Wednesday 25 August 2010



Au... Semangat sudah... Today, my day was quite hectic than usual. I go up and down to 5th and 6th floor several times. Well, I did it everyday tho. It seems that this fasting month is not like fasting. Often I wonder that how can people cannot stand to fast? Do you know during my second semester that almost every week I fast (sorry a...dont misunderstood me...not everyday) I only break my fast eating biscuits that I bought in Hua Ho and a bottle of water..And it happened to be that day is a normal working day. And I even have class throughout the night. Can you ever imagine how weak I am at that time? My point here is that, how could people who only have gastic doesnt want to fast? or even so there is also unreasonable reason heard as such "nda tahan lapar ku" Astaghfirullahalazimmm.. inda masuk di akal. And one more thing do you know that I also do have gastric since I was a KID? Kid man?? kid~~ and i kid you not!! until I grown up..

Mom once told me that, you have to fast in order to reduce your sickness (I.e. Gastric) If you fast it will slowly dissapear.. and she keep on mumbling to me until now... AND GUESS What? It happened to be real. After a while I did fast and the gastric healed. See? Do not pamper your sickness or else it will get worse. Cut my tongue if you dont believe me.. All of Grown up Bruneian who does not fast is too childish. Their mind is too short. They never think of the sins they have made. And they neither think on how to re-pay for it as well. isk2... dosa2...

So anyway, today as i said it was quite hectic, and luckily the meeting was not postponed anymore. But one thing that I hate during the meeting is that not that I dont want to get involve in it. Its just that I have to implement all the things discussed.. Having my say in a meeting is the best part. But when I have to do the research and implement it is the hard way. Soo many things to be think of. But positively thingking, I am lucky than the rest. Cus I have the experience but not you.. :) neither loss do i get..

I went home around 2.45pm today and I went straight away to school to pay my August school fees. You know every 25th of each end of month is always my school fees day as well other than my pay day!. sigh. Anyway, I met my lecturers there, Miss Ainun was there too. Just hanging around with her best buddies.. hehe :D as usual. So when I asked, when is my next semester starts? They said on the 13th September 2010. And Biah informed me that my next course will be Marketing, Accounting 1 and Management 1. I know three of these, are the toughest subjects, like the incredible hulk. :p huhu. But its all depends on my result later on. As for the time being, while waiting for it, we continue to study the subject mentioned. Ya Allah... INSYALLAH... :) Hope everything goes well as planned. Amiinn...

In spite of that, Its a HARI RAYA Day... wow, it will be cool isn't it?, schooling during hari raya. I bet..all the gurls will be wearing the most beautiful Baju kurong "Malay Pageant" and the guys must be handsome with baju cara melayu "Malay Leonardo d Caprio".. hmm~ hahaha :D plus lots and lots of cakes and biscuits pleaasssee. kekeke. and tapak kuda not to be forgotten' haha :D This year must be an amazing raya year. Dont you think Prince?? aha.. *winks*

This evening, Ive just went shopping alone, by myself...just to buy some grocery and paying my mobile phone bill. Ok everything settled.... I just can't wait to meet my super girlfriends :) I miss them a lot. I miss all the laughter together, i miss all the karaoke-ing together, I miss the bowling together, I miss the beach-ing together... Ever since MD, we became more closer and closer. They are all my PS 3 mates.. I still remember, it happened when our PS 3 was in the morning and we ate POP-MEE together~ aha.. you bet it right... together again.. haha :D But now... hmm.. every each of us was separated..we have our own life. Some went overseas, some UBDs, ITBs, MTSSR, and even working. The most happiest thing is whenever Ramadhan Comes, then the 'super bu ajah's gurl' comes together again...:)

MD Moments... :')

Buatmu yang dikasihi...Dan buat diriku yang dirindui...Terima Kasih atas segalanya... :')

"Kadang-kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari, DIA datangkan petir dan kilat. Kita menangis dan tertanya-tanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, rupa-rupanya Allah hendak memberi kita pelangi"
Till then.. you know i love you guys.... xoxo,



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