Sunday 31 January 2010

Life is as it is...

Assalamualaikum Temans~

Life, from last as it is~ On monday, My real orientation was held. It's been a very great and honored for me being a cosmopolitan students. It was a very simple orientations for my batch. I was kind of being ragged by the seniors. Its not that worse lah..below my chair, ms.maria put a paper. And inside the paper, I was asked a questions and I should answer it infront of my friends. So, it was ok lah~ But the thing is Why Me??

Aww~ I have no stories actually.. My life was so busy the whole week. That's why my blog was a bit quite this week. ehehe. I will tell ya next time if there's more stories to share.

This week, Im awaiting of my TWO new HEADBAND from Nadia of Bead Heaps. And My Oreo Cheesee Dessert from Orked's Bakery. Uwaah~ Im so loving it~~

So, yeah about my previous post before this one titled "Voice of Bliss" I love this articles soo much. That's why I wanna share it with you peoples outhere. Im just soo into it. Is it safe for me to say that... It's about myself. More or less,. My favourite saying in this article is "All that I have ever wanted, I have received. All that I have ever sought, I have attained. All I have ever needed, I have. "
And I wish one day I can say it to my real self in my real life. InsyAllahu Taa'la. Amin Ya Rabb~ Nothing is impossible right?. So I hope you enjoy reading the article like I did.

Last but not list, Do enjoy the following quotes...
" Transform your thoughts and embrace love as a way of life. Your souls dance is one of great joy and by acknowledging its beauty you foster the awakening spirit and create positive outcomes in all aspects of life. The essence of being alive is to live like you mean it and transform limiting beliefs. By doing so you inspire the heart which will in return guide you along a path of bliss to a happy and passionate life."

A voice of BLISS~

A Voice for Bliss
By T.A.

All that I have ever wanted, I have received. All that I have ever sought, I have attained. All I have ever needed, I have.

My bliss has left me with spiritual blisters from traversing into the deepest and darkest depths, searching for my crown jewel. A road less traveled and a path not yet beaten forever pulling me toward my desires. Everything has a cost or price. I often wonder what a fine line must exist between enlightenment and insanity. I wanted to travel in order to discover and learn. I did and I found myself far from home planting roots, becoming like Socrates having all that I desired within the walls of my fair city.

I can see the whole world out my window. I pursued a college education in Cultural Anthropology. It took me ten years but I received that piece of paper stating my accomplishment. I dreamed of love and meeting someone on the other side of the globe. Instead, as fate would have it I met my wife on the other side of the state lines. Together we dreamed of having a family and together we conceived of three ornery but beautiful children.

All within three years (Lesson #1: be careful what you wish for).

I dreamed of an old and large home for my family. We found that home. It resides in a ghetto. We reside within its walls. I wanted to have my own business. My wife and I run our business six blocks from our home. My dreams, wants, and pursuits have all led me to finding my true bliss.

I love public speaking and feeling like an evangelical of positive thinking. My travails in attaining what I want have led me into a life with meaning and purpose. I am a community activist, editor/writer for a community newsletter, an active and vociferous leader, public speaker, and a neighbor to and for many of our cities lost voices. I’m not paid one red cent, but I derive more joy and unintentional focus from my efforts to be a positive influence in a neighborhood ubiquitous to many urban areas across the United States, but unique to me.

Following my bliss is relating to others, giving them a message of hope, providing methods for their successes, and showing them the rewards of taking the Hero’s Journey. We are never far from our mythological existence and experiencing the awe inspiring life that is ours by simply living this three word mantra:

“Follow your bliss”

Sunday 24 January 2010

Man is a sweet talker ??

DO NOT SKIP~ Please READ...especially women~

I had a man tell me that the problem women have is that we get more hung up on a man's words than we do their actions.

He meant that we don't always see if a man walks his talk. We get all caught up in the words, and ignore the value of his actions. How many of us get snowballed by what a man says to us? All those sweet nothings he whispers, the perfect comment at the perfect moment, and the feelings those words give us. But how many of us actually put more weight or at least equal weight on what they display for actions?

I'd venture to say not many of us. And why do we do that?

That is the real question. Perhaps some of us just get so caught up in the fact that a man is merely talking to begin with. And even more so the fact that they are talking to us. How many of us walk around life starving from lack of conversation, stimulating conversation, with a man? When we first meet someone we are intrigued by what makes them click - how they view life. We compare interests and goals. We even analyze whether or not we can see ourselves sharing our life with them.

