Saturday 12 March 2011

Inspiring Bruneian Woman.


Dear Ladies, woman and girls.... Be inspired by reading the article from BRunei Times Dated today (12th March 2011). Puan texted me this morning... And I found out she was in the bulletin.

Here is the Link. "MAKING HER VOICE OUT". Be Inspired.

"Time is money," she says. "Knowledge is power. This is true in business, in your career. You really have to work hard to show how competitive you are among the men, women, community and society."

Studying as a part time student while working is a lot of work, but she takes it all in stride. "Indeed, it's a big test. I do have to travel sometimes to and fro to meet with my supervisors. But when you boil it down, it's about ambition, discipline, commitment, self-dedication and most importantly, family support."

"Life is full of obstacles and great difficulties, but if you put your faith and trust in Allah SWT, and keep going, InsyaAllah, things will work out for the better. There are times where I need to stop and take a breather, but once I am ready, I keep going and I don't stop."


"I would like to encourage all young women in Brunei to go for their dreams and not to be discouraged by any obstacles. I am just an ordinary woman, just like everyone. Overcoming challenges in life are what makes us successful."

She was nominated as the TOP 50 WOMEN LEADERS in ASIA-PACIFIC. This shows that Bruneian can also DO IT!~ Congratulations Puan Hjh.... :)

Be Inspired. Love,

Friday 11 March 2011

Caught in AWEsomeness!


Today was really an amazing day or shall i say happening day for me cos so many things happening around. Let me describe it in sequence:

1. This morning, my colleague reuben gave me a cute pink souvenir from Hongkong! It was so cute.... hehe I dont know what it called.. but let me show u the picture soon. Thanks REUBEN!

2. Two of my MSN Chatters chat with me this morning. Basir, he texted me all of sudden? Nazim, my best buddy, my motivator, my courage and he was all the way in Germany when i was in MD. Thank to them for making me smile today! ^_^

3. Ivy bring me out for lunch, she treat me cos she feel so thankful that I have translated her english letter to malay. hehe :p So I decided not going too far. I prefer KFC sja.. Thanks IVY! :)

4. Meeting RBTS VERY FRIENDLY Supplier from FRANCE!! Haha :p and guess what. He said "BONJOUR" haha :D One of them was quite handsome! ahah lol :D Whom shall I say thanks to?? LoL. RBTS?

5. Meeting my ex-lecturer in Cosmo, My Quantitative M. lecture. Mr Abu Hurairah. A very chatty lecturer.. Sorry i forget to mention, VERY the VERY. haha so he joined us for lunch! It was really happening coincidence lunch full of laughter and informative lunch. And Definitely Thanks sir for giving me past year paper with ANSWERS! Lol. Thanks in advance Sir Abu.. haha :p

6. Meeting my old CV Batch Intake. The KFC Managers. Hehe. Thanks KFC! :)

7. I was treated Pizza Hut at Acquisition Department sponsored by Ka nana. hehe :D Thanks Ka Nana :)

8. Having a Quantitative M. class with Mr Reji. And I was predicted to get an 'A' after my test shows an improvement as I was the highest in Class. huhu. That part was unexpected, Cos I was totally unprepared for the test. My foundation was only, concentrate when he taught me and asksss so many questions to my lecturer until he fed up with my questions!. huhu :p and do homework well. And he promise to treat me dinner at Empire Hotel if i can get it, also for the rest!.. It was like WHat?? haha :D okay.. Thanks in advance MR REJI :o)

Do you think it was awesome? I think yes i do.. hehehe :D

Love and hugs! Till next time......... awesomeness please come everyday! Dont you want me smiling everyday?

Thursday 10 March 2011

old scratch..

Salam Ukhwah..

From a trusted friend.. (extracted from his email back then)

I see you are fully utilising your time to work during the day and study during the evening. Don't worry about a lot of external factors. I am sure if you keep your mind and soul focused, you will reach your goal in no time.

