Monday 31 May 2010

Seize every moments...

Salam All. GUess what I have been doing this weekend? Just a small gathering with my Sunshine school classmates. Well, this is the second re-union. So glad We could make it again. For the 3rd gathering I would probably could not join. Because starting this weekend, I'll be working at RasaMas Restaurant as a part-time worker, Saturday and Sunday. Although it is only for Sturday and Sunday, it is still tough for me. And there will be no weekend for me. Sigh. For some, they salute to me cus I have the courage to do all this stuff. I take this decision because I wanted to. And definitely I Have to!.

There was once, when I listened to Pelangi FM, DJ Zati mentioned about a 'successful' person is a person who never waste time, whom always taken up every opportunity that passes. Always finding a solution to any problem. Not only just letting our hardship be as it is. We, ourselves should be responsible to what god had given us. An example given was taking up part-time job. Which I am touched by her saying. Because by taking up part-time job, new experience will lead us to the path of success. No, I mean..what Zati trying to say is, all those experiences we have had in our live is not a waste, its one way, on what determined our success. By experiences, we tend to be more mature in all the things done.. Therefore, the conclusion is, take up every opportunity that pass by in our life, and this opportunity will lead its way to a new experience gained. And at the end of the day, success awaits us at the summit of the mountain. InsyAllah... :)

Anyhoos, below were the some of the pictures and video taken during the 'JALAN MUZIK' event.. So glad that I am part of the 'Jalan Muzik'. Cus it gives me an experience to be a volunteer, especially by helping Alliance Francaise's event. It was really a success! Am i a member? hehe Not yet, but one day I will....

I never missed to take pictures.. hehe

This is the video recorded during the event. It was courtesy of Newzelena. Thanks NEW!~

Lotsa Love, xoxo.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Weekend with toasties....

DISTRICT 51, 17th Annual Convention, MIRI
held at Imperial Hotel
on 21st May - 23rd May 2010

(Theme: Black & White)

Brunei Speakers' Club with the Division Governor

My Handsome Man!~ Love em' til bit.. :)

My Beautiful Ladies... Love you more than the man.. :D

Me & Intaniz :)

With the beloved Brunei Speakers' Club Toasties...


(Theme: Denim Night)

I Love this picture the most! *wink*

Love you guys as usual... xoxo

Tuesday 18 May 2010

S.I.M.P.L.E but complicated...

Salam. There’s a friend of mine who loves to complaint. She is actually a good person, very kind at times. But always feel discontented and shall I say, everything is not right in her eyes. I can see it from her point of view. Cus she always complaint. I am not humiliating her or what; It’s just that I am aware of this thing that happens around me. Vice versa, for me although I am not satisfied with a few lil things, when I reflect back everything in this world is not perfect right?. To make you clear of what I am trying to say… lets just take an easy example.

Person A (discontented person) “Ohh, this company’s services is really worse, they should have fax for the ease of their customer, or they should email us, but unfortunately they also don’t have scan for them to email to us” (Make it with an angry mode)

Person B (ME) If I were in her position, to make life simple and easier, I would have only take things as easy as ABC, I will just go to that place and take it. SIMPLE. I am much more comfortable to asked more from them, rather than just putting more emotional state in a way, keeping all those anger inside us. Right? Don’t you agree? Well people have their own perceptions! I have my own too. But in this small case, why you have to make life’s complicated? Common lah? We have to be grateful in everything we do. Don’t just take thing for granted. Be realistic and open-minded.

In a way, a complainer doesn’t always feel grateful. There are lots out there, who doesn’t have houseor shelter to rely on, not enough food to eat etc. Why don’t you just feel grateful?? For me I appreciate all what Allah has given to me.

At home my washing machine was broken, what can I do? It’s a matter of choice, whether I have to moan to the washing machine because it makes my life difficult OR save money to fix it or buy a new one OR simply, just wash it manually. Right? It all happened for a reason, My washing machine broke down because it want me to remember that there are more unfortunate people out there who doesn’t have what I have and there is nothing to be ashamed of or sad of..

Keep things simple as possible, so you don’t have to be stress over those entire lil thing that appear in your life. We have to feel grateful & we are actually fortunate, because Allah has created us, for us to work hard to make life easier and not make it more difficult.

Orite? Take all the good things, leave the bad one. Love you guys! xoxo

Thursday 13 May 2010

Beautiful her beautiful life!....

"Hidup dengan sebuah impian dan harapan..."

I watched Korean drama today which inspires me a bit. I should define life to be like as the above title. Living life with dreams and hopes... I've just realised that I am surrounded by all beautiful people. Not that I am aware, someone who used to be my colleague..tell me that she appreciate me like her sister. I am truly grateful.. I love you!!