Let's face it - as women we crave conversation. The saying that we never run out of something to talk about is accurate. We always have something to say and want someone to listen. So why don't we look at a man's actions? Probably because very few actions mirror the words we hear. We like the way their words make us feel. And only after the relationship is over do we realize that we were fools in taking only what they said to us. Does that make us terrible people? No, but it sure does make us feel like a fool at times.

Another man told me the secret - men know what women want to hear so they tell us, in order for them to get what it is they want. I don't know if it's that calculated, but it would make some sense, even if it's instinctual. If we were to start judging a man by his words and actions, what would be the outcome?

For me, the outcome would be sweet. I wouldn't feel disappointed or used, less naïve, and more respected. I can say that every time I've valued only the words I heard was the times that I was let down. And who let me down? Me - I am the one that rationalized why they never called me, or sent me flowers, or sent me love notes, or just plain put in as much effort as I did. I settled and that hurt me in the end.

So what have I done about it? Well it's still a practicing effort, but I don't just listen to what a man says. I look to see the connection in a man's actions. Are they putting as much of an effort into the relationship? Do I feel that they really feel what they say they are feeling? And to a fault, I am skeptical at best that they truly mean what they say. Our best ally is our gut feeling - and we are very guilty of ignoring it. When we ignore it we are destined to get hurt. I've seen women that only give as much as they receive from a man, they never share more than what is shared with them, and they never let a man know how they truly feel. I am not suggesting that is the solution, but to a degree there is something to be said for it. Personally, I can't do that. I know only one way to be - up front, open, and loving. To hold back makes me think I am robbing myself of the full experience of sharing with a man - it feels like betrayal.

But the catch 22 is I am much more vulnerable to being hurt. As one of my friends says to me - you'll learn after you've been hurt a 100 times. Well I never claimed to be a quick learner - but a 100? I don't think one's heart can bear that much hurt.

Authors Details: Tracie Ann Robinson


Hakikat sebutir permata hiasan dunia...

Benarlah wanita itu ibarat permata. Kerana kecantikannya, dia dipandang oleh semua manusia.Kerana keindahannya, dia dipuja oleh sekalian insan. Tetapi kerana kehalusan peribadinya, dia dinilai oleh seseorang yang amat mengerti tentang hakikat sebenar seorang wanita.

Keindahan peribadinya ibarat kehalusan seni sebutir permata yang hanya mampu dinilai oleh seorang pakar yang benar-benar mengerti tentang keunikan rekabentuk sebutir permata di antara beribu-ribu permata yang terhampar.
Jadi,andai dirimu tercipta dengan penuh keindahan, bersyukurlah kerana itu adalah anugerah-Nya dan menjadi perhiasan kepada peribadi yang indah.Tiada gunanya rupa yang jelita tanpa pekerti yang mulia.
Andai dikau merasa dirimu tak seindah permata di sekelilingmu, tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan.Mengapa tak perlu gusar?Itu semua ujian Tuhan untuk menguji keimananmu kepada-Nya serta menguji ketabahanmu pada ketentuan takdir-Nya.Sebenarnya, kehalusan peribadimu menjadi idaman setiap insan yang hanya mencari permata yang hakiki.

Dia tidak memandang pada keindahan luaran, tetapi dia hanya meneliti keindahan dalaman, kesempurnaan dari sudut agamanya,yang boleh membimbingnya ke arah jalan yang diredhai Tuhan.Insan seperti ini wujud setiap masa dan di mana-mana saja, cuma kuantitinya sahaja yang agak sedikit berbanding lelaki yang biasa.

Allah sendiri berfirman dalam Surah Ali ‘Imran(3:139) yang mana Allah menegaskan,
“Janganlah kamu merasa lemah dan jangan pula kamu bersedih hati,sedangkan kamu orang yang tinggi darjatnya jika kamu beriman,”(ayat ini asalnya ditujukan buat muslimin yang ingin berperang di jalan Allah).
Biarpun ayat ini ditujukan umumnya buat mukminin kerana penggunaan kalimah yang bersifat muzakkar, tetapi ayat ini boleh juga ditujukan kepada wanita kerana di dalam Al-Quran ayat yang ditujukan buat lelaki sebenarnya ditujukan umum buat seluruh manusia lelaki dan perempuan.Jadi, bolehlah ditafsirkan bahawa ayat ini merupakan pujukan lembut daripada Allah buat insan yang beriman yang merasa lemah dan berduka.

Ya, mungkin pada pandangan orang lain dirimu tak sehebat mana kerana keindahanmu tersimpan rapi di dalam diri,namun ianya terserlah pada pandangan insan yang benar-benar memahami peribadi sebenar wanita bergelar muslimah sejati.

