Tuesday 31 August 2010

When August End...

Assalam. I am happy but sad...Happy to see myself moving forward. But sad to leave all the beautiful memory passed by since January 2010...

There's a saying...
Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward.- Soren Kierkegaard
Wow, when i try to reflect and reminisce back. What a wonderful life I have had. I just don't realised it. Someone makes me think back my life I have. I know, this person is a hidayah from Allah that I should be very thankful of what have been given to me. Although I have gone through lots of the dark side, I felt I am so lucky to have that. Without it, without those challenges, I wouldn't be ME now. I will not be the way I am right now. There's so many blessing I have. Alhamdulillah... I hope this will leads my way up and always stays along the line. But if there's a distratctions along my ways, i guess I am ready to face it. This is all because experience in life has taught me to be mature, patient, calm in facing those challenges.

As of today, I am still alive, I still keep on breathing... Cus I know 'life' want the best in me. And I should appreciate every moment I have cus we are not living this life forever. Allah have created us to be the best human being. And that best human evolve and emerged from the way you wanted it to be. You created your life. So, make it wonderful. If you less motivated, find someone that can motivate you towards the best in you. Allah wants us to keep on trying.. never give up.

Do you know that...
All of the top achievers are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence.
Being an 'excellence' is not only for our study or work but life. Achieving the best in life is what we want. Being the Best is BEST!~ hehe :D

All in all, whenever you demotivated just count your blessing. That should be fine.

Ok, this video really inspired me to keep moving forward, because I used to be in the son's position. I keep on blamming my father who made me appear in this earth and makes me suffer since I was a kid. I used to hate LIFE very much, cus life always treated me unfairly and makes my mom suffered. But this vid really rings the bell. I hope you do inspired as well... Always keep track of yourself, do not change from the line and keep believing yourself.

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That´s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying: You ain´t what you wanna be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain´t you! You´re better than that!"
Wow, it's really are an inspiring video.... :)

I hope when SEPTEMBER comes, happiness will be showering me all the way... If I were to think of a fairy tale... I would like to dance my life out~ singing and living peacefully... Haha. I know its nonsense but just to maintain the feeling of joy in my heart. ;)

I really wana thank you all who have been part of my life and also consider you, strangers who read my blog. Because everything happens for a reason. This is the reason...I may be inspiring you and I am also inspired by you...

Talking about life, today my days started with a car almost hit my car at the main round-about gadong. But I did not lose my temper, I just smile. hehe WHy? Because its not my fault, he even horn me. And I just keep moving. He was the one who overtake my lane. Not Im taking him. So what for Im angry..?? haha in the end I hope he realised that he was the one who's wrong. Shame on you...

When I reached office, My day started with a smile to the reception as well as Mawee who's waiting for me to open the office door. hehe :D And they even realised that I'm smiling all the way.. "Ayu nampak hari nie" Umi said.. :) hehe I just smile and thanks her. I can just simply said to myself.. well, first thing is I am busy but stress free. :D

Today as well, I met my colleague whom I say is "Simple but Complicated" She was really happy to see me, I just dont know why...I feel the joy when I met her. I just listen to her story cus she just wen back from a shopping trip to KL few days back to accompany her twins for her wedding this december. Obviously, I have to shift my thought from -ve to +ve in order to accept people's weaknesses. They are my sisters and brothers in Islam..why should I hate 'em for those remeh-temeh reasons rite? hehe

One thing that makes me smile is when Lim aka Mr Kungfu Panda wanted to give me a CD of Bryan Adam, oh it's just happened when Donald, our cleaner clearing the dustbin and suddenly his hp rang. And the ringtone was Bryan Adam's song. I really bet, Lim will give me the CD tomorrow. Because he said so. lol.

"hey, that is Bryan Adam's Song... Donald can you sing Nadia that song?" He asked donald.

Donald just smile, laugh and left.
And when Hj mohammad came by to my office, Lim also asks him to sang...but Hj Mohammad just laugh and maybe thinking "what for?"
In the end, I speak up..."Haiyya you a..lim, you sja sing that song...simple what?"
And that makes him downloaded the song directly and he told me that he want to give me the song.. sigh. Reuben who was also there just laugh.. Kungfu Panda always done the unexpected things. isk..isk..

I really don't understand him, and I dont wana understand it anyway.. huhu :s last time mcD and now Bryan Adam? lol :p

Btw I received an invitation today from Amri for his wedding this 10th October. Ali gave me the invitation this morning.. I dont expect I will be invited. cus I only knew him for only few months in RBTS before he further study if not mistaken. Thanks for the invitation anyway... :) InsyAllah will come...

