Thursday 26 December 2013

Baking Season just came!

Salam again!!

hahaha. My post on a history, posting 5 post in a day.. hahaha (I am so random) Please be happy with me.... *giggles of happiness*

Alrighty, this holiday besides hangin around with my loved ones. I spent a little time to bake. You may surprised. In just 2 weeks, I bake 3 cakes on a random normal day. lol. Oh btw, I did my fitness too tho. Please bear in mind heee!

So, Firstly, Mi Love insist me to bake a pavlova. He said... "belajar...." Oh well, for him... So I learnt. In just one day of watching the youtube on how to make a pavlova. The next day, it was a success! Alhamdulillah. Oh wait, 90% success! haha the remaining 10% was due to the unsuccessful whipping cream... geez, its not easy...

And the next day I made a very easy and simple Peach Truffle. It was nyummy. Taste less-sweet and my colleagues told me you can do business. 3 person said it after one another.. lol. They said, do business! and they also said... "nyaman jua ni..." :D

And finally, the complicated yet easy cake! My favourite. it's Red Velvet Cake! Oh heaven on earth I tell youuuu. The alluring cream cheese... Nyumms! Truthfully, I can eat only the creamcheese and get FAT! lol

Alhamdulillah, again and again... Mommy said "Nadia ani ada bakat memasak sebenarnya... haha! Alhamdulillah. But truthfully again... I cooked Tomyam the other day for my family and mi Love. And eventhough I ignore his reaction but I know he likes it because menambah ya dua kali hahaha!

Okay-okay, Alhamdulillah.... All praises to Allah. My talent was given by Allah.. Yg kurangnya dari Nadia sendiri... :)

Till then... Yours truly,



designer : anniebluesky :