Ingatlah,wanita yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik, dan lelaki yang baik untuk wanita yang baik pula (An-Nur,24:26).Semuanya sudah diatur rapi oleh Tuhan.Wanita yang beriman tidak akan sekali-kali dimiliki oleh lelaki yang buruk akhlaknya dan lelaki yang beriman pula tak akan ditemani oleh perempuan yang buruk tingkah lakunya.Ini kerana perkongsian hidup antara yang baik dengan yang buruk tak akan serasi sama sekali.

Buat para muslimin,carilah permaisuri hati yang sempurna agamanya kerana merekalah yang mampu membawa kita ke taman impian di sana nanti,iaitu raudhatul jannah di negeri abadi, insya-Allah.Andai kau mengira permaisurimu tak seindah yang kau impikan, tak mengapa.

Tak dinafikan, memang fitrah manusia menyukai keindahan rupa, tetapi adakalanya apa yang kita suka itu tak semestinya baik untuk kita dan mungkin apa yang kita tak suka itu amat baik untuk kita.Itu semua ketentuan Tuhan.

Tunggulah, kecantikan sebenarnya akan terserlah di akhirat nanti.Pada saat itu barulah kau merasa benar-benar bersyukur kerana mempunyai isteri sebaiknya.Kecantikan di dunia hanyalah kecantikan sementara tetapi di sanalah kediaman yang abadi.Itulah janji Tuhan.Sesungguhnya,Allah tak akan sama sekali memungkiri janji-Nya.

Kesimpulannya di sini, keindahan seorang wanita hanya terletak pada kesempurnaan agamanya.Keindahan fizikalnya hanyalah perhiasan luaran anugerah sementara daripada Tuhan yang mungkin boleh lenyap apabila tiba masanya.Itulah fitrah manusia,tiada apa yang kekal pada kita.Oleh itu, buat semua muslimah, moga artikel ini menjadi penawar kegusaran hatimu. ^-^

“Dinikahi seorang wanita itu kerana kecantikannya,keturunannya,kekayaannya dan agamanya. Maka, pilihlah dari segi agamanya, nescaya beruntunglah kedua tanganmu,”

"Wanita itu ibarat buah epal, epal yang tidak berkualiti amat mudah diperolehi kerana ia berguguran ditanah..Tetapi epal yang tidak mampu dibeli berada dipuncak, susah nak dipetik, susah nak digapai..Kadang-kadang epal itu risau, kenapalah diriku belum dipetik?...Lantas ia merendahkan martabatnya dan menggugurkan diri menyembah tanah, sedangkan ia sebenarnya telah ﷲﺍ jadikan begitu" (QS al-'Asr [103]:1-3)"

Friday 22 January 2010


"Im loving every second of my life" it appropriate for me to say that to my life?? Why not right?? Cos there's always something behind what you did everyday. Tho its sometime might be devastating and tiring. who knows tomorrow going to bring sunshine to your life?

So, a few days back, My school started...On Monday was My first day of school. I can say it was fun, met with lots of new friends. definitely.. and it was economics. All I can say I hate it. But I will definitely try to love it. I have to!. Nooo, I need to!. LoL. So, Tuesday..The business communication. The subject was straight forward. But scary. Because..its all about communications. How we communicate in business. scary isn't it? Plus i know its the second day of school but..assignment need to be send on saturday. LoL. So, weird i guess. baru jua sekubit belajar.. hihi its ok tho.. nvm. try my best to do it!.

So, tonight I summarised my life to be a 'business' life, guess why? Business is my world today, tomorrow and future. My days start off with Learning about it in school, I was also taught by my bos about business this morning. And this evening another business opportunity came after me, when my cuzen approach me to do this business. "what the hell happened to my life??" Can i do business?? Im freaking bad (instead of good) in business! I cannot speak, but I was force to make speech and speak. I cannot do business, but I was force to do and open a business. I dont want to learn economics and business but this subject was the subject given to me since I was in Form 6. Weird isn't it?? What is this all going to do with my life??

You know that I love to write?, you know that I am a person with literature background?. I often think before I speak..because I love to think so deeply. I am a person who always talk about poetic life. The flowery-flowery saying. It's just know. But I don't have the chance to get it. But instead the things that I hate is the thing that were meant to be with me. Weird right??

