Thursday 26 December 2013

Agro Technology Botanical Garden Tungku!

November Happening:

Salam all.. I visited this garden (i.e. just 5 minutes away from my house) with my beloved friend Munirah last november, I think. lol. (Apology, I've been neglecting life stories. Hence, I tend to forget huhu) Alright, It's been a very long time we have not hang out together actually, we used to be very-very close friend when we were still in high school but as time passes by and due to everyone's busy schedule we have yet to meet and have a chit chat like we used to before.

Well, anyway...this meet-up was unplanned. It was after me and & Munirah was invited for a friend's wedding few days before. Our Ugama School classmates' wedding.. Her name is Nieza. We were so happy to meet each other's back after a very long time. Alhamdulilah, Munirah is currently taking her Master in Education whereas myself a bachelor to be. InshaaAllah..

hmm..Time goes by so fast. But our memories remains as best friends. Hopefully our friendship will last longer until we are both married, have kids and til we grow old. InshaaAllah. May Allah bless our friendship forever.

So, we managed to drop by to the garden at our village. It was so beautiful, feels like I am not in Brunei. Alhamdulillah our Kampong / village is now improving day by day.. With this agro botanical garden, it will attract more local and international tourist one day! InshaaAllah. The garden which is not only for leisure but also for jogging and there is also a mini-zoo. Good for us to refresh and chill here especially with family..

So here it is, enjoy the moments we captured......

P/s: I went here twice. 
One with Munirah and another with Az's Family. 
We all reunited back again..... 

"Everything happened for a reason..." 

Just believe in that saying. And You'll be fine InshaaAllah :)



designer : anniebluesky :