Tuesday 8 November 2011

Mon Frere...

Salam Dear Loves,

Today Im gona update a lil about mon frere. I met him last Saturday when I was in Ministry of Finance (MOF). I dont actually have the intention to go to MOF @ TAP to request for my latest statement of account. I said to Amy that Im gona apply the PSTS scheme next year so I will request my updated statement next year (one of the requirement to apply for PSTS Scheme is Updated TAP statement of account). So for the mean time, "I can bring you to TAP for your own updated statement." I said to Amy.

Once we reached at MOF at TAP, I have just realised that I left my phone in the car. I have this strong feeling to go and get it. So I just left Amy alone as she was on the phone with her boss for some urgent matter! So I decided to just take it alone and I go straight to the basement!

After taking my phone, I go back up. The only way up and back to the basement is only by using the stairs, so as I walk through the stairs, I suddenly stopped and stare infront of this Man. My heart suddenly beatin' so fast that I couldnt barely breath! And I just realised that he was my eldest brother......

Speechless for a few second, then I greeted him with "Assalamualaikum Bang"... and he replied with a smile "Waalaikumsalam"... I am really not sure if he recognise me or not. I am totally not ready for all this unexpected moments. One thing that I regret was I didnt kiss his hand (I mean respect of a sister to her brother). So I just left, and when i go up I suddenly stopped when I saw his wife few steps back. Not quite sure if actually she didnt see me (With or Without intention) I just go up when I realised my brother was actually starring at me. My heart cant stop beating, as if you meet your prince charming or what soever! I have that kind of attitude of panicking when something unexpected just happened or pass by!

I just couldnt believe it til now that I met him unexpectedly. I am not sure if this is what you called faith? or coincidence? I leave it all to Allah s.w.t. I know he is working in this big building but i never will expect that I am gona meet him exactly at the stairs.. of all the places...... Maybe this strong feeling to get my phone in the car actually meant somethin' I believe this is faith!! :') :')

Then again, I just wish that 'one day' me and my family will get back together.. :') Dear all my siblings... If only you'd be able to read this... I really wish that we could be together and accept us for who we are regardless where we came from as we are still one family~ ~ Tho we have different mother, but still we have a same dad! 

My Heart has been longing and missing you guys~ When one day we be together, please forget all the past that had happened, Ayah has already passed away! We should unite together as brothers and sisters! :) 

Ya Allah, Hope everything happened will give us a good reasons... Amiin Insyallah~

This picture was a press release courtesy of Pelita Brunei
He was the representative for the launching of new currency note last August 2011.
He remind me of dad whenever I see him......... 

Yours Truly,



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