Saturday 20 February 2010

Walah.... cute faces

Blogging is my hobbies. How I cud denied it. It was a feel of relieve every time I blog. But Sometime not to blog on too confidential things here. Just a normal ordinary life of mine. A day that Ive been through no matter sad or Happy (especially).

Gosh, in this two days, there were unexpected thing that makes me *BLUSH* as For make up i don't need any blusher to make it blush! Huhu. I feel like want to screeeeeaaaammm!! Haha LOL-ypop!! Yesterday, Friday..guess who open my blog. Oh gosh~ hanya tuhan saja yang tau. Today, Saturday...Ive met my senior that Ive contacted on FB. & at first Im too shy to greet. But he want me to greet. So then I greet~ LOL-ypop. Galats wah nyamu... *blush-blush-blush* huhu xD

So then again a cute story of mine happened this two days! Referring to my previous blog dated...hmm cari sendiri la.. hee :)

Its regarding my dream of being a member of Kapal Belia. It has been to my awareness and concerned that I need more info about this. So when I search the net I've found what I want. and need. I simply loving it, cus its answered my questions all this while. so much info about it though. Kapal Belia as people know it as the SSEAYP (the Ship of Southeast Asian Youth Programme) is a very good programme that Bruneian youngster should dream and pursue. A very good programme in strengthened our relationship with our neighbouring country and also Japan as part of the east ASIA. Nevertheless we will be able to know other country's culture in exchanging the knowledge we do have and had.

When i google the ship called nippon maru, it appears to be lots of it in the image sections. So, as far as I am concerned that Nippon Maru is no longer travel and there is a new ship replacing it called Fuji Maru. Which exactly almost the same with Nippon Maru.. hmm~ don't you just envy what I envy? I wish that this dream will be true one day!! Kumpul duit dulu nyamu... i believe that the expenses will be incurred half-half. Half by government & half by our own expenses.. Gosh.. how I wish to be a teenager yang parentsnya beusin and dapat help to incurred the expenses. Aku ani apa jua, ordinary lady who dream an EXTRA-Ordinary things.. Ya ALLAH... I know i can one day!! =) Amiiiiinnnn InsyAllah.

Betapa susahnya mencari ilmu, mencari kemahiran, mencari kepandaian, mencari pengalaman dan segala-galanya. Kalau ku jadi orang kaya pasti nda kan ku sia-siakan... ^_^ Kalau ada peluang DO NOT EVER LET IT GO. My ex boss used to say it to me. everytime.. so glad that i met him. He inspires me..

Travel in the ocean Blueee

Dream Big and Big. Still pursuing the dream to become true! Back to the present. Ive just get back from college at around 9.30 smpai rumah. Finalllllyyy we finalised our presentation slides. We reviewed, we discussed, We summarised all the slides. Alhamdulillah. Baru saja tadi I've send the slides to them for their perusal and reference cus on monday is our day!! the presentaions gonna be held!~ Semoga mendapat markah yang baik. Kami berusaha dan terus berusaha... Nda jua disangka-sangka our classmates is rajin-rajin belaka. One of my friends yang skulah sana jua membagi tau yang kami punya class and intake ani rajin-rajin. Alhamdulillah.. Good news for us.. *Big Grin* haha xD

Hmm...esuk what to do? wait up for my next updates know I love guys... XoXo

Tanamkan azam setinggi-tinggi bintang di langit, Rendahkan hatimu serendah-rendah mutiara di lautan :)



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