Tuesday 17 September 2013

Finally It is September!!!!

Salam All, 

Alhamdulillah. We meet again in September. I am so blessed with life now. It's my special day. It's my born day! Indeed it was a wonderful one. Eventhough I did not celebrate my day. I am still happy with my life. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. I am always thankful to Allah to be given another year and more to live.. 

Firstly, I managed to meet my Best buddies, Khairiah and Tiqaah. It's been quite a while that we have not met. Finally, we've got the chance to make-up one! I am just so happy.. We are now an adults. We talk more about life, mariage, kids, furthering study and the list goes on...and we just could not believe it. Khairiah, She will InshaaALLAH be getting married soon and completing her Masters, whereas Tiqaah will be delivering her baby anytime this month. Alhamdulillah...Life is almost perfect for her.

In addition, I feel so great that my pain 4-5 years ago has been healed. May Allah permanently give me happiness towards the end. Aamiinn. I am just so thankful to Allah for what Allah has been arranging for me and my life. Alhamdulillah :) What I can say, don't write off your hope just yet. Have faith and keep improving yourself. Eventually, happiness accompanies you InshaaAllah... My tears for pain was all worth it, for the state of happiness I received  today..

Alhamdulillah :) Till the next post!

Yours Truly,



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