Tuesday 16 November 2010

Master of the ceremony...

Assalamualaikum wahai dunia yang kucintai~

Before proceeding with doing my assignment amendment, I feel like writing today cos I have been keeping everything inside. I just need a few minutes to journal down what happened to my heart and my life recently.

Before you read, I am writing my life story achievement doesn’t mean I am too proud of myself or even arrogant. I write because I just want to share a lil bit and pieces of my happiness that I have gained from these few days. Last Friday, I have been selected as emcee again for the building handover ceremony from the contractor to my company. At first it was hard for me to be an emcee again. But Shahruz couldn’t make it because of the auditor requirements makes his boss not letting him go. So, in the end, I turn to be the emcee “again”. And it is “again” in English. I have done emcee-ing in English before in the past in a big events and even doing a speech several times infront of the public. And yet the nervous is still there, everytime and everywhere. But I take it positively.

Left: Gmbar lama masa emcee-ing d Sheraton

The night before the event, I drafted my script with troublesome. Will my script be accepted? I keep on thinking. Cos my English is only a very simple English. But somehow, I gain confident when remembering that I be an emcee for a big event infront of hundreds of people, and of course infront of my mum. That was the very big achievement of mine that I hardly forget. :’) I still remember the moment where my GP teacher in MD hugs me so tightly that I barely breath. Why? Cus she was so proud of me that Nadia have change a lot since MD. I used to be a very quite and very shy girl before. But I am good at doing paperwork though. Any presentations or paperwork, just come to me. People will satisfied with it. But for presenting, I give it away to others. Hehe :p My teacher cried and hugs me tightly that I’m astonished my her action. SO unbelievable… This is all because of toastmaster. Without it, I definitely will still be a quite and shy girl. :’) oh my, remembering my school days makes me want to cry… I have so many sad story during my high school till MD.

From the time where I walked from school to Dewan bahasa, with the sun shining so brightly and it was so hot! and went home by purple bus everyday. Until MD moment where mum was hospitalized for a month due to internal bleeding on her womb or people often call it hemorrhage. At that time, I was in lower six…where I have to go back home, cook some food and keep my brother safe at home and go back to hospital to visit and taking care of my mother. Everyday I was like go back and forth to hospital and home and to school. So lucky that I was able to drive cos I just have my licence at that time back in 2006. Wow…a sad story mine that I couldn’t forget til now… So this is the dream… Everyone have their intention to be success! And one of my dreams was to be good in my communication skills. All the thing that happened since last year bring me tears and joys at the same time.

What makes me tell you this story was, when my colleagues give me a “thumbs up” for my attempt in making the event a success. And some of them said “Macam di airport ko becakap ah” lol it makes me laugh with tears. Hehe :D My boss smile from the far and hugs me when she come infront of me. “Good Job Nadia!” The feeling of joy comes more and more… Thanks to all.

I share this glimpse of happiness on purpose, to motivate myself even more and to make people aware that they should appreciate their life even it was a simple matter that you have done or made so that you will appreciate the people around you especially to your own self. The greatest thing in life is to be thankful to yourself and gratitude on every moment that you have. As that moment may only comes once in a lifetime. So appreciate it.

WIth Love,



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