Monday 8 February 2010


Friendship Blossom :)

Assalamualaikum... So here I am after missing for a week. It's such a very tiring week where lots of work to be completed! Plus lotsa assignment to be done. Plus non stop things comin' around. But I do love what i did every part of my life. Recently, I went to swimming 'class' with dy. Where she taught me the basic of how to swim. Where in the end I finally managed to float in the pool. Step by step. Lil bit by bit, I am now able to move my feet and try to balance the situations. I am so happy that dy's friend, wanie and dy herself willing to teach me how to swim. Cus it's one of my aim this year, to be active and try to sort out the talent in me. Being a youngster, we definitely need to try lots and different things to improve and emerged our hidden ability. I try to discover what else is my capabilities. What am I good at. By simply being me, I need to learn to find Who I really am. I know rite I am definitely still nadia no matter what. But one of my dream, (just to share with you) is.... One day I dreamt to be a member of Kapal Belia. Within the age of 21 til 30 years old I need to improvise my english in order to communicate well. I also need to look and search for my own talent, like Playing a Piano (cus I really love piano) and I would also like to be assertive in swimming. This talent is the additional talent that I should have to be considered to join Kapal Belia. Other than that I want to learn different languages like Korea, Japan, Spain or even French. This is another additional thing I should've had. Well being at the age of 21 now, I have so much thing and so much mission impossible to make it possible. I know I can one day. This dream I pursue since last year at my age of 20 years old. I want to appreciate my teenage life to be a meaningful, magical and also memorable. Isn't it great to look back one day when we were at the age of 40, how meaningful our life was when we were at the age of 20. Its awwsoomee rite? I know rite?? I wish i wish with all my heart. For the mean time, lets just head our journey towards our dream goal. I know my dream is too simple. But I will try to get it possible with god's willing... To keep track to my time, now.. I am yet to achieve my study in Business admin first, to improve my salary first, to save money for future needs. To experience more great journey, to create more skills, to improve my talent and one day it'll lead the way!! YES it will.. Hulahu... So, lets get back to my real world. Past few days, I went swimming with Dy. And yesterday, I accompany munirah to join photoshooting by Whiz8studio inc.'s photographer. I can simply say, it was a teribbly awesome fun time with my besties and four (4) professional photoG. It was auspicious. haha tho Im not good at posing. But I do good in Laughing. hahaha. Im so loving it!! Wish I could improve my posing skill. LoL. So, Ambitious Nadia here. Btw Few days back, I have a great 5 minutes moment where i miscalled my friend in German using MSN's voice call. But then, few minutes back he called me (well, i asked and he want it). And yeah...its cool.. i feel its cool! haha cus, this person is so teribbly serious person in MSN yet so true in his real life(in my perception not judgement). But he is a very gooooood listener of mine. haha. Tho its only for 5 minutes. Im glad that we make it. nyeh..just to share you a cute story of mine... Erm...yeah... *wink* Okae, that's for now..before I wrap this story..let me just wish my newly wedd friend from RBTS Attachment student a...
...Selamat Pengantin Baru...
Nurhayatee & Dzulfakar
Semoga Bahagia ke anak cucu... Amiiiiinnnn.... :)

Hargailan apa yang ada dihadapanmu...Maka akan datanglah kebahagiaan kepadamu walau sekelumit pun... - nadia



designer : anniebluesky :