Alright, I guess that's all I wana say... See you September... :)

May the joy be with you guys as well...xoxo

Wednesday 25 August 2010



Au... Semangat sudah... Today, my day was quite hectic than usual. I go up and down to 5th and 6th floor several times. Well, I did it everyday tho. It seems that this fasting month is not like fasting. Often I wonder that how can people cannot stand to fast? Do you know during my second semester that almost every week I fast (sorry a...dont misunderstood me...not everyday) I only break my fast eating biscuits that I bought in Hua Ho and a bottle of water..And it happened to be that day is a normal working day. And I even have class throughout the night. Can you ever imagine how weak I am at that time? My point here is that, how could people who only have gastic doesnt want to fast? or even so there is also unreasonable reason heard as such "nda tahan lapar ku" Astaghfirullahalazimmm.. inda masuk di akal. And one more thing do you know that I also do have gastric since I was a KID? Kid man?? kid~~ and i kid you not!! until I grown up..

Mom once told me that, you have to fast in order to reduce your sickness (I.e. Gastric) If you fast it will slowly dissapear.. and she keep on mumbling to me until now... AND GUESS What? It happened to be real. After a while I did fast and the gastric healed. See? Do not pamper your sickness or else it will get worse. Cut my tongue if you dont believe me.. All of Grown up Bruneian who does not fast is too childish. Their mind is too short. They never think of the sins they have made. And they neither think on how to re-pay for it as well. isk2... dosa2...

So anyway, today as i said it was quite hectic, and luckily the meeting was not postponed anymore. But one thing that I hate during the meeting is that not that I dont want to get involve in it. Its just that I have to implement all the things discussed.. Having my say in a meeting is the best part. But when I have to do the research and implement it is the hard way. Soo many things to be think of. But positively thingking, I am lucky than the rest. Cus I have the experience but not you.. :) neither loss do i get..

I went home around 2.45pm today and I went straight away to school to pay my August school fees. You know every 25th of each end of month is always my school fees day as well other than my pay day!. sigh. Anyway, I met my lecturers there, Miss Ainun was there too. Just hanging around with her best buddies.. hehe :D as usual. So when I asked, when is my next semester starts? They said on the 13th September 2010. And Biah informed me that my next course will be Marketing, Accounting 1 and Management 1. I know three of these, are the toughest subjects, like the incredible hulk. :p huhu. But its all depends on my result later on. As for the time being, while waiting for it, we continue to study the subject mentioned. Ya Allah... INSYALLAH... :) Hope everything goes well as planned. Amiinn...

In spite of that, Its a HARI RAYA Day... wow, it will be cool isn't it?, schooling during hari raya. I bet..all the gurls will be wearing the most beautiful Baju kurong "Malay Pageant" and the guys must be handsome with baju cara melayu "Malay Leonardo d Caprio".. hmm~ hahaha :D plus lots and lots of cakes and biscuits pleaasssee. kekeke. and tapak kuda not to be forgotten' haha :D This year must be an amazing raya year. Dont you think Prince?? aha.. *winks*

This evening, Ive just went shopping alone, by myself...just to buy some grocery and paying my mobile phone bill. Ok everything settled.... I just can't wait to meet my super girlfriends :) I miss them a lot. I miss all the laughter together, i miss all the karaoke-ing together, I miss the bowling together, I miss the beach-ing together... Ever since MD, we became more closer and closer. They are all my PS 3 mates.. I still remember, it happened when our PS 3 was in the morning and we ate POP-MEE together~ aha.. you bet it right... together again.. haha :D But now... hmm.. every each of us was separated..we have our own life. Some went overseas, some UBDs, ITBs, MTSSR, and even working. The most happiest thing is whenever Ramadhan Comes, then the 'super bu ajah's gurl' comes together again...:)

MD Moments... :')

Buatmu yang dikasihi...Dan buat diriku yang dirindui...Terima Kasih atas segalanya... :')

"Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan petir dan kilat. Kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya Allah hendak memberi kita pelangi"
Till then.. you know i love you guys.... xoxo,

Friday 20 August 2010

cheery Berry...

Assalamualaikum... :)

Today, i went to Gadong for Sungkai with my classmates and watched movies together. This is my first outing with my college mates after 8 months of knowing each other. All I can say, I am happy with it. Tho I feel the time was too limited. I wish to spend the whole day with P.A. *winks* opppss! Anyway, I enjoyed today's outing. I often wonder, how to be a proactive lady so that people will never get bored with me. haha :D any suggestions ? huuhuu. 

