Wednesday 18 August 2010

Lazy day!

Dearest, Assalamualaikum... Wah today is a very tiring day! Im so sleepy.. And its raining?? The weather was quite cold and mellow... *winks to P.A* Today, I had training from 9 till 11 am. And it was about our new process for staff appraisal. *Kroohh* My eyes was sleepy n probably will gonna sleep. haha :p The things that I learnt in the training was almost the same that I learnt in my Management and Accounting Subject. Which I kindda clear and understand the terms given. Well, nda jua sia2 study Business Admin ani..sesuai dgn my present work.

So at 11.30 tadi I went to post office to take my parcel that just arrived on Monday. Its my Raya Shoes. hehe. I bought it from ebay. It was kindda cute. Im loving it. Hmm, but my Baju Raya is not yet siap. I did not send it too the seamstress bcos I tot mum could done it for me. My mom can be considered one actually. She can sew. That's why.. It seems that, my baju nda siap, and pakai baju lama th tu..sigh. Mom is quite busy nowadays. And talking about raya, my raya this time is very simple. hmm..but hopefully it will be beautiful and memorable. InsyAllah.. :) I ordered kueh-mueh n cakes dh from my colleguesss. huhu banyak sss ah? They approaches me to order, what can I say more...terima je lah.. tapi belum lh banyak..sikit2 dulu.. Nanti lagi bali.. 

If raya comes I should be very happy though. But this few years It wouldnt be happy cus of my schooling. All the money goes to school.. and when raya comes, so much expenses to spend. *headache* oh how i wish my salary goes up now! My mom was waiting for it..I should be receiving my new salary this few months ago but due to this new procedure for staff performance appraisal, it had been postponed. Ohh, betapa bersabar nya aku buat masani.. :') If I were to have the new promoted salary now, life would be easier.. but all in all Twakkal je lah.. Mungkin Allah menginginkan yng lebih baik...siapa yg tau kn.. :)


dyahhhhhhhhhh said...

nad hehe =) insyAllah .. tawakal ..


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