Sunday 28 February 2010

Trouble is a friend...

Yes it does. Cus it always accompany us everywhere and every time. haha cutiepack! Yes finally My assignment on UNEMPLOYMENT is DONE!! Aren't me happy? yes I am. But does it sound right with the title? No its not. But I love the way they say trouble is a friend. haha :D

anyway, I deactivate my facebook and I accomplished my first mission. But it scares me bit, where I have to await Mr. Topo's comments and for plagiarism check purposes. Hmm..

Anyway have a great DAY tomorrow and ahead!!!

p/s: another one to be completed!

Loves you guys, XoXo

Saturday 27 February 2010

there's also minimum wages in U-Tube...

First known this video, I laugh.. because?? its economic, and specifically Minimum wages. haha I happened to know it when I google on minimum wages in the net, And I turned out finding this. Hmm..but its cool!!~

My assignment status - is almost done~!!

Thursday 25 February 2010

unpredictablly happy...

finally i got this book. I've been waiting since early of the year. So, i hope this book will inspired me more to not thinking about sad things anymore. I want to read it but I have something else to do. My assignments. I aim to complete it this week. And I am prioritising to do do my assignment first then I can read this book.

Plus, this afternoon I have function at my cousin's house. Where I have few time left because I give myself 2 days to complete my assignment today & tomorrow. So on Sunday I can freely do anything I want. Hmm..

Anyway, Happy Maulidur Rasul to all muslims. And happy holiday...

Lahir mu..membawa rahmat.. memimpin ke jalan selamat..Akhlakmu yang sungguh memikat.. contoh buat seluruh umat..Ya nabi salam alaika, Ya rasul salam alaika, Ya habib salam alaika Solawatullah alaika..

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Patriotic Day...


Left: RBTS in BT dtd 23rd Feb 2010. Wishing the pople a Happy National Day...

23rd February 2010 is our national day. The theme was "Negaraku Brunei Darussalam" and its already 26th anniversary. haha For those whose birth year is on 1984, You are oLD.!!. heehee cus you are now 26th!! hhaha :) I was just kidding xp

Hmm.. its public holiday. And should've do something. OR maybe I should be jogging, OR maybe reading novels OR Beaching and the list goes on and on... But unfortunately I have lotsa assignments to be completed. Everytime I finished it, I was given more, more and more assignments. Fortunately, every time the lecturers given me homework. And that everytime I completed it as early as possible. Today, I try to make it bit by bit(and Ive just taken this picture few mins ago). As you can see my books were everywhere in my bed. I will be sleeping with books nevertheless~ haha :D due date is coming soonn... :s March comes, due date accompanies! dududu *whistling*

Just to show you off a RED envelope given by Ivy on monday for the belated Chinese New Year. SHE-SHE NIE IVY... heehee Glad that she refill my wallet. After all this while I have only $5 left.. (belum terima lagi) *kwang-kwang* haha xppp

Oke, its time to sleep now. 12.55am Brunei times. Tomorrow i will continue my dessert. Opps i mean dissertations. & definetely back to worrkkkk!!

Good nite.. Assalamualaikum~~

Sunday 21 February 2010

appreciating the day...

So its Sun DAY... A beautiful lovely day. And I am trying to chillaxing at home plus reflecting and unwind from what I've been done for the past almost two months of 2010. There are things I have not achieved as of yet. But there are things I've accomplished within this short period of time. So glad I did it.