LoL. That's life. I know! Life doesn't always give what you want or what you need. But It always give you what you don't want and what you don't need.. hahah. In some instances, maybe life want you to learn the things that you are not good at, to be a person that good at it. Who might know I will be a successful business women in Brunei? who knows. ahah i know its not kinda possible for the mean time. There's no sign of it to show Im good at business.
I live my life today for a great future ahead of me..
Today i just wanna do my best. Whatever it may comes in the future, I will just take it. So.. just do my best. Im still young!! Still 20 years OLD~ hihi I am so proud that Allah gives me life today! I am just loving myself.. And living every moment of it to make it a joyous and memmorable life.

What else do i need to think?? Think about TODAY!! Tommorow will be determined from what we do today. So as for tomorrow will not be able to change yesterday.

Yang simple nya, Hari ini boleh merubah besok. Akan tetapi besok tak kan dapat merubah apa yang kita buat kemarin...
"betui..betui...betui..." - kata upin dan ipin.
On wednesday, Brunei's weather was a bit weird. Maybe evaporations takes place when the sunshine shine brightly the whole day. It was a very cool and sunny weather.. simply loving it. so here is the picture... Im sorry if its not clear. Sorry my camera is not DSLR. haha :D

So, I havent posted any yet about Adzrin's Birthday surprise nda jadi! haha LoL. So, here he is... With his cakes and with the Girls~ Special photo for adzrin. I know you miss me adzrin.. because you said so! haha you couldn't deny It.. Cus I have the prove!! haha.

My Lovely POEM for today would be...

Kalau menjadi batu,
Jangan menjadi batu di tepi jalan
tiada nilainya,
tiada harganya
dipijak orang,
disepak orang.

Tetapi jadilah batu permata
yang berkilau,
yang bersinar
dihargai orang,
Kalau menjadi kayu,

Jangan menjadi kayu biasa
yang reput,
yang rapuh, yang patah,

dibuang orang merata-rata,

Tetapi jadilah kayu jati,

kayu yang mantap
mahal nilainya,
dihargai orang.

Kalau menjadi manusia,
jangan menjadi manusia biasa,
longgar jiwanya,
rapuh imannya,

sempit mindanya,

gelap masa depannya,

Tetapi jadilah manusia luar biasa,

Gah jiwanya,

Kental imannya,

Tertib solatnya,

Quran juadahnya,

Luas pandangannya,

Gemilang masa depannya,

Perahu sudah di air,

Pendayung sudah di tangan,

Fikirlah, Renunglah,
Katakan pada dirimu,

Bahawa aku tidak memilih untuk menjadi biasa,
Tapi aku memilih
Untuk menjadi luar biasa!
Menjadi manusia luar biasa~

Jangan jadi yang biasa-biasa. Maka oleh itu jadilah yang LUARBIASA...

Sunday 17 January 2010

Simple is the BEST!

HoLa Dearest, Ive just ordered a headband... Its nice peeps!! I really love it~~ So, at the moment Im awaiting this headband. Its speacially a hand made head band. And especially for me~ eheh.. Will be collected within 3 days.. :)

I've ordered the "bow head band"
(picture left)

(picture below) - the "pink flower headband"

one of my favourite.. but next time will order this one!!. If you willing to give me a gift, this would be a goood Idea! ahah.. :D cheers

So, Isn't simple is the BEST?? xoxo

Happy Birthday Teman...

16th January ❤

18th January ❤

I wish you both all the BEST in your life!!
Semoga kebahagiaan menyinari hidup kalian...
didunia & akhirat~


Saturday 16 January 2010

My Satur-Day...

I got a feeling. Tonight gonna be a 50-50 night!! LoL. WeLL, this morning I went for a jog at Tasek Lama. I went alone. Sudah urang nda membawa ada tia yang kan mau ikut. cemana kan tu?? eyh..pyh jua..ada2 saja. Sudah dibawa krang malas2an tia jua bgn awal. Useless eh my friends ani.. tapi usable plg jua kdg2.. hehe yth kadang2 hidup ani bukan semestinya sma kawan. Kadang2 sendiri2 lagi bisai. kadang2 ramai2 lagi bisai. dependslah ah..

