Tuesday 30 November 2010

Fortunate stroke of Serendipity....


"One step at a time....."

Oww aww~ singing this song.... lalala~ We live and we learn to take one step at a time... And that's how life is.. Rockin my own world in the middle of the night. huhu. Im finishing my mind maping soon. Its almost done. I dont care anymorrreee~~~~ I want to live my life to the fullest!!! Arghhh~~~ I want to enjoy and enjoy my short period of Youngster! Besides, I need to pursue my dreams.

Anyways, Since my last post... I have been missing something. I mean posting something!. Okay lets Start~ Last wednesday i went for Badminton-ing with my colleagues. and I really had a teribble muscle ache. I played with all my heart and energy. Its been a while I left it out.

Last weekend, didnt do much thing except doing some revision for exam and facebook-ing.. Im sorry. Facebook no more soon.. I promise! huhu :p I can't help to fall in love with fb... *eyes drools* hhuuhuu :p anyways I know my updates this time is nothing! But I have something special and good news to share.

It was when my brother get a chance to received an outstanding academical performance awards in year 9 Aspirasi for the year 2010. Congratulation ABI.... Thanks for making your parents proud of you. I guess HJL's son's the first and the last is a brilliant child. After knowing my big bro was the Acting CEO of one of the govt agency in MOF and my lil bro emerging in his academic performance. I know Allah is Fair though sometimes life says not. It's all Allah's will... All I have to do is just pray that more and more good things happened.

I was deliberately happy and the fortunate stroke of serendipity just drop by to mum's heart today. Mungkin inilah kebahagiaan ibuku setelah lama menderita... Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah yang maha berkuasa di atas segala2nya... Jazakumullah Hairon Kathira... Segala sesuatu yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Walau Abi didnt managed to get a chance to be promoted to Express class. But still he BEAT his friends who get the express class by getting 1st place in academic performance among the rest of his year 9 friends specifically the no.2 & 3 ers... I know its weird and not fair for us, as his friends only managed to get 70+ above while Abi get all 80+ "except" Maths 65. If only 5 marks was given....he deserved to get express. Sigh. Sabar saja lah sayang~ You have other chances.... Im soo sad cus I know he is so depressed... i can feel it. During his PRS exam, he was dreaming to get chance to enter Maktab Sains, unfortunately he only get 4a 1b. Almost!~ argh.. almostt!! This time round he almost get express!! Almost??? hmm.... Allah knows better... I know. THere must be something best for him one day!. InsyAllah...

Well, I asked him... "what do you want?" I'll give you. Unexpectedly he only smile. Smile? what can I give you if you only give me smile dear? huhu And suddenly mum said... Laptop. "Ia mau laptop tu"... "Mana ada" abi said. He pretending... ohh, this kid only love to smile since he was a baby... mum told me a story yesterday... "Abi atu darinya lahir smpai sekarang...senyum saja pandainya... "Penghibur hati mama eh..." (Sayu plg hatiku mendgr cerita mama tu) "Nda tau nya...sudah basar menyanangkan hati mama..." mum said (My heart was crying cus I know what mum trying to say...and what it really means...) I have nothing to say... Alhamdulillah...... =')

Hari ani jua result management 1 P.Test and Assignment keluar. For P.A information jua... your result was almost the same w/me I beat you by 2 marks for assignment. 91 and 93. Test sama 31. hehe. Alhamdulillah nda jua teruk sangat, Average. Marketing pun Alhamdulillah. Awaiting Accounting saja lagi. Aritu pun miss bagitau mock test only 3 ppl pass including me. Alhamdulillah again... =) Now... exam saja lagi.... the war will begin soon......

Overall..... I just pray more and more good things happen.... Amiiinnnn~

Allah maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang.... maha adil lagi bijaksana.....

Allah pasti memberikan pelangi.... pasti....


Saturday 20 November 2010

Apa-apa saja!


