Saturday 27 March 2010

surprisingly, i was...

Assalam wahai teman... hari ini saya langkah kanan.

Alhamdulillah~ Ive completed my assignment and InsyAllah im satisfied with it. Hope it get a good grades.. I hope the Thames lecturer give me high marks.. Amiinn... Yesterday evening I was informed to have an economics extra class. Sad thing when i entered the class, nobody was there except me and Agnes. I felt terrible on behalf of Mr. Topo. Nobody was interested to attend the class. Its was almost canceled due to only few people attending it. But luckily me, agnes, ayub, aprilyn & a chines girl (I forget her name) joined the class although some came a bit late.

Astonishingly..... when Topo announced the highest mark for our test few days ago... I didn't even thought who gonna be the person is. Once he said... "Nadia", im speechless!. The thing that I couldn't believe was the highest mark in my class? Last 2 years, I was the lowest... You know how i hate economics very much in my 6th form.. Now its vice versa. Everything changes. I pray and thanks to Allah for the result. At least I make mum proud of me. And indeed makes her smile... =) Alhadulillah...syukran ya Allah~ Another one paper to go (awaiting for the result to be released. I bet this one is a bit unsatisfying because i didn't do well for Biz Comm. But insyAllah, with god's willing..i hope i get passes. insyallah...

“...Dwell in possibility.” — Emily Dickinson

Thursday 25 March 2010

like a star...

I was listening to "like a star from Corinne Baily Rae" it was a soothing song. I want to break through... my feeling craves for calmness.... How i wish....

One week ago, i lost my mobile phone. At that time... i felt so sad. Terribly unhappy! You know how difficult i am in earning money? And it's gone simply like that? Don't you feel depressed? I just couldn't describe how i felt.. Just to share you a lil story.. Some people may react normal when their phone was lost. But for me, it's not... my mum told me "you lost your mobile phone as if you're losing your boyfirend?" I was surpirsed! How i am not aware of that feeling. Why my feeling is so complicated was i get it with my own money, with my own effort. And suddenly that innocent people took it like what? As if Im buying a sweet, you just took it and eat it as simple as that.
Allah will judge you on the day after! I'll just wait and see your judgement! Tulah kau tulah..nda berkat idup mu...

As Ivy told me, You lose something but you gain awarenss... this was my awareness at that particular time... "sometime life have to let go of something that we love. I lost it doesnt mean I loss everything. I pray for good things tomorrow and & days ahead.. wish all the best in life"

Lol, it was all unexpected. Few days later a miracle was meant to be with me. I received a cheque of $200 by someone. And Ive managed to make my mum happy at the same time. Ive got good grades for my assignment project. And mum teribbly happy for me. Wow, that's what
i called contentment. hmm, what a relief...she said to me with her happy faces... " Although i felt tired, but when i listen to your achievement...all of my weariness dissappear." Alhamdulillah ya ALLAH... i belive in myself, though im facing the hardship now, future will pay me the happiness...

Saturday 20 March 2010

awesome, spice up ur life from now on!!~


Worry attracts more worry. Anxiety attracts more anxiety. Unhappiness attracts more unhappiness. Dissatisfaction attracts more dissatisfaction.

AND . . .

Joy attracts more joy. Happiness attracts more happiness. Peace attracts more peace. Gratitude attracts more gratitude. Kindness attracts more kindness. Love attracts more love....

Your job is an inside one. To change your world, all you have to do is change the way you feel inside. How easy is that?

Sunday 7 March 2010

Leisure at poLo cLub...

HoLa. Assalam, semua...


It was a very ggod weekend..where i spend my precious Saturday by learning to swim. And it was a very tiring and fun learning experience where I gain knowledge on how to swim. haha. I went there with Afy and dyah. It was totally fun!! And guess what?? I can swim~~~ *Happy faces* At first dy asked me to swim using a kick board. Slowly, I can then she asked me not to use the board. And it takes me a while to do so. And in the end, I can swim from edge to edge. And it's a precious experience!! I Love it. Thanks dy for teaching!! And thanks Afy for accompannying!! *hugs*

Next time we go again okiess~ :)

Grab every moment and cheerish it!~ :)

Monday 1 March 2010

The Power of Intentions...

The first word that comes out from my lecture mouth when i submitted my assignment was...

"I LOVE Your assignment!!" and my heart pounds... he love?


He don't like it but he loves it... Haha how cute it is... He said that only a lil adjustment to be made. He want me to simplify the summary...But its all unexpected... My lecture is a bit slumber the 'duuuhh' kind of person.. but nonetheless I did my part and it does satisfied him and my friends too. And Im so glad!! *big smile*

That's the power of Intentions... When there's a will, there's always a way!!~ And in fact, yes it does... :)


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