Saturday 13 February 2010

My Joyful moments...

The Simple List That'll Help You Feel More Alive‏ (from Oprah newwsletter)

Create a "What I Enjoy" List

"As simple as this may sound, it is very important for you to make one. This list should include everything that brings you pleasure and passion in life. If you aren't sure what brings you joy right now, think back to what used to bring you joy. This may require some exploration, but what did you do when you were a little kid that brought a smile on your face? Did you used to go horseback riding? Walk outside in a garden? Whatever it may be, write it down. This list doesn't mean that you have to do them every day. It's just to make you aware that there are things in the world that do make you feel alive. If you are able to do something you enjoy at least once a week, do it and help yourself feel alive in that moment. You have to behave the way you want to feel before you feel the way you are behaving! It's about opening yourself up to a new experience or something that you stopped doing. Try to rediscover what it feels like to look or feel differently from the 'not enoughness' you have been putting into your head for a long time now. When you start doing this, you will launch yourself back into aliveness!"
— Dr. Robin Smith

Some people can get tones of opportunity easily out there. But some, it's a rare. For an ordinary person like me who rarely get those, once it passes by..i will never let it go.

- Horse Riding & Swimming is part of her dream.. Last year she managed to ride a cute lovely white horse. This year, she dream big of being a good swimmer... sometimes a simple thing can make her happy & give her joy...

- I've been envying people who get a chance to be model in the photo shooting. I always wonder and if I be the model. When I think back, past few days..the dream comes true..where i suddenly offered by My bestfriend to join her on photo shooting last sunday. Its again bring me joy.

- I used to think that I want to be a Assistant Executive to DCE like Zar in my office. That dream happened when I first join RBTS. I envy how she work at that particular post and earned a better income when i look back that my qualification is higher than her. Why & how she do it? And now...without I realised that I am now in that position. So glad and happy for it. Zar took 3 years to achieved that level while I only less than 2 years.

All of the above mentioned is among my dreams. But Its all happened without my realisation. So, isn't life is beautiful??



designer : anniebluesky :