Alhamdulillah I feel relieved after doing something. Was so weak today, no mood at all... bekurung dibilik saja nda keluar2. berperap dlam bilik and depan laptop atu saja yang di buat. Baik jua assignment sdh antar. Alhamdulillah hari isnin menunggu miss princess saja lagi. Katanya ia emergency leave smpai saturday, and she couldnt go to school. It's ok I said to ms princess in my msg. But I remind her "but not to deduct our marks becos of late submission" hehe did i just say that to miss? sory miss nda sengaja, tekiding-tekiding saja.

Ok malam ani I will continue reading my novel titled "Izinkan ku bahagia" by Leya Myra. I bought this masa jalan2 with amy last few days di giant while waiting for amy window shopping to the nearby shop. All of sudden titlenya menarik perhatian ku.. Bila dibaca kisahnya almost the same with me. And that may be the reason why. Nda mau cerita about it here lah.. kalau mau beli n baca sendiri.. hehe Tapi Peran watak utamanya kelurusan "Nadya" jua but with 'Y' Kalau saya pakai 'I' saja - Nadia. hehe :D Kelurusan je tu...

This monday I will not be working cos I choose to attend training di empire. Baik jua cuti approved by boss! padahal last minute tu. Anyway Free kali bukannya bebayar sapa na mau pergi, tapi makanan jgn hairan bayar sendiri $55 bh! alahai~ Nda apalah sudah register jua... But I hope it's going to be fun, I'll be meeting all the CV graduates in Brunei including myself lah tu...nda sangka graduate jua ku dari CV. Dulu punyalah pyh2 kn register Core Value Training dari my company... Alhamdulillah lah. Lagipun this training is about leadership training. Nda rugi lah... ^.^ InsyAllah mudah2an beguna.

What else? Oh.. hari ani Shimah datang kerumah. Membagi apanah? Terkejut lah ku tiba2 ia dtg. Katanya ia membagi jemputan... sblm sempat ia bagi tau yang ia kan kawin, I was the first one teasing. Siapa kawin? kau? hehe katanya 'au aku kawin' haha punyalah saya terkejut mendengar. belumpatan wah ku sma simah. Nda percaya lah si kecik molek atu kn kawin yatah membagi tekajut... Kalau mendengar rakan sebaya kawin, mcm nda percaya rasanya...bnrkh aku dh dewasa? Atau aku berada di alam khayalan? huhu ahh~ sudahlah... my turn lama lagi tu... menunggu yang sudi saja lagi. :s

Talking about yesterday's smpai ari nie aku nada mood kn makan sbnrnya. ani pun bekurung dlm bilik dari pagi smpai mlm. Kalau dah susah hati ceman kn makan. Badan ku plg yang makan hati. Kmarin kan jumpa doctor pasal vomit saja nda pandai beranti. Its a normal thing if Im in sad i will vomit. Tapi takut jua jumpa duktur takut ia 'lain' paham.. krg ucapnya aku berisi plg, mcm lah aku dh kawin. apela~ Ampit ku tu sekali di hospital rimba, ia bagi aku cek urine. haissyy~ ada2 saja! Urang gastrict ia fikir atu plg.. Kmarin atu tutup tia jua clinic ari jumat ptg. Lain yang dihajat lain plg yg dibali. Membali printer jua ku tu kemarin ah pasal ms mahirah called. isyh!

At least Im done!~ aha... Aku rindu diriku yang dulu ceria lah... hmm kalau dulu assignment status pun buat disini.. hehe *Blushing* anyway I just can't wait for end of december... Lalala~ InsyAllah mudahan nada papa halangan... amiinn :) hush hush!~ hehe :o)

Love and Hugs,

Today is so different...


Ya Allah kenapa hari ini hariku sungguh suram... Kembalikan lah kebahagiaan itu padaku... Im sorry, Im sorry, and Im sorry.... What a big mistake did I made? Is it so big that I get all this? Please help me, my heart cried out loud... please... :'( :'( :'( its only adding her up can make this huge sorrow in my heart... It's ok. Apa ada pada diriku...? aku manusia kerdil sekerdil semut... namun begitu aku juga punya hati dan perasaan... besarkah salahku? Kalau ini jalan yang diberi, aku pasrah...tapi berikanlah keadilanmu duhai kasih... :'(

Ya Allah...

