Thursday 18 November 2010


Salam... Hari nie Alhamdulillah, Ada kegembiraan terukir diwajahku. Senyuman yang ku berikan memberikan keceriaan kepada orang lain namun bagiku ianya suatu sukar digambarkan. Today our ibadah korban went so well. And I received a lots of daging korban. Nda rugi jadi committee ibadah korban tahun nie. Alhamdulillah.. Wlaupun di satu sisi ada saja yang nda kena tapi di sisi lain ada saja yang membuatku ceria.

Perkara yang membuatku ceria hari ini adalah kegembiraan bunda ku yang mana one of my collegue yang pernah beraya kerumah pernah memberitahu my mum bahawa anak kita tu baik ulahnya...etc etc... WHich is a good remarks for her, I believe. In a sense, I make my mum happy and proud again. Kadang2 ada gunanya bersabar daripada menjadi seorang yang rakus. It brings good name to our parents.

Another thing is my boss was sooo happy to received my present. She had spent a lot for me. I just dont know how to repay it. She once said to me that she is willing to pay my school fees for as long as im still schooling. That is so kind of her. I said to her that I am able to pay in my own expense...I dont want to bother hers. When I lost my hp, she also kindly give me cheque to repay the lost, eventho it was my fault to lose it and not taking care of it well. I owe her so much. She even lend me her management books, give me time to teach me accounting etc. Today by just by giving her the things that she likes has made her day!~ Alhamdulillah... Im so glad she like it... :')

Yesterday, I went to Gadong and kiulap to look for my boss's present. I went with Hamizah, My close buddy soul. hehe :D We went shopping and at the same time listen to each other's story. By just sharing stories and motivate each others problems...she was so happy! ANd indeed she is very happy now... so lucky her to have a normal happy life now... Sometime I envy her much~ unlike myself, I make others happy but who knows my heart was shattered. Thinking of it, Idk how should I dealt with it. I just wish he understand my heart. I just want to talk..nothing much..but its not at a right time I guess. So, I have to be patient again... nadiah oh nadiah...apakah kesudahan kisah cintamu wahai puteri? :|

With love,



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