My life now, is quite tough and busy..everyday, every single time. I keep on thinking of how can I deal with it. But somehow, this is my life. I should keep continuing this journey of life or else, I'll collapse. My semester 2 starts last Tuesday with my 1st class of principle of quantitative method, Wednesday with principle of business management & tomorrow with principle of account (which I hate the most in my o'level).

Last week, i attended another CV 3 course for a refresher before attending CV4 this coming July 1st until 4th. I'm glad to join this refresher. I really thankful to Linda for inviting me back home to CV family. Only me attended from my previous batch, the others couldn't make it. This is my choice & opportunity. And finally i decided to join. I'm so lucky to be there, meeting a whole bunch of new friends. I realised that I have to align my positive make all the challenges as an opportunity for me to build up success!

Will get the clearer one, once I get the scan one!
*This is my new CV3 Family*

Another depressed things happened few days back. I am not aware that I am mad at this senior manager. And he came to me. Well, luckily we both understand each other. I thought he gonna mad at me again. The solution was we talk heart to heart. Solve the problems in an 'open minded & open heart'. Things happened for so many reasons. At the same day, I also have a fight with my best friend in UK. I guess that day was my bad-bad day!~ Things keep going wrong at the same time. But guess what? It settled when i compensate with her, and she compensate with me as well.

So may things happened in just so lil time!~ But I am so fortunate cus I realised that I have gain an awareness from those things happened. I did told you that lately, I am a bit busy prior to my commitment to work, study and family. And another thing just to share with you guys. I probably will get another part-time job at a local franchise. This is so, to support me and my family's financial needs. That's why I decided to apply for it. I was advised by my colleague to do this part time thingy. Cus she knows my situations now!~ Tomorrow I will call them up to discuss with regards to my application to them. "ITS GONNA BE A VERY TIRING YEAR OF MY LIFE, Where I have to work @ rbts as well as study @ Cosmo and at the same time, do part time job" sigh. I am not a rich family, but I am willing to work harder to achieve success!

I feel thankful to all people around me especially my friends and family. Without their support, I will fall. And now, I have to forgone all my leisure, i.e. saturday & sunday just to earn some money!. But its okay. hardship now pay me future happiness..

My schedule this weekend is doing a volunteer to the event held at Raddison hotel. The event gonna be held on sunday at 8pm. Alliance fracise is doing a 'trio con fuoco' - 3 cultural event from Brunei, French & Germany called "JALAN MUZIK (Street Music)". This is another opportunity for me to gain more experience in volunteering but as well as learn to communicate well with different race and learn more about their culture. Looking forward for it so much this weekend.

I think that's all what I wanna say...its been a while I didn't write. I'm sorry it's quite long. Btw I have just received my coursework marks from Singapore. It was quite astounding! And happy for it. Alhamdulillah. When a door closes, another opens!. Thanks people for reading & listening. I left you with beautiful inspirational words... I hope you enjoy!~

The pursuit of happiness is a matter of is a positive attitude we consciously choose to express. It is not a gift that gets delivered to our doorstep each morning, nor does it come through the window. And I am certain that our circumstances are just a small part of what makes us joyful. If we wait for them to get just right, we will never find lasting joy.

The pursuit of happiness is an inward journey. Our minds are like programs, awaiting the code that will determine behaviors; like bank vaults awaiting our deposits. If we regularly deposit positive, encouraging, and uplifting thoughts, if we continue to bite our lips just before we begin to grumble and complain, if we shoot down that seemingly harmless negative thought as it germinates, we will find that there is much to rejoice about.

Last but not least! Happy Mother's Day to mummy...

May the joy be with you. Love,

Saturday 1 May 2010

Amazing Race at RBTS VMC Salar...

Assalam.. Hy evryone! My week was... was... ermm... hectic, well super hectic. But baik jua nada school. If ada, i was teribbly tired frens~ My boss just went back to work after working outstation plus a week of stranded in UK. Perhaps its the reason why everyone was busy. Life's work always be like that. But I satisfy with my work before my weekend comes. Cus my task was done. *relief* Anyhoos, last wednesday..RBTS held an amazing race amongst the staff at our workshop at Salar. Im sorry guys I don't have the pictures when we were having the race. This pictures was also not from mine. I steal it from my colleague from FB. hehe :D

RBTS Workshop @Salar

Left: I used to be in this departmet PPM. Right: I also used to drive this 4WD.
cool ey?

This is our CEO brief us before the amazing race started.
Tho my team was so.. so.. keke

Cheer youself every moment, Love you.. xoxo


designer : anniebluesky :