Monday 31 May 2010

Seize every moments...

Salam All. GUess what I have been doing this weekend? Just a small gathering with my Sunshine school classmates. Well, this is the second re-union. So glad We could make it again. For the 3rd gathering I would probably could not join. Because starting this weekend, I'll be working at RasaMas Restaurant as a part-time worker, Saturday and Sunday. Although it is only for Sturday and Sunday, it is still tough for me. And there will be no weekend for me. Sigh. For some, they salute to me cus I have the courage to do all this stuff. I take this decision because I wanted to. And definitely I Have to!.

There was once, when I listened to Pelangi FM, DJ Zati mentioned about a 'successful' person is a person who never waste time, whom always taken up every opportunity that passes. Always finding a solution to any problem. Not only just letting our hardship be as it is. We, ourselves should be responsible to what god had given us. An example given was taking up part-time job. Which I am touched by her saying. Because by taking up part-time job, new experience will lead us to the path of success. No, I mean..what Zati trying to say is, all those experiences we have had in our live is not a waste, its one way, on what determined our success. By experiences, we tend to be more mature in all the things done.. Therefore, the conclusion is, take up every opportunity that pass by in our life, and this opportunity will lead its way to a new experience gained. And at the end of the day, success awaits us at the summit of the mountain. InsyAllah... :)

Anyhoos, below were the some of the pictures and video taken during the 'JALAN MUZIK' event.. So glad that I am part of the 'Jalan Muzik'. Cus it gives me an experience to be a volunteer, especially by helping Alliance Francaise's event. It was really a success! Am i a member? hehe Not yet, but one day I will....

I never missed to take pictures.. hehe

This is the video recorded during the event. It was courtesy of Newzelena. Thanks NEW!~

Lotsa Love, xoxo.



designer : anniebluesky :