Tuesday 16 February 2010

Fair OR Not ??

Today, I have a short test of the first term & time of semester 1. And the result was out immediately. And I was soo happy! *big grin* When I tot that I am going to have a low marks. And Alhamdulillah, it was out of the blue...

Other things that makes me happy today was I submitted my homework to ms. Maria. I hope it get good results. Amin... And my presentations of International trade, I should submit it by tomorrow cus I have some amendments to do. Hopefully mr. Tobo will understand my presentation slides. hmm.. =) and i did discuss a bit more with the my group and they satisfy with my slides. Alhamdulillah. I spend my holiday completing the task assigned. Alhamdulillah, good sign.

And yeah.. one thing that unsatified me few minutes ago. When I saw my ex-classmates from STPRI, in form 1 she managed to further her study to Loughborough college. I ve found out this, when I opened her FB a few moments ago. Hmm.. Its not that Im jelous, but I envy her.. My head keep on wondering, how did she managed to get scholarship kan?? If I think back in STPRI, my class was on the frontline than hers. She was at an F class, while I in E. Not that far though. But one more thing was, she repeat her O level for a year back then. I only sat 1 time and got satisfying result. And she's not.. ya Allah Astaghfirullahalazimmm~~

But after she managed to joined 6th form, which I was her seniors before.. And i graduated first than her. BUt the question is HOW & WHY?? why did she managed to get scholarship after 6th form? and further her studies in UK in HND. I felt its not fair. ya Allah... I cried.. deep in my heart I envy her ya Allah.. berikanlah aku kekuatan... :'(

Is it fair for me? I feel not. But maybe its her lucks. Its her faith. And this is my faith & luck. hmm :'(
Ya Allah ampunkanlah hambamu ini ya Allah kerana terlalu mencemburuinya ..

Wahai teman mungkin ini cubaan dan dugaan hidup yang harus ku tempuh, jika ini yang baik untukku akan ku terima... Peringatkalah aku jika aku lupa tentang kuasa Allah..

Ya zauj, this new life comes with many many responsibilities upon it. Lets make duaa that Allah will always always guide us everystep of the way. Remind me when I forget, insyaAllah I will remind you as well…



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