,

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Officially a Diploma Holder!

Assalamualaikum again Mes Amis (Dear Friends),

So, in this posts, as you may knew it from the heading. It's a GOOD news! Indeed!. My results was out few months ago. And the last 2 weeks, I received my Certificate from the college before my graduation which is long-long way to go (End of year). Pretty funny though, I am yet to be officially graduated but receiving the certificate earlier. But anyway, Alhamdulillah... after this 2 years of studying International Diploma in Business Admin, I am officially the holder! weee :) 

As soon as I received the certs, I brought it to the Ministry of Education for accreditation. And I am satisfied with the prompt action cos they promised me to give out the letter within one week. But I received their call only after 3 days! Alhamdulillah.... :) This is for the ease to applied my degree as soon as possible. 

Fiewh! It was a hectic week, that I curi-curi my working time to go here and there to take my certs, to requests MOE's approval, to apply my degree! and soon registering for the JPKE scholarship (PSTS Scheme). etc. etc.! Well little by little will eventually done. Insyallah! :)

And anyway, I subitted my school fees and exam fees claim to my company for the 'Reimbursement Claim' last month and Insyallah, my claims will be out this coming April payroll! Alhamdulillah again! hehe Thanks to the management for approving my claims... It was the happiest moment when I received the approval letter!! Heehee!! Syukur Alhamdulillah that half of the money will be given to mom for her to pay the outstanding bills! :) And as per initial agreement, I shall be bonded a year to the company! 

To sum up, you may think that I am so lucky that I achieved this lil thing in life. For me, I may not be so lucky like the rest of my friends where after their A-Levels they managed to further their studies to Degree or HND or even ND. As for myself I am totally different from them, as I didnt managed to get a chance to score well in my A-Levels. I may got a satisfied O-Level with 7 O's out of 8 subjects and managed to get to study at the most prestigious college in Brunei, @MDPMAMB. Unfortunately my A-Level result sucks. It was my down moment, I believe! 

And it starts to go back normal when I decided to work with my current company. Alhamdulillah, my career started to grow up and I promoted within 2 years of working. And my salary increased doubled after that and I decided to take this opportunity to further my studies & taking a Diploma course at a private institution. And here goes the results! Alhamdulillah.... All the hard work paid off! :) *Tears of Joys*

Next, Insyallah will be applying to further my studies to the next level. Well, IGS College is providing opportunity to further study to Degree level! And coincidentally they are providing the Same course of Bachelor of Business Administrations (Hons). As mom heard that I decided to continue  my degree, she was tremendously happy. You know I have been longing to get it. Insyallah if there is an opportunity/offer given by IGS College, I will be taking it. 

I believe each of us were born to be different and special, I may not be like you guys. But Allah has his way, a better way for me to achieved this.

Thanks to you guys whom has been supporting me since the very beginning. Every each of you play important role in my life! Love ya'll. :)

Thank You! Yours Truly,

French Scholarship!

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Wow, It's totally been a while. Now let me update a lil bit for the past few months happenings. So, What about this scholarship thingy?? I did applied for a scholarship to France last February. It was actually to study "Langue Française" which means French Language. It has been almost a year studying French Language at a local French Club Institution. It is my special moment, Indeed to learn 3rd language. It's an AWESOME Language.

So, a friend of mine suggested me to apply for this scholarship thingy! I doubt I got it. And i feel reluctant to apply as my french is still too little. But as my friend said to me "no harm in trying, right?" So I did applied! I passed the Written Test! My marks was above average! Alhamdulillah.

Unfortunately as I moved on the 2nd level, which was the Interview session. I kindda lost my confidence perhaps. So I didn't get through it. I will have a try again next year or the following year. InsyAllah. So anyways, it was my great pleassure that during my first attempt I passed my written test. So, I am one step ahead. I should never give up! It was one of my greatest achievement so far besides that I'm gona tell you on my next posts! Alhamdulillah. Some people may say I am dreaming too big! But, for me this opportunity is everything in my life. I am just trying to be better and I wanted to improve my life and to make mum and especially dad proud of me. 

Well, as for the mean time I decided to take a Diploma in French Language Studies,  
Diplôme d'études en langue française 
(DELF) Level A1 - Breakthrough for beginners. They actually have 6 levels which are:
1. DELF A1 & A2
2. DELF B1 & B2,
3. DALF C1 & C2

So, I am on the first level. Insyallah if I am eligible to take the exams perhaps by end of the year. Insyallah... :) Wish me luck!

Alright! guys, Meet me on my next posts! More to come. :) Cheers!
Live life to the fullest. Appreciate opportunity that is comin' your way okay?

Bisous (Kisses),


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