Thursday 31 May 2012

Kehidupan Dan Impian...

Pepatah ada mengatakan:

Hidup tanpa impian adalah suatu kehidupan yang pahit. Tapi hidup dengan impian adalah suatu kehidupan yang manis. Jadi jika anda menginginkan kebahagiaan. Anda harus ada impian, kerana impian memberikan kebahagiaan.


I learnt a lesson just this evening...
Watch this...

OR Please click this link.
Rest assure, It's worth watching. It's so inspiring...

Never Judge a book from its cover And never underestimate what inside you that makes you different and special...

Jangan Pernah menilai buku dari sampul nya Dan jangan pernah meremehkan kemampuan dalam diri anda, anda unik dan spesial!

Dan Jangan pernah berhenti bermimpi meskipun tak ada yang percaya bahwa anda bisa, meskipun semua orang mentertawakan impian anda dan sinis terhadap kemampuan anda! Tetap lah percaya pada diri sendiri! Hanya anda yang tau kemampuan anda jangan biar kan orang lain merampas impian terbesar anda. 

Watch again Susan Boyle in her first audition (hari ini ulang tahun nya dan 10 hari kemudian hidupnya berubah selamanya, karena ia mempunyai kepercayaan diri, harga diri dan kelembutan hati) 


To whom it may concern, I know you are my loyal reader up till now. You have once asked me... "Nadia, you have so many dreams. I do support you in that. But I'm not sure if one day, if we get married and have children.. will you be able to cope with your dreams and your family? I'd really like to have a wife who is fully committed to take care of her family...." (...and there goes the conversations).

Dear "whom it may concern" thank you for your comments. And thank you for making up your decision to break-up with me. Frankly speaking, I am glad. I am happy. Cos I believed, I DESERVED to. Anyway dear friend, you believe in anything in this world is not impossible right? if we try hard to balance it? I believe everyone can. All you need is discipline! Aren't there a way to make things balance? You should be able to think like this my dear friend. If I continue pursuing my dreams as well as your dreams, would our life getting much better? Even so, we can make a happy and healthy family. In what way? Ok, you see it in a broder perspective... Let's just take a good example. My CEO is a successful woman in her career but also in her family. She don't neglect her family neither her job pun! And She have just recently awarded by the Australian Government to be the top 50 women leaders in Asia-Pacific. Her best inspirational saying was...

"Time is money," she says. "Knowledge is power. This is true in business, in your career. You really have to work hard to show how competitive you are among the men, women, community and society."
Studying as a part time student while working is a lot of work, but she takes it all in stride. "Indeed, it's a big test. I do have to travel sometimes to and fro to meet with my supervisors. But when you boil it down, it's about ambition, discipline, commitment, self-dedication and most importantly, family support."
"Life is full of obstacles and great difficulties, but if you put your faith and trust in Allah SWT, and keep going, InsyaAllah, things will work out for the better. There are times where I need to stop and take a breather, but once I am ready, I keep going and I don't stop." - Brunei Times 12th March 2011 edition

Don't you think you'll proud of your wife, if she is successful? I take this as a challenge  for me and an inspiration to work harder. I am really sorry dear friend, I also have a dream. I bet your dream is just taking you nowhere you wanted your family one day to be. Don't be too perfect man. You are a man, don't be beaten by a woman like me or like any other women. Believe me, and you have told me once, Have faith! So have faith to Allah, Pray that you be given a supportive wife and mother to her children one day. But at the same time try to improve yourself as a man. "Jangan Kalah". Earn more income and have wonderful family one day. 

Dear friend let me tell you one thing what drove me high to achieve all these dreams... One thing for sure is pursuing mom's dream as well as dad's. My family support me in my studies so much. This especially goes to Mom. She never ever stops me from studying. Because she knows that I suffer a lot since I was a kid, she don't want things happened in her past to be happening in my present. Besides, she want people not to underestimates me so much as well as having a knowledge to stand-up and not being step like others step her in her life. She also wants us to improve our standard of living, to stand the truth, to have our dignity back. I am really sorry my dear friend, I cannot accept when you commented my future life just like that and thinking just for future when my current & present is still unjustified. YES, I DO HAVE ALOT OF DREAMS TO BE ACHIEVED, AND I NEVER GET TIRED OF ACHIEVING IT. I DO IT JUST FOR THE SAKE OF MY FAMILY.. My Mom and My Brother! You don't deserve to judge my future if you don't even stand in my feet. You can say anything, but i will still stand with my own shoes to commit everything, to achieve everything just to improve my living. One thing for sure always thankful to Allah for what we have and keep praying to Allah that our life will be as what we dreamt to be. 

