Monday 13 January 2014

My beautiful blessing!

Assalamualaikum wr wbt.

First and foremost Happy New Year dear beloved friends! 2014 is another InshaaAllah Amahzingg year!! I am somehow feeling Lucky. Because 14 is exactly my number.. Yeay Alhamdulillah *big smile*

Anyway friends, I know this is a very late post again. haha.. Today, is the 13th day after new year. Never too late to say it right? hehe! How's your new year so far? I hope it gives amahzingg beginning... and forever be given Allah's blessing.

Coming to 2014, we shouldn't be forgetting what has the past year has brought us. Even so, it has passes our lives, the memories will definitely remain... Especially for 2013. For me, it has been doing good most of the time despite the challenges. Well, that is life. It has it's ups and downs.. Alhamdulillah, All praises to Allah Swt, for all the happiness and blessings as well as the challenges given. Allah said, challenges was given in our life not to make us feel giving-up but instead to make us even stronger & wiser, InshaaAllah...

So, let's reminisce back the highlights of 2013:

1) Managed to go for a vacation to Melbourne Australia in January (Vacation I never thought of having)
2) Got satisfying results of 2As 7Bs 1Cs (Consolidated marks from my 1st Year, Semester 1 & 2)

3) First time to be a bridesmaid in Pink. (I am in Love)

4) It's my braces year (after waiting for 5 Years, finally...)

5) Appointed to be the Head of Invitation, Programme & Media for Company's Majlis Khatam Al-quraan, Penyampaian derma dan bersungkai bersama anak-anak yatim (3-in-1 tasks; this is the most challenging task I've ever had for a 'first-timer' eventho I had a comm-breakdown with my dep. chaiperson. But seriously got lotsa exposure esp dealing with the media, TV broadcasting, Newsppr reporter, visiting the Kpg Ayer, Meeting Ketua-ketua Kampong, etc etc heeeheee, It was fun yet challenging!)

6) Attended Secretarial and Administrative Conference at the Royal Polo & Riding Club (Awesome conference seriously!)

7) Attended First-Aid Training at JPMC (Alhamdulillah I am First-Aid certified. I hope I will always remember the basic one esp CPR haha!)

8) Involved with BRIDEX2013. (this year wasn't a major involvement as the previous 2011 & 2009 whereby I was appointed as the Secretary for Night event but this year due to Semester Final End Test I've requested to only mend RBTS booth, nevertheless I met His Majesty the Sultan.. hehe!)

9) My first Baking Success (My Pavlova & Red Velvet Cake, seriously could not believe I made it, next in line.....Macarons? huhu!)

10) And the most Amazing one, finally met him, my love. (After 4-5years of breaks... He came to my life with surprises! And the best part was when his mom was so happy to meet me... May Allah bless our relationship till Jannah Allahuma Aamiinn.. InshaaAllah.. Alhamdulillah...)

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil al aamiinn.... :) May this year be given more and more blessing to count-in Aamiinn Ya Rabbal Alamin... InshaaAllah :)



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