So you are excelling in Economics now compared to your MD years? It happens to a lot of people. Remember, Albert Einstein failed in his first two years as a university student. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard in his first year. My point is: studying depends on how you embrace the subject without force. If you set your heart into a certain subject or field, you'll end up excelling easily. You don't have to force yourself to like it. You can reflect on it in terms of your education in Economics.

Your promotion in RBTS is really a blessing. With the extra financial funds, you can continue your night classes. I am sure with the help of your family members, everyone can help each other out. Your mum is also trying to help out in her own way. Don't over-stress yourself thinking that everyone depends on you. Everyone in the family is a team. To be a happy family or team, everyone needs to help each other out. I am hopeful that your family will have a bright future together.

Thanks to Nazim H.A. It really helps!

This morning i texted him from msn and belated congratulation to him that he is now working at UBD as a project Manager! I am happy for ya... After all this while.. you have gone through all the hard time, Your Politics Degree pays you off! ^_- Thanks for your support as well........

Been knowing him quite a while since i was in upper 6th form and he was in 2nd year study in German, now we both are working.. How unbelievable things are and how fast time flew... hmm.. anyway.. there is a lot to be achieved and so many things undone.. Good luck to everyone! ^_^

Till then,,,

Sunday 6 March 2011

A Dream.. A Reality...


Alhamdulillah. We meet again on my next post. NEW NAME uh? Yes.. it is..

I know, I change it again. Im a lil bit sick with my old link. I think this link is much better. I have reasons to change. A bit hard for me to change actually, but I dont know how shall i say. But I change for Good. And for others as well especially for you. Apology that I make this decision, but only this way that i have.

Anyway, Un rêve Une réalité means "a dreams.. a reality..." in FRENCH language. Everything that i wrote in, is all my dream but a reality at the same time, or perhaps reality in the future that I cant predict. The reason why I choose to make it in French is is also relates to my dreams. My dream to go to Paris. And My dreams to Learn French.

Newzelena emailed me last week w/regards to my French Class. I told her that I would not be able to join in this term because the class falls on friday. I have my management class which is much more important than this on the same day. So I have to forgo my french class. But its okay.. Will try my best to join in on the next term Insyallah. If it not clashes with my other classes.

So, I guess just a lil update here. Just to inform you as well, I've made a time to open an online shopping business. When you have time, Just drop by at my online shop in facebook at Adriana Collections. Variety of LATEST FASHION APPARELS, from women's to men's... SO please feel free to visiit.. I have In-stock and pre order items that you'll be able to grab! have a glance and book it while stock last. All my fashions apparels and shoes are made in china. I will try my best to meet your needs! Well I consider this small business of mine as my practical for my Business Admin Diploma Course. As it indirectly relates to my study and business.

Well, that's it for now... tomorrow is monday.. another hectic week that i have to face. Till then.. cu around loves..

Love & Hugs!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Thank You...

To those of you who have pushed me, thank you.
Without you I would have fallen.
To those of you who laughed at me, thank you.
Without you I wouldn’t have cried.
To those of you who just couldn’t love me, thank you.
Without you I wouldn’t have known real love.
To those of you who hurt my feelings, thank you.
Without you I wouldn’t have felt them.
To those of you who left me lonely, thank you.
Without you I wouldn’t have discovered myself.
But it is to those of you who thought I couldn’t do it;
It is you I thank the most,
Because without you I wouldn’t have tried.

Thank You.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Life is a high way.

"Life is a highway. We all start the same, and end up the same. It’s the journey that’s different."

Assalamualaikum.. Referring to the quoted text above. I ever think about what metaphors does it have in this quotes?

Life is a highway means you can choose which way you want to go. You have the wisdom to know right from wrong. Basically, you have the wisdom to choose. And afterall, I was given this path of life..and I choose to go with it.

Every people in this world are born the same, we are all equal. But as we grew up, being brought up by different family background.. To be think of, we are more fortunate than other people, to be specific the less fortunate people who do not have house to live in, food to eat etc.