Today, was a very soft flowing day, where nothing came up. As I said chillaxing the whole day at home and doing some stuff and assignment. Another one completed. Another two bunch of assignment is yet to be done. huhu x)

Hmm.. yeah pretty simple though. Wish me and my team.. all the Best for tomorrow's short presentations. And Happy Advance NATIONAL DAY to BRunei.. tuesday is our National day!! hooraay..we'll be having a public holiday!!~ heehee ;p

Guess what Ive found out in FB this afternoon.. This is suitable for a new friend who doesn't know me well... here is some stuffs that you should definitely take note. haha :D

Dear Adriana Puteri, below are your Personality Tests result:

Who is your true self: You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Your view on yourself:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are down-to-earth
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : People like you because you are so straightforward
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are a true romantic
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : When you are in love
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You will do anything
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Everything to keep your love true

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person

The seriousness of your love:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You like to flirt
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Behave seductively
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : The opposite sex finds this very attractive
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : That's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Education is very important in life
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You want to study hard
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Learn as much as you can

The right job for you:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You're a practical person
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Will choose a secure job with a steady income
Ƹ̵̡ӜƷ : Knowing what you like to do is important
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Find a regular job doing just that
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You'll be set for life

How do you view success:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Nothing will stop you from trying

What are you most afraid of:
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : You are concerned about your image
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : The way others see you
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : It's time for you to believe in who you are
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵Ʒ : Not what you wear

ENJOY YOUR LIFE .. & Smile always .. =) & do not take things for granted...

Saturday 20 February 2010

Walah.... cute faces

Blogging is my hobbies. How I cud denied it. It was a feel of relieve every time I blog. But Sometime not to blog on too confidential things here. Just a normal ordinary life of mine. A day that Ive been through no matter sad or Happy (especially).

Gosh, in this two days, there were unexpected thing that makes me *BLUSH* as For make up i don't need any blusher to make it blush! Huhu. I feel like want to screeeeeaaaammm!! Haha LOL-ypop!! Yesterday, Friday..guess who open my blog. Oh gosh~ hanya tuhan saja yang tau. Today, Saturday...Ive met my senior that Ive contacted on FB. & at first Im too shy to greet. But he want me to greet. So then I greet~ LOL-ypop. Galats wah nyamu... *blush-blush-blush* huhu xD

So then again a cute story of mine happened this two days! Referring to my previous blog dated...hmm cari sendiri la.. hee :)

Its regarding my dream of being a member of Kapal Belia. It has been to my awareness and concerned that I need more info about this. So when I search the net I've found what I want. and need. I simply loving it, cus its answered my questions all this while. so much info about it though. Kapal Belia as people know it as the SSEAYP (the Ship of Southeast Asian Youth Programme) is a very good programme that Bruneian youngster should dream and pursue. A very good programme in strengthened our relationship with our neighbouring country and also Japan as part of the east ASIA. Nevertheless we will be able to know other country's culture in exchanging the knowledge we do have and had.

When i google the ship called nippon maru, it appears to be lots of it in the image sections. So, as far as I am concerned that Nippon Maru is no longer travel and there is a new ship replacing it called Fuji Maru. Which exactly almost the same with Nippon Maru.. hmm~ don't you just envy what I envy? I wish that this dream will be true one day!! Kumpul duit dulu nyamu... i believe that the expenses will be incurred half-half. Half by government & half by our own expenses.. Gosh.. how I wish to be a teenager yang parentsnya beusin and dapat help to incurred the expenses. Aku ani apa jua, ordinary lady who dream an EXTRA-Ordinary things.. Ya ALLAH... I know i can one day!! =) Amiiiiinnnn InsyAllah.

Betapa susahnya mencari ilmu, mencari kemahiran, mencari kepandaian, mencari pengalaman dan segala-galanya. Kalau ku jadi orang kaya pasti nda kan ku sia-siakan... ^_^ Kalau ada peluang DO NOT EVER LET IT GO. My ex boss used to say it to me. everytime.. so glad that i met him. He inspires me..

Travel in the ocean Blueee

Dream Big and Big. Still pursuing the dream to become true! Back to the present. Ive just get back from college at around 9.30 smpai rumah. Finalllllyyy we finalised our presentation slides. We reviewed, we discussed, We summarised all the slides. Alhamdulillah. Baru saja tadi I've send the slides to them for their perusal and reference cus on monday is our day!! the presentaions gonna be held!~ Semoga mendapat markah yang baik. Kami berusaha dan terus berusaha... Nda jua disangka-sangka our classmates is rajin-rajin belaka. One of my friends yang skulah sana jua membagi tau yang kami punya class and intake ani rajin-rajin. Alhamdulillah.. Good news for us.. *Big Grin* haha xD

Hmm...esuk what to do? wait up for my next updates know I love guys... XoXo

Tanamkan azam setinggi-tinggi bintang di langit, Rendahkan hatimu serendah-rendah mutiara di lautan :)

Friday 19 February 2010

I miss them~

L&ES Department colleagues year 2008...