Thursday 18 November 2010


Salam... Hari nie Alhamdulillah, Ada kegembiraan terukir diwajahku. Senyuman yang ku berikan memberikan keceriaan kepada orang lain namun bagiku ianya suatu sukar digambarkan. Today our ibadah korban went so well. And I received a lots of daging korban. Nda rugi jadi committee ibadah korban tahun nie. Alhamdulillah.. Wlaupun di satu sisi ada saja yang nda kena tapi di sisi lain ada saja yang membuatku ceria.

Perkara yang membuatku ceria hari ini adalah kegembiraan bunda ku yang mana one of my collegue yang pernah beraya kerumah pernah memberitahu my mum bahawa anak kita tu baik ulahnya...etc etc... WHich is a good remarks for her, I believe. In a sense, I make my mum happy and proud again. Kadang2 ada gunanya bersabar daripada menjadi seorang yang rakus. It brings good name to our parents.

Another thing is my boss was sooo happy to received my present. She had spent a lot for me. I just dont know how to repay it. She once said to me that she is willing to pay my school fees for as long as im still schooling. That is so kind of her. I said to her that I am able to pay in my own expense...I dont want to bother hers. When I lost my hp, she also kindly give me cheque to repay the lost, eventho it was my fault to lose it and not taking care of it well. I owe her so much. She even lend me her management books, give me time to teach me accounting etc. Today by just by giving her the things that she likes has made her day!~ Alhamdulillah... Im so glad she like it... :')

Yesterday, I went to Gadong and kiulap to look for my boss's present. I went with Hamizah, My close buddy soul. hehe :D We went shopping and at the same time listen to each other's story. By just sharing stories and motivate each others problems...she was so happy! ANd indeed she is very happy now... so lucky her to have a normal happy life now... Sometime I envy her much~ unlike myself, I make others happy but who knows my heart was shattered. Thinking of it, Idk how should I dealt with it. I just wish he understand my heart. I just want to talk..nothing much..but its not at a right time I guess. So, I have to be patient again... nadiah oh nadiah...apakah kesudahan kisah cintamu wahai puteri? :|

With love,

Wednesday 17 November 2010



Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha buat semua umat Islam diseluruh dunia... Hari Raya in Brunei falls on wednesday. and Im glad its on wednesday. As it is separated by two working days andafter another two working days it will be off days! hehe ^^

Just to share what happened at 2.40am last nite. I was really upset when I woke up I suddenly miss someone. And I dont know how to describe the feelings. It was so terrible that the tear falls. I really miss the moment together. I missed you fetch me at RM at the late nite, I missed to hangout with you at Bandar, I missed you call me until the dawn, chatting everyday after sahur, I missed us together beraya late nite at Kg. ayer after the rain stops, I missed to be with you in every second of my life. :'| All......it flashes back when I woke up in the middle of the nite. Within a short period of time Im so close with you... and more tears fall apart when reflecting back what happened in the past.

But all I can say...

Ya Allah, I miss him so much... Im sory for loving him...

and after a moment I suddenly i fall back to sleep with the tears accompanied...

Do you know how harsh love is? They give us happiness but at the same time they give us tears... But though the nature of love seems to be like that, people keep on looking for love as love cannot be separated between two human beings. Love always there no matter what.

All I can do now is berkorban... berkorban hati dan perasaan. I just want to show to the one I love that I am not an ego person. I sacrifice my all...time, heart, money, happiness for love. Though, it be worth it or not. At least I try... You have once asked me before, if you are willing to wait for me. And at that time I didn't answer quite well. Im still in doubtful. But now, I think you knew what my answer is...I'm ready for it. But somehow, I feel that you have change a bit, or probably you don't remember your saying before...

hmm anyway, Lets pray that we can settle this problem out the soonest the better, but not too rush. I will keep on praying and praying for good things!. InsyAllah... there will be a good return for me, just don't expect too much. I will just go with the flow... :')

Lotsa LOVE,

It's about L.O.V.E...