Once again, please open your heart and your mind to be better than me. You can say, it's hard. But my life is even harder dear friend. Pls look at it deeper! I am a Father, a Daughter, a Sister, a Worker, a Student and used to be a Server and even an Owner of Adriana Collections. Please have a glance of my inner self, my life - Do you think my family, my cousins, even my brother and sisters care of us??? Did they??? I have been living the past few years, standing up by myself. Without any help of others. I have no one to turn to. I went to school w/o a father sending me, esp my brother he never feel a father's touch, I look for job by myself w/o a dad recommending it, I continue my studies w/o a father paying my school fees, I have no money and I fast. Do you think mom have enough money to support us if not me, myself who stood up paying all the electricity bills and water bill etc. I sacrificed my weekend to work a part-time job, Sacrificing my evening just to earn a knowledge to get a better paid job with my higher qualifications! (Which I neglect my family needs for my Love, even so mom used to miss me as I seldom at home). And even so, as I being too desperate for money when I works on an online business and earn a bigger profits. All is for the sake of getting extra income. Until just recently, we have no more outstanding bills. I even got a chance to send some cash to my families in Jakarta. Which I thank to Allah for all that has been given. Rahmat from Allah is so blissful. indeed.

All my life, has been so rough that I am not able to dream a dream, like any other kids' busy studying and to own everything they want and get it everything just one click away. While, I have to work extra harder, extra time everyday just to get some extra money for the family and at the same time having this feeling like any other kids' have especially in terms of studying. My writing is generally for kids nowadays to think and value their life who have a complete family and get everything they want. And specifically for you 'to whom it may concern' for bringing up this matter in the past few years and this is the good answer to your questions. And I pray for your relationships to grow stronger and have a better life with your fiancee. Thanks for breaking my life as from that breaks I realises a lot of things. I value life much better and standing up straight in my own feet.

Sorry, for getting out of the topic. Yes you asked me how can I cope one day if I have dreams to fulfill and at the same time have family to take care of. Well, that answers lies in our heart. A mother is still a mother, as long as I care of my commitment. You know we are now in an era of globalisation. Those who are not following those modernisation and globalisation will be left behind. And definitely will goes nowhere. Life is simple dude, if you commit, balance and discipline yourself. The answer is YES, OFCOURSE I CAN.

Ask this to yourself first friend. You 'dream' of having a perfect wife to be! Are you a perfect Husband yourself? Are you going to your office on time? Are you sleeping at night right on time? are you fully committing your work truly? Are You? ARE YOU? And ARE YOU? See, you, yourself are not a good leader yourself, how possible you can get a perfect wife? I am really sory to have mentioned your weaknesses here. But luckily I didn't say your name friend. So, please... work it out yourself. If I can do so many things at a time now, you think I can't balance everything? Insyallah I can. Orang melayu selalu kata "BELUM CUBA BELUM TAU, SUDAH CUBA BARU TAU.."

And yes that is my answer to your questions! Thank you once again dear Mr. "Whom it may concern". =)  Please, I know you will have a lot of comments to this answers. But keep it to yourself and I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Thank you for reading and understanding. I accept with open heart that you are not meant to be with me... :) 

Have a dream and peace!


Bermimpilah. Dan bayangkan anda menjadi apapun yang anda ingin kan....
Sebab hidup tanpa impian adalah ibarat burung yang patah sayap...

Got an Offer!