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Fair OR Not ??

Today, I have a short test of the first term & time of semester 1. And the result was out immediately. And I was soo happy! *big grin* When I tot that I am going to have a low marks. And Alhamdulillah, it was out of the blue...

Other things that makes me happy today was I submitted my homework to ms. Maria. I hope it get good results. Amin... And my presentations of International trade, I should submit it by tomorrow cus I have some amendments to do. Hopefully mr. Tobo will understand my presentation slides. hmm.. =) and i did discuss a bit more with the my group and they satisfy with my slides. Alhamdulillah. I spend my holiday completing the task assigned. Alhamdulillah, good sign.

And yeah.. one thing that unsatified me few minutes ago. When I saw my ex-classmates from STPRI, in form 1 she managed to further her study to Loughborough college. I ve found out this, when I opened her FB a few moments ago. Hmm.. Its not that Im jelous, but I envy her.. My head keep on wondering, how did she managed to get scholarship kan?? If I think back in STPRI, my class was on the frontline than hers. She was at an F class, while I in E. Not that far though. But one more thing was, she repeat her O level for a year back then. I only sat 1 time and got satisfying result. And she's not.. ya Allah Astaghfirullahalazimmm~~

But after she managed to joined 6th form, which I was her seniors before.. And i graduated first than her. BUt the question is HOW & WHY?? why did she managed to get scholarship after 6th form? and further her studies in UK in HND. I felt its not fair. ya Allah... I cried.. deep in my heart I envy her ya Allah.. berikanlah aku kekuatan... :'(

Is it fair for me? I feel not. But maybe its her lucks. Its her faith. And this is my faith & luck. hmm :'(
Ya Allah ampunkanlah hambamu ini ya Allah kerana terlalu mencemburuinya ..

Wahai teman mungkin ini cubaan dan dugaan hidup yang harus ku tempuh, jika ini yang baik untukku akan ku terima... Peringatkalah aku jika aku lupa tentang kuasa Allah..

Ya zauj, this new life comes with many many responsibilities upon it. Lets make duaa that Allah will always always guide us everystep of the way. Remind me when I forget, insyaAllah I will remind you as well…

Saturday 13 February 2010

My Joyful moments...

The Simple List That'll Help You Feel More Alive‏ (from Oprah newwsletter)

Create a "What I Enjoy" List

"As simple as this may sound, it is very important for you to make one. This list should include everything that brings you pleasure and passion in life. If you aren't sure what brings you joy right now, think back to what used to bring you joy. This may require some exploration, but what did you do when you were a little kid that brought a smile on your face? Did you used to go horseback riding? Walk outside in a garden? Whatever it may be, write it down. This list doesn't mean that you have to do them every day. It's just to make you aware that there are things in the world that do make you feel alive. If you are able to do something you enjoy at least once a week, do it and help yourself feel alive in that moment. You have to behave the way you want to feel before you feel the way you are behaving! It's about opening yourself up to a new experience or something that you stopped doing. Try to rediscover what it feels like to look or feel differently from the 'not enoughness' you have been putting into your head for a long time now. When you start doing this, you will launch yourself back into aliveness!"
— Dr. Robin Smith

Some people can get tones of opportunity easily out there. But some, it's a rare. For an ordinary person like me who rarely get those, once it passes by..i will never let it go.

- Horse Riding & Swimming is part of her dream.. Last year she managed to ride a cute lovely white horse. This year, she dream big of being a good swimmer... sometimes a simple thing can make her happy & give her joy...