My dad was a local famous writer named Adi Marhaen (it is name after my eldest brother). He was famous amongst the local writer. Everywhere you go, if you met a local literates, just ask you know him? They'll sure does know. He is a Master in Malay Literature who wrote poems, short story, any other forms of literature in Brunei.

And direct to my point, we are well family (when dad is still alive). Its just that after he passed away, everything turns upside down. Because of wealth, my family break-up. My sisters and brother make their own way with my father's wealth. sigh. I hate this part where me and my lil brother lives in hardship (this was when I was still in high school) But now I am fortunate that I am now working. And life changes bit by bit with my current condition. If I were to tell you, when I was in Form 4, everyday.. day and night we only eat fried rice.. Because Mum was only selling food to mini mart and her revenue is very small. It brought me into tears if i remember this. I even went home by the public bus from Dewan Bahasa, just for the sake of studying everyday after school. Remembering the day, I feel pity to myself but Im proud of myself at the same time, that I have gone through this hardship as it slowly changing as i grew up.

Now, life is getting stable...and Alhamdulillah, with all my effort..I can help my mother and brother at the same time helping myself to improve my life more. I can now buy my own car with my own money, I can give mother to pay her expenses and my brother for his studies. I even can bring mom meet her family back in Jakarta after 10 years of not meeting them. Alhamdulillah..syukur kehadrat illahi...the barakkah of my rezki goes to all my surroundings. I can even give my rezki to my families in Jakarta and in KK. Not to be forgotten in Brunei, my friends and my colleagues.

All of these is from Allah swt. The hardship back then pays me off now. This is my motivation, I was born in a well family when I was still a kid, and as I grew up Life changes after my dad passed away but then it changes again after Im working. And Im glad, after I was being promoted by my company... I am able to give more rezki to my family. Talking of my company, today there's a news on the borneo bulletin about my lady boss. CONGRATS to her that she was nominated as "Bruneian ranked top 50 female leaders in Asia Pacific region." (CLICK ON THE LINK TO READ MORE) - Source Borneo Bulletin. I am so proud to be part of my esteemed company and specifically to be a secretary to my deputy chief executive. SHe's not only a good leader but also my inspiration. And a dreams every women wants to achieved. Success in career and success in life generally. This is what what we called Happiness.

Today, I have class,..ohh its been awhile that I dont updates on my college. We have pre-mid term test. And i feel it was amazing that I can answer all the questions fluently.. Alhamdulillah.. Well honestly, I did not study and do revision. But maybe because I attended every extra classes given by my lecturer and I did well with my homeworks that I can answer it fluently. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah... :) Fyi as well, I deactivate my facebook until....further notice. haha :p Its just that I dont want to be disturb by those unwanted status that can distract my mind from thinking back to the past, because i have to carry on moving..and I aimed high for my course this term. I dont want to be distracted. AND I DONT WANT TO BE DISTRACTED!!

Yupp!! That's it.. My exam fees is not that cheap that I am not taking it seriously. I have to work smart now.. Facebook wont bring me anywhere. But My study yess! My life, I have to rule myself not by other means.

Not only motivation to save is also another thing. Next year insyallah, With Allah's will I'll be flying off to KL with my 9 classmates for a group vacation.. uuu yeah!!! We book our flight and we pay it already.. MAy everything will goes smoothly... Amiieenn InsyAllah...

This is it... this is what Im choosing! Choosing to be a secretary to my DCE, to be an International Diploma of Biz Admin student and a Waitress in Rasamas Restaurant. Please do not ask whether its tired or not. You know it cus you have the answer.

As i mentioned, this is my chosen path. Its my dream and its my inspiration... Life is a highway, remember?

Now,,,Now,,, Nadiah... You have to study smart and work hard. Play hard, Save smart.. haha :D Cheeritos Nandos... Loving ya.. See you around! :)


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