One thing that I adored today was the movie itself was quite interesting. Its action, love, as well as comedy movie. I think I want to watch a comedy  of Pua Chu Kang Movie haha. Cus I simply wana laugh out with the world. huhu :p The scene that attracted me in the "city under seige" was when angel mentioned that... love is when you are care and miss each other.. and so so..(I forget the wordings)to the bad character of Chu, (the monster :p). Im touch by it. Overall its a good action movie.. I don't complain a... ^.^ I think one happy moment as well is when the song of Cinta Kita played when i was hangin' around at Jaya, to waste my beloved time. :)

Allright Love, see you again. xoxo

I feel I dont wanna go home....cus something stuck in heart at the moment. School will be coming very soon. The time will become too limited and I wish to spend my time with P.A just a day together... 

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Lazy day!

Dearest, Assalamualaikum... Wah today is a very tiring day! Im so sleepy.. And its raining?? The weather was quite cold and mellow... *winks to P.A* Today, I had training from 9 till 11 am. And it was about our new process for staff appraisal. *Kroohh* My eyes was sleepy n probably will gonna sleep. haha :p The things that I learnt in the training was almost the same that I learnt in my Management and Accounting Subject. Which I kindda clear and understand the terms given. Well, nda jua sia2 study Business Admin ani..sesuai dgn my present work.

So at 11.30 tadi I went to post office to take my parcel that just arrived on Monday. Its my Raya Shoes. hehe. I bought it from ebay. It was kindda cute. Im loving it. Hmm, but my Baju Raya is not yet siap. I did not send it too the seamstress bcos I tot mum could done it for me. My mom can be considered one actually. She can sew. That's why.. It seems that, my baju nda siap, and pakai baju lama th tu..sigh. Mom is quite busy nowadays. And talking about raya, my raya this time is very simple. hmm..but hopefully it will be beautiful and memorable. InsyAllah.. :) I ordered kueh-mueh n cakes dh from my colleguesss. huhu banyak sss ah? They approaches me to order, what can I say more...terima je lah.. tapi belum lh banyak..sikit2 dulu.. Nanti lagi bali.. 

If raya comes I should be very happy though. But this few years It wouldnt be happy cus of my schooling. All the money goes to school.. and when raya comes, so much expenses to spend. now...im *headache* oh how i wish my salary goes up now! My mom was waiting for it..I should be receiving my new salary this few months ago but due to this new procedure for staff performance appraisal, it had been postponed. Ohh, betapa bersabar nya aku buat masani.. :') If I were to have the new promoted salary now, life would be easier.. but all in all Twakkal je lah.. Mungkin Allah menginginkan yng lebih baik...siapa yg tau kn.. :)

Monday 16 August 2010

It's a Holiday..

Hey, Guess what? It's a holiday after a week of sleepless nite OF my examination.. :) To tell the truth, my exam was really worse.. But Tawakkal saja lah... Mudah2an ianya berpihak kpd ku... amiiinn

Today is the best day, even so everyday.. Just to share some of my happiness with you guys.. This morning I started my day by simply being kind to the people surrounds me. It doesnt mean that Im not kind all this while. And one more thing, not that I realised that People are missing me if Im not around. This proves that my friends either my besties and my collegues comments on my FB saying that they missed me.. Hee ^^, as i said in my twitter, its just cute when people was missing me. ;) So, this morning was really busy...so many things to do. But so lucky that my boss was not around for few times in office due to meetings! hee I take for granted that I try to complete it by today! And yeay i did. :) When i mingle around the office at 5th floor to send my documents. I be kind to them, just by listening what they said other than the major question being asked, that is of answering their question on my exams. I wonder how can people knew that I am taking leave for exam. Well I did inform certain people..but they still knew it. Basically life in the office was quite fine today! I tried to make monday blues to yellows and violet. :D

Well maybe because Im happy. Happy for what nad ? I can't describe it.. but that feeling of contentment is just undescrib-able. How i wish it will last longer. I dont wana to expect a thing. I will let it flow... But I pray if this happiness will be my true happiness. :') I used to suffer so much. :'/ So now, i just need a chance.. A chance to be loved and cared. :'s

Hey guess what? when i read newspaper today...there was a competition currently being held and the closing date will be 30th Nov 2010. It is an essay competition. Grouped into 3 categories. 1) Open to Primary School 2) Secondary School and 3) public.. hmm..interesting. and definitely interesting prizes to be won. I want to join.. hehe kalau pun kalah Im still be considered as a participated contestant. if I do not win, at least i did tried! hehe ^^. The title is about "Brunei Darussalam & the challenge of globalisation." 600 - 800 words. Its not that much. If i can do a>2000 words of an assignment, why not this time? hee :o) You can visit the webie at Brunei Times' Website to know more.