Dear Friends,

Alhamdulillah Wa Syukrillah.... Received my Offer Letter last Monday. Luckily I have this intuition to call IGS. As I was posted a day at Executive Office and direct reporting to our Chief Executive Officer, this was so because her secretary was on One day leave. So taking this opportunity to call up IGS whether if my letter has been out or not. If yes I can just drop by anytime at my convenient. Alhamdulillah.... It was out! They have reasons for not calling us up for it. I understand, luckily they release it to me.

It's just one step closer! :) Thanks to Allah.

"The key to reaching your goal is knowing where you want to go and which actions you need to do to get there-and then persistence and effort will get you there…you can think about tomorrow, and maybe dream a bit about future-but doing your best in the present has to be the rule."

Sunday 20 May 2012

Salam Dear Friends,

Last Friday was our last French Class. It was so sad that our class just ended because we have this chemistry between us, the classmates as well as the teacher whom we called him Prof. Riaz. As per Mr Riaz, our class was the best class he ever had. And we are deeply saddened too that he will not be coming back to Brunei and continue teaching History in France. We decided to continue but unfortunately the management of AF is not allowing us to continue with only the small group. Their minimum of students should be 10 students per group. unfortunately our class was shrinking since last year. Unless we decided to continue to study in private tuition instead of in group, but yeah its a bit pricey tho. So, for the time being we stop it until our number of students in our group is sufficient enough, then we can continue.

But anyway, as I mentioned on my previous blog, He invited us to his place called "La Reunion". An Island located away from the mainland of France. C'est tres belle ile. I am so honoured and grateful to be taught by him. We have been 2 years with him. And I hope that one day, we can meet again next or probably planning to go for honeymoon with my future husby in "La Reunion" (who knows one day right?) At least I know a little of French Language. I heard, the majority of French speaks their mother language rather than English, we maybe lost in translation there... haha at least I know what is "tourner a droit, a gouche, a cote de," etc etc... hehe

So, we managed to captured some moment together after class. Yeah, our class is quite small.. And I've only had 4 classmates up til now. Hope to see you guys again... It was fun moment I've ever had studying French with you guys! Awesome indeed. =) gonna miss you my dear prof. Mr. Riaz and classmates! =)

From Right: Me, Sabrina, Mr Riaz Ibrahim, Ali & Eng Yun

Yours Truly,

Sunday 13 May 2012

Europe Day 2012

Dear Friends, just this evening.. I went to a Jazz Concert which was held at Jerudong International School, accompanying me throughout the night, was Affy.  It was my first time attending Jazz concert. And Jazz is still new to me. The performance was brilliant. Consider them as a Super-Talented-Acapella-Jazz-Singer. Their harmonies is super awesome! It was perfecto! They really amazed the audiences. Congrats on that superb performances.. Anyway, just for your info, they came all the way from German. Cool ey.

Glad to be invited to such events. Thanks to AF for that. Besides the performances, we were served with good food after that. Seems that The Empire hotel was the caterer. Awesome indeed!

This picture was taken by me from my samsung. I seated far away from the stage, Apology for the blur image. :)

 Good Yummy food served!

Well spent night indeed! Bon-Weekend! Cheers. =)

Langkawi-KL-Genting Vacation!


Dear Ladies & Gents, this my due Vacation pictures from Last January. Enjoy the view...
It was Awesome Moments Captured! =)

1) Pantai Chenang (where we stay)
2). Island Hoping to Tasek Dayang Bunting, Feeding Eagle & Pulau Beras Basah
3). Oriental Village
4). Kuah Town (City of Langkawi)


1). Bukit Bintang (Where we Stay - Sg. Wang)
2). Central Market
3). Masjid India
4). Dataran Merdeka
5). KLCC
1). Chocolate Factory
2). Strawberry Farm
3). Cable Car
4). Theme Park

Till we meet again Malaysia. Love 1 Malaysia =)

Yours Truly,

Wednesday 9 May 2012


Salam you all..

Tak tahu lah nak cakap apa. Yang penting for sure, I really love them both.  Not because he propose Scha Live on TV but the way they are... Anyway Congrats for both of them. I pray for their happiness forever... Amiinn Insyallah... =)

This video right, I know its sweet. The best thing is they are cute! So cute... =))


designer : anniebluesky :