Thursday 26 December 2013

....when Holiday came. haha!

Hello again! 

Hahaha. Well, besides those hectic stories... I still have my beautiful life. It may not sound as beautiful as a princess outstanding stories. But just a simple ordinary life... Yeah. 

Alhamdulillah, when exam was over... I have a little more time for my family, girl friend & beloved love. heee! Firstly, this holiday, I am teaching my lil-big bro the basic driving.. Alhamdulillah, he managed to successfully learnt the basic driving. InshaaAllah sooner or later he will drive ME! the big sissy!! huhu  :p

Secondly, I went out on a date with Ms Affy after like a month didn't see each other. Went for ortho appointment and have a whole day full of being hippie-dippie gurls. lol. As usual, girls talk... It's fun and awesome! Indeed, went to easy way, going around window-shopping and ended-up hanging out at Zest Cafe, The Empire Hotel for a very late hi-tea. Alhamdulillah, t'was soo good!

 Look at our happy faces... :) hehe

Last but not least, hanging around, going for breakfast, lunch and dinner, watched movies and chitty-chatty, hippie-dippie with mi Love. huhu. My love that I met 5-6 years ago.. Alhamdulillah, Allah has his own reasons for breaking me up with him for 4 years. We really did take a break within those years. Alhamdulillah, InshaaAllah, Allah mempersiapkan kami untuk menjadi org yg sentiasa saling memahami.. Dan seperti kata Dian Pelangi, "Jika Jodoh...putus pun bertemu kembali". Alhamdulillah, for this little happiness. I am blessed. I keep on praying and praying for all the good things to come.. aamiinnn InshaaAllah....Honestly, I never believe on a 2nd chance, I used to hate it. But Allah says never hate, for which what you hate is actually good for you... there you go... (tears of happiness whenever I remember it). Please, again.. pray for me... :)

My favourite saying is "Alhamdulillah wa skurillah"...

Sentiasalah ingat kpd Allah, Sentiasa bersyukur kepadaNya.. Sesungguhnya Allah akan memberikan lebih lagi kpd org yang setiasa mengigatiNya dan mensyukuri nikmatNya...

Yours truly,



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