Life… life… and life… I always question to myself. Why life treats me unfairly? Why and why? This is about love. To whom it may concern, why love always treats me unfairly? Why? And why? I give my all. I sacrifice my time, I sacrifice my heart, I sacrifice my money and I sacrifice all my happiness for the one I love. But still, love never appreciates what I have done. Sometime I feel not valuable and incomplete. I often envy with couple that are having a happy time together. I envy so much… And just wondering when will I have this value of completeness… It’s not fair for me. What did I do wrong? I try to be the best in myself but what I have in return…? Hopeless and disappointment. But why? If you can see.. Why would I be waiting for someone that I love? And why from the beginning you are hoping for me to wait for you. I did all this because of love. But when the times come, and I am so glad that I am able to wait. And you said “pergilah…” I know recently I break your heart with my own weakness. But Im sorry, I am not a perfect human being. But I do willing to learn from my own flaws. To improve my weakness. I am just so sensitive with the words “pergilah…”

All I can say…Apology for the weaknesses I have. But please look at a fair side? From the beginning you like me. And I like you. We own each other’s heart and Im sory that I fall in love with you without knowing your status. Im sory for the trouble I have made… And until now… my feeling for you never fade. Please make me understand and give me clarity of our relationship. All I need is honesty, trust and love. Cos I don’t want to be in transparent.

May Allah open our heart for the good thing. Amin InsyAllah~

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Master of the ceremony...

Assalamualaikum wahai dunia yang kucintai~

Before proceeding with doing my assignment amendment, I feel like writing today cos I have been keeping everything inside. I just need a few minutes to journal down what happened to my heart and my life recently.

Before you read, I am writing my life story achievement doesn’t mean I am too proud of myself or even arrogant. I write because I just want to share a lil bit and pieces of my happiness that I have gained from these few days. Last Friday, I have been selected as emcee again for the building handover ceremony from the contractor to my company. At first it was hard for me to be an emcee again. But Shahruz couldn’t make it because of the auditor requirements makes his boss not letting him go. So, in the end, I turn to be the emcee “again”. And it is “again” in English. I have done emcee-ing in English before in the past in a big events and even doing a speech several times infront of the public. And yet the nervous is still there, everytime and everywhere. But I take it positively.

Left: Gmbar lama masa emcee-ing d Sheraton

The night before the event, I drafted my script with troublesome. Will my script be accepted? I keep on thinking. Cos my English is only a very simple English. But somehow, I gain confident when remembering that I be an emcee for a big event infront of hundreds of people, and of course infront of my mum. That was the very big achievement of mine that I hardly forget. :’) I still remember the moment where my GP teacher in MD hugs me so tightly that I barely breath. Why? Cus she was so proud of me that Nadia have change a lot since MD. I used to be a very quite and very shy girl before. But I am good at doing paperwork though. Any presentations or paperwork, just come to me. People will satisfied with it. But for presenting, I give it away to others. Hehe :p My teacher cried and hugs me tightly that I’m astonished my her action. SO unbelievable… This is all because of toastmaster. Without it, I definitely will still be a quite and shy girl. :’) oh my, remembering my school days makes me want to cry… I have so many sad story during my high school till MD.

From the time where I walked from school to Dewan bahasa, with the sun shining so brightly and it was so hot! and went home by purple bus everyday. Until MD moment where mum was hospitalized for a month due to internal bleeding on her womb or people often call it hemorrhage. At that time, I was in lower six…where I have to go back home, cook some food and keep my brother safe at home and go back to hospital to visit and taking care of my mother. Everyday I was like go back and forth to hospital and home and to school. So lucky that I was able to drive cos I just have my licence at that time back in 2006. Wow…a sad story mine that I couldn’t forget til now… So this is the dream… Everyone have their intention to be success! And one of my dreams was to be good in my communication skills. All the thing that happened since last year bring me tears and joys at the same time.

