Sunday 20 November 2011

KFC & Rasamas Annual Dinner


Dear Friends, I've attended KFC & Rasamas 19th Annual Dinner last Wednesday, 16th Nov 2011. It was awesome fun! This was my first time attending such events organize by KFC & Rasamas Management. Last year I didnt manage to join the annual dinner due to exams plus I was on long holidays, which therefore not able to attend and (indirectly wasn't informed about this... hehe)

So this time round, I was asked to join & make performance on behalf of Rasamas!
The event was held at The Goldstone Ballroom, The Centrepoint Hotel with a theme Colourful and creative!
After all the ups and downs during the practise, Alhamdulillah we were announced to be the 2nd place!
Alhamdulillah again, I've sacrificed so much of my money to pay the parking fees, my personal time until midnight just for the sake of practicing everyday concurrently in a week! Being scolded etc etc..... So this is the rewards! Yeay, Alhamdulillah... aren't we like a pricessess? haha indeed! :p

Photosession with the colleagues before the performance

 First place goes to KFC Giant
Second place goes to Rasamas
Third Place goes to KFC The Mall (If Im not mistaken)

Photo session with Management Team & Rasamas Airport & Kiulap

Next Week On Saturday Insyallah will be  
Royal Brunei Technical Services' 23rd Annual Dinner 
which will gona be held at The Rizqun International Hotel 
with the theme, Red Carpet and Glamorous! *bitting the nails* Red Carpet?? Glamorous??
hahaha Till then... :) Wait for the next post!!

Yours truly,



designer : anniebluesky :