- I've been envying people who get a chance to be model in the photo shooting. I always wonder and if I be the model. When I think back, past few days..the dream comes true..where i suddenly offered by My bestfriend to join her on photo shooting last sunday. Its again bring me joy.

- I used to think that I want to be a Assistant Executive to DCE like Zar in my office. That dream happened when I first join RBTS. I envy how she work at that particular post and earned a better income when i look back that my qualification is higher than her. Why & how she do it? And now...without I realised that I am now in that position. So glad and happy for it. Zar took 3 years to achieved that level while I only less than 2 years.

All of the above mentioned is among my dreams. But Its all happened without my realisation. So, isn't life is beautiful??

Monday 8 February 2010


Friendship Blossom :)

Assalamualaikum... So here I am after missing for a week. It's such a very tiring week where lots of work to be completed! Plus lotsa assignment to be done. Plus non stop things comin' around. But I do love what i did every part of my life. Recently, I went to swimming 'class' with dy. Where she taught me the basic of how to swim. Where in the end I finally managed to float in the pool. Step by step. Lil bit by bit, I am now able to move my feet and try to balance the situations. I am so happy that dy's friend, wanie and dy herself willing to teach me how to swim. Cus it's one of my aim this year, to be active and try to sort out the talent in me. Being a youngster, we definitely need to try lots and different things to improve and emerged our hidden ability. I try to discover what else is my capabilities. What am I good at. By simply being me, I need to learn to find Who I really am. I know rite I am definitely still nadia no matter what. But one of my dream, (just to share with you) is.... One day I dreamt to be a member of Kapal Belia. Within the age of 21 til 30 years old I need to improvise my english in order to communicate well. I also need to look and search for my own talent, like Playing a Piano (cus I really love piano) and I would also like to be assertive in swimming. This talent is the additional talent that I should have to be considered to join Kapal Belia. Other than that I want to learn different languages like Korea, Japan, Spain or even French. This is another additional thing I should've had. Well being at the age of 21 now, I have so much thing and so much mission impossible to make it possible. I know I can one day. This dream I pursue since last year at my age of 20 years old. I want to appreciate my teenage life to be a meaningful, magical and also memorable. Isn't it great to look back one day when we were at the age of 40, how meaningful our life was when we were at the age of 20. Its awwsoomee rite? I know rite?? I wish i wish with all my heart. For the mean time, lets just head our journey towards our dream goal. I know my dream is too simple. But I will try to get it possible with god's willing... To keep track to my time, now.. I am yet to achieve my study in Business admin first, to improve my salary first, to save money for future needs. To experience more great journey, to create more skills, to improve my talent and one day it'll lead the way!! YES it will.. Hulahu... So, lets get back to my real world. Past few days, I went swimming with Dy. And yesterday, I accompany munirah to join photoshooting by Whiz8studio inc.'s photographer. I can simply say, it was a teribbly awesome fun time with my besties and four (4) professional photoG. It was auspicious. haha tho Im not good at posing. But I do good in Laughing. hahaha. Im so loving it!! Wish I could improve my posing skill. LoL. So, Ambitious Nadia here. Btw Few days back, I have a great 5 minutes moment where i miscalled my friend in German using MSN's voice call. But then, few minutes back he called me (well, i asked and he want it). And yeah...its cool.. i feel its cool! haha cus, this person is so teribbly serious person in MSN yet so true in his real life(in my perception not judgement). But he is a very gooooood listener of mine. haha. Tho its only for 5 minutes. Im glad that we make it. nyeh..just to share you a cute story of mine... Erm...yeah... *wink* Okae, that's for now..before I wrap this story..let me just wish my newly wedd friend from RBTS Attachment student a...
...Selamat Pengantin Baru...
Nurhayatee & Dzulfakar
Semoga Bahagia ke anak cucu... Amiiiiinnnn.... :)

Hargailan apa yang ada dihadapanmu...Maka akan datanglah kebahagiaan kepadamu walau sekelumit pun... - nadia


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