What makes me tell you this story was, when my colleagues give me a “thumbs up” for my attempt in making the event a success. And some of them said “Macam di airport ko becakap ah” lol it makes me laugh with tears. Hehe :D My boss smile from the far and hugs me when she come infront of me. “Good Job Nadia!” The feeling of joy comes more and more… Thanks to all.

I share this glimpse of happiness on purpose, to motivate myself even more and to make people aware that they should appreciate their life even it was a simple matter that you have done or made so that you will appreciate the people around you especially to your own self. The greatest thing in life is to be thankful to yourself and gratitude on every moment that you have. As that moment may only comes once in a lifetime. So appreciate it.

WIth Love,

Sunday 14 November 2010

Sometimes Life Hurt Just To Make Us Smile...

"I am just a girl, standing infront of a boy,
Asking him to love her forever..."
Notting Hill

"...Well that's what love is like. everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going..."
Practical Magic

Im sorry if it's me... :')


Friday 12 November 2010

Words of Wisdom...

If he misses you, he’ll call just to hear your voice. If he wants you, he’ll say it. And if he cares, he’ll show it. If he has a thought about you, it will come out of his mouth. If you are on his mind non-stop, he will do anything he can just to see you. If he truly likes you, he won’t let anything get in the way and fight back just to keep you in his arms. If not, he can’t be worth your time because you’re obviously not worth his.

I really want you to be here. I want your arms around me. I want to lace my fingers with yours. I want to brush your hair away from your face when it falls. I want to touch your cheek and feel your lips against mine. I’d really just love to be beside you. I wish you were here.

When you’re in love, you don’t aim for perfect. You don’t aim for the most good-looking, smartest person in the world. You aim for the person who can make you smile without trying. You aim for the person who makes you laugh and who makes you feel good about yourself. You don’t need to find a prince to find someone who’s charming.

Some time words of wisdom can tell everything that you are thinking and feel...

Lotsa LOVE,

Monday 8 November 2010

When there is a sense of belonging.

Assalam. Aloha Everyone.

Wuu~ Its been a while since the last updates! Well, nothing to relates to the titles of this post with what Im going to say now. ahaks! Just getting some attention to the viewers. I must say thank you for the viewers outhere who is still willing to open this abandoned blog. hehe ^^

Anyhoos, there are tonnes that have been happening since the last post til now. Its just my times now is too tight to update things that happening around. Hmm.. as for now, I am too busy with assignments and test is just around the corner. And now, Im awake in the middle of the night, just finished my marketing coursework assignment. Well, its not fully done, there is a need to adjust a lil bit here and there. Overall, all the assignment can be considered DONE! haha :D In addition to that as well, I have just finished preparing what to read for my test this week. Another one, Management notes to be prepared for my test. After this im done. hm....so tired.. but luckily, this weekend my leave started for rasamas. Will not be working till end of december. and resume back to work on the 1st week of January.

I just can't wait for this to finish! and for sure im so much looking ahead on this coming december. So many things to do. And its a holy-holy-day!! Just keep on wondering, will i be able to get back to Indonesia this coming semester break?? I wish to go back to meet my grandpa and grandma back in Indonesia. Well, we have plan for it. It's just a matter of time and kachhiingg!! But if everything is going with the plan, we decided to go back a week in indonesia and 3 days in KK at my mum's adopted sister there. And continue to chill with my friends in Miri soon when Im back from KK. Ouhh, how i wish everything just moving with the plans.

Starting this december, on the 4th and 5th RBTS will be holding a family day event of Summer Camp at Pantai Berakas...But Im not sure its confirmed or not. I would like to go. But my EXAM will be around the corner at that date. hmm... I hope its not affected.

Wow! December I just can't wait to be with you!! hehe ^^, and for sure I just can't wait to have a holiday with P.A. If only we were married and go for a honeymoon.. haha :p nahh~ its a dream yet to come true! hehe :D

Orite guys! a lil updates here and there. Till we meet again in the next post!

Wish me all the best of luck for my upcoming test!!~ Love you guys! :)



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