Thursday 26 December 2013

Baking Season just came!

Salam again!!

hahaha. My post on a history, posting 5 post in a day.. hahaha (I am so random) Please be happy with me.... *giggles of happiness*

Alrighty, this holiday besides hangin around with my loved ones. I spent a little time to bake. You may surprised. In just 2 weeks, I bake 3 cakes on a random normal day. lol. Oh btw, I did my fitness too tho. Please bear in mind heee!

So, Firstly, Mi Love insist me to bake a pavlova. He said... "belajar...." Oh well, for him... So I learnt. In just one day of watching the youtube on how to make a pavlova. The next day, it was a success! Alhamdulillah. Oh wait, 90% success! haha the remaining 10% was due to the unsuccessful whipping cream... geez, its not easy...

And the next day I made a very easy and simple Peach Truffle. It was nyummy. Taste less-sweet and my colleagues told me you can do business. 3 person said it after one another.. lol. They said, do business! and they also said... "nyaman jua ni..." :D

And finally, the complicated yet easy cake! My favourite. it's Red Velvet Cake! Oh heaven on earth I tell youuuu. The alluring cream cheese... Nyumms! Truthfully, I can eat only the creamcheese and get FAT! lol

Alhamdulillah, again and again... Mommy said "Nadia ani ada bakat memasak sebenarnya... haha! Alhamdulillah. But truthfully again... I cooked Tomyam the other day for my family and mi Love. And eventhough I ignore his reaction but I know he likes it because menambah ya dua kali hahaha!

Okay-okay, Alhamdulillah.... All praises to Allah. My talent was given by Allah.. Yg kurangnya dari Nadia sendiri... :)

Till then... Yours truly,

....when Holiday came. haha!

Hello again! 

Hahaha. Well, besides those hectic stories... I still have my beautiful life. It may not sound as beautiful as a princess outstanding stories. But just a simple ordinary life... Yeah. 

Alhamdulillah, when exam was over... I have a little more time for my family, girl friend & beloved love. heee! Firstly, this holiday, I am teaching my lil-big bro the basic driving.. Alhamdulillah, he managed to successfully learnt the basic driving. InshaaAllah sooner or later he will drive ME! the big sissy!! huhu  :p

Secondly, I went out on a date with Ms Affy after like a month didn't see each other. Went for ortho appointment and have a whole day full of being hippie-dippie gurls. lol. As usual, girls talk... It's fun and awesome! Indeed, went to easy way, going around window-shopping and ended-up hanging out at Zest Cafe, The Empire Hotel for a very late hi-tea. Alhamdulillah, t'was soo good!

 Look at our happy faces... :) hehe

Last but not least, hanging around, going for breakfast, lunch and dinner, watched movies and chitty-chatty, hippie-dippie with mi Love. huhu. My love that I met 5-6 years ago.. Alhamdulillah, Allah has his own reasons for breaking me up with him for 4 years. We really did take a break within those years. Alhamdulillah, InshaaAllah, Allah mempersiapkan kami untuk menjadi org yg sentiasa saling memahami.. Dan seperti kata Dian Pelangi, "Jika Jodoh...putus pun bertemu kembali". Alhamdulillah, for this little happiness. I am blessed. I keep on praying and praying for all the good things to come.. aamiinnn InshaaAllah....Honestly, I never believe on a 2nd chance, I used to hate it. But Allah says never hate, for which what you hate is actually good for you... there you go... (tears of happiness whenever I remember it). Please, again.. pray for me... :)

My favourite saying is "Alhamdulillah wa skurillah"...

Sentiasalah ingat kpd Allah, Sentiasa bersyukur kepadaNya.. Sesungguhnya Allah akan memberikan lebih lagi kpd org yang setiasa mengigatiNya dan mensyukuri nikmatNya...

Yours truly,

When December Came.... Oh my!

December Happenings:

Dear Friends, as December came...My life was soo undescribably hectic! [scary] Well, for a week only tho. lol. Basically, life was pretty cruel to me due to the company's big event and big exam was up. And I was like....."Ohhhh NOOOO!!" Not holding the grudges, but it's the real thing..... huhu

Anyhoos, Alhamdulillah it was over and that maybe the big reason why this blog was not updated eversince. So, btw... as you may know RBTS organised BRIDEX 2013 this year.. Alhamdulillah it went very well. I was initially appointed as a secretary for another International Night Events, but I rejected. Secondly was offer to be MC for holding a seminar, and again... I rejected. The only one I accepted was? To mend our booth. The reason being, I don't want my exam to be interupted. Because the day BRIDEX was having its official opening by His Majesty was also my exam day (but in the evening). Thinking of it further, I don't want to tire myself up. Afraid that I couldn't think well during the exam.

Anyway, the exam was so-so. I believe that my mark will not be that high as my previous semester where I achieved a moderate results of an A and 4 B's. This time, 'the time' was a little bit challenging. This semester, I only have 3 months to prepare, study, do revision, do assignments. And for sure I lack of practise due the 'limited time' plus having a big company event makes me so tiresome.

Actually, I am pretty dissappointed because I lack of practise for my Quantitative Method. Truthfully, eventhough I might say I hate it but actually I love it. Used to get an 'A' during my diploma. The only way to get back another 'A' is to practise more. Im not sure this time Im gona get it... I am so sad... sooo very sad. 

Well, I couldn't move back the time. All I have to do is striving for the best for the next subject in January. Hopefully after this (for sure no big events coming up) and able to manage my time properly. InshaaAllah. May Allah ease my study... Please don't get shocked if I get 'D' or 'C' this semester.. :(

Well people, that is the life of a 'Part-time working student' that's it..... It's my life. But I get used to it over time. Been through 3-4 years of studying and working at the same time.. Just pray all the best for me. Your prayer means so much to me. As well as your support :) Thank you!

Yours Truly,

Agro Technology Botanical Garden Tungku!

November Happening:

Salam all.. I visited this garden (i.e. just 5 minutes away from my house) with my beloved friend Munirah last november, I think. lol. (Apology, I've been neglecting life stories. Hence, I tend to forget huhu) Alright, It's been a very long time we have not hang out together actually, we used to be very-very close friend when we were still in high school but as time passes by and due to everyone's busy schedule we have yet to meet and have a chit chat like we used to before.

Well, anyway...this meet-up was unplanned. It was after me and & Munirah was invited for a friend's wedding few days before. Our Ugama School classmates' wedding.. Her name is Nieza. We were so happy to meet each other's back after a very long time. Alhamdulilah, Munirah is currently taking her Master in Education whereas myself a bachelor to be. InshaaAllah..

hmm..Time goes by so fast. But our memories remains as best friends. Hopefully our friendship will last longer until we are both married, have kids and til we grow old. InshaaAllah. May Allah bless our friendship forever.

So, we managed to drop by to the garden at our village. It was so beautiful, feels like I am not in Brunei. Alhamdulillah our Kampong / village is now improving day by day.. With this agro botanical garden, it will attract more local and international tourist one day! InshaaAllah. The garden which is not only for leisure but also for jogging and there is also a mini-zoo. Good for us to refresh and chill here especially with family..

So here it is, enjoy the moments we captured......

P/s: I went here twice. 
One with Munirah and another with Az's Family. 
We all reunited back again..... 

"Everything happened for a reason..." 

Just believe in that saying. And You'll be fine InshaaAllah :)

My Beautiful Mama's Birthday!!

October Happenings:

My Beloved Mother's birthday. Indeed her special Day... We are celebrating her with lotsa Lovesss.... 

We always pray for your health and May Allah always Bless you and us (your beloved Daughter & Son)

Yours Truly,


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