Okay! that's all. As for my examination.. If i did not get it pun, I will try again..I was thinking to take another exam, even so the result was not out yet. And guess when did I thought of this? As soon as my exam on that day finished. huhu Well, i did told you that I am not satified with if. So, there's a posibility in either getting or not getting it. but all in all I pray for gOOd! :) Tawakaltu 'Allaulah...La haula wa la Quata illabillahil 'ali'il a'aziim. :)

Last but not least. I know 'Prince Adrian' will read this. Thanks to you! for what ? for everything... :) especially for making me smile back again.. I feel safe to know you. *cheers*

I left you with a motivational story of Derek Redmon, Derek Anthony Redmond (born 3 September 1965, in Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, England) is a retired British athlete. During his career, he held the British record for the 400 metres sprint, and won gold medals in the 4x400 metres relay at the World Championships, European Championships and Commonwealth Games.

However his career was blighted by a series of injuries, and he is best remembered for his performance at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona where he tore his hamstring in the 400 metres semi-final but fought through the pain and, with assistance from his father, managed to complete a full lap of the track as the crowd gave him a standing ovation. The incident has become a well-remembered moment in Olympic history, having been the subject of one of the International Olympic Committee's 'Celebrate Humanity' videos and been used in advertisements by Visa as an illustration of the Olympic spirit and featured in Nike's "Courage" commercials in 2008.

I suggest you watch this inspiring video.. Please do watch!! I beg you... It brought me into tears. And it did inspired me !!

Love, xoxo

Sunday 1 August 2010

Chips more, Life more...

Assalam. Aloha...

There's no such words 'lifeless' in the dictionary of my life. People who live their life without purpose is meaningless. Its useless to live a beautiful given life.. For me, to find the purpose of life is easy. Live your life to the fullest. Make it magical, meaningful and memorable. There are so much things to be learned, to be discovered, to be experienced, to be appreciated!

We shouldn't be expecting things to come in to our life by itself or coincidentally. We are the one who is responsible with our life. We are the creator to ourselves. So, we have to make it tremendously gorgeous! I know, Allah have created it and it was written in the Luh Mahfuz on what our life will be. But, Allah S.W.T have also mentioned that we can change our fate, tho it was initially written in the Luh Mahfuz. This shows that we have the chance and are able to make it happen, no one else can. So, appreciate your life. Live life to the fullest no matter what.

I know, at the moment I am busy with my examinations, which coming so soon. And I know I have no time to blog, but i make myself available, i make time for it. I have the choice to choose. So, this is my choice. Talking about life nowadays, I can feel the commitment of being a working students is not easy. Being an employee of rbts, doing routine work from monday til friday. And it continues being a part time Rasamas worker and having class in the evening. Its all not so easy doing a 3 in 1 task. Very often people I have met, asked with sympahty, why did you do all this? I can only told them that this is for the sake of my future. I have to earn money but at the same time I need to further my study. I care less of what people will perceived. But this is my choice! And I decided to do it. As long as I am happy and I committed to it. This is the dream I have been waiting. I know it will come to me ONE DAY. Yes, one day!

Step by step. It'll come. But I never forget to praise to Allah the Almighty, who have given me the strength mentally and phisically, though at times I may feel very exhausted and all of my energy was drained. But I still maintain with it, for me there is no excuses! I have to do it.. Hopefully, this coming exam will be fine, as fine as the last term examinations. Amiiiiiinnn.. InsyaAllah. Thanks to you guys outhere who always supported and pray for my success.

RBTS Ladies Luncheon @ Charcoal
16th June 2010

Intan's & Izham's Wedding Day
9th July 2010

Abi's Birthday.
10th July 2010

Power Walk 2010
Starts at Kg. Sengkurong, End at PTE Katok.
18th July 2010

RBTS Charity Fun Day With K.A.C.A
25th July 2010

Add more chips to your life. And it will tremendously scruptious! Well, do not consider chips ahoy or chips more cus it's all have different taste. So experience that difference. It is so beautiful and nyummy! xoxo,


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