So, I went there from 7.30 after sending my brother to school then i went straight to Tasek for jogging. At first, it was raining cat and dog. But after few minutes its stop. I said to my mum about this, she commented that the rain appreciate you coming, because its stop when I reached there. hehe. Alhamdulillah. I assume its gonna be a heavy rain in the morning, and it must be slippery. But I don't care. I just go. Go with the flow~ And the flow go with me. LoL. :D so, yeah.. happy managed to go for jogging this am. So, after that i went back home and sleep. until 3.30pm Lol. haha i had a good sleep from 10.30 i guess. So after that, i prepare myself to get ready to go to JO's House! We have cv2 gathering. But only few turn up. But hey, its okey what?? I thought Im gonna meet Mr. Big Bertha (aka. BRIAN DOOLAN) but he didnt turn up. I missed them actually..long time ddnt see them. I hope I can meet them some other time. How i wish I cud hugs all of them~ hehe

So yeah, I managed to take a photo of Jo's daughter (Iman) and her pet cat called 'archy' correct me if i missed spell it. Wow, I wouldnt expecting Jo hav a cat! Then, when I first saw archy, Im a bit shock. cus he's a lil bit different from other cats though. Weird face. This cat was imported from Australia.. Cool ey?? hehe :D

So after that, I received a message from my relative saying that my auntie had passed away after isyak prayer this evening! So, a bit shock. I ask for permission to go home early because I know that my mum never knew about it, because her hp was no credit. So, i couldn't called her. Hmm.. Life is too short. We have to appreciate every momment of our life peoples.

*My CV friends. So, there you are BRIAN DOOLAN (a.k.a Mr Big Bertha) ~winks~*
So, take good care of yourself. Loving you every bits and pieces. *hugs*

Thursday 14 January 2010

CoLd & MeLLoW...

Salam peoples~ Today is a very cold-cold day... The whole day Raining. The rains started before the dawn till this afternoon. Only night it stops. But tho its stop only for a few hours, then it usually rain again.. What happened to BRUNEI? So afraid that the 2009 disaster will be happening again! Nauzubillah..

I still remember it tho, where the tunnel way was closed due to the flood. And I still remember because of the flood. The whole Brunei Muara suffers from no electricity. At some part it was almost few days with no electricity. But luckily, at my home only less than one day... The arduous weekend of 2009, also reminds me of the mall with no electricity. The usual day, the mall will be a place where crowds gather at. But when there were no electricty, it became as quite as an empty area with no habitant..I still remember where our office closed early because of no electricity. Ishh, scariest moments happened in Brunei i guess.. hmm...

The picture shown above was around 4 pm in Brunei time. haha the flood almost covered the road around the traffic light junction area near Masjid Jami'.

Talking about my day today. I feel a bit mellow. Maybe because of the weather. At 12.30pm I had my lunch at excapade sushi kiulap. Its my second time went there. I was accompany with my colleague, Ivy. My sister in the office. So, we chit-chat about life in office nowadays and also covering a bit of our personal matters..

I am now aware after Ive share some personal things with her, I've realised that for all these while I kept on thinking that I am now always stay present. But unfortuately I am not! I never aware about that until Ivy told me. I was sharing about my relationship with my ex previously. So, Ivy commented that...
"you shouldn't think about his feeling anymore. Cos, you are now have no relations with him. Why do you still think about it in that way? Don't care about it again, just think about your present life. If you don't change the way you think about it, you will never get a chance to have a new friends. Because you still thinking about your ex in that matter. If you go out with this guy or that afraid that people who see you going out with other guy will say about you..or say bad things or pressume bad things about you. Why do you have to worry about it again...? You have no relation with him anymore.. So, be present la... okay?"

Okay, I do agree with what Ivy told me. So agreed. Hmm. I know I always say to myself to be present. What past is past. But the thing is I still think about it again. Gosh. How i wish I can think about present all the time! According to what Ivy have said...I presume myself that i do care so much about him. That's the reason why I am still being the old me. sigh. Maybe yes maybe not. Ya Allah, I wish that all the things will dissappear on my mind..
"Jika Kita Menyayangi Seseorang Karena Allah Swt Hilangkan Penyakit Hati , Apapun Yang Tak Ingin Dilakukan Orang Lain Terhadap Kita Janganlah Kita Lakukan Kepada Orang Lain, Orang Yg Paling Berkuasa Adalah Yang Dapat Menguasai Dirinya Sendiri..."
Me found this quotes, once i browse the web. Maybe I do have penyakit hati.. that's why my thought still cannot accept new things. And in return, my heart still the same.

I found a good book on the web, Tomorrow.. I will bought this book no matter what. If you realised in the movie called "SYURGA CINTA" there was one chapter in this movie where syuhada reading a book when idham suddenly appears begging for apology with syuhada in a cafe. So this is the book that Syu read. And I'm gonna buy it tomorrow. InsyAllah...

Dr. Aidh bin Abdullah Al-Qarni

"Kebahagiaan Adalah Menerima Apapun Yang Datang." Oleh itu terimalah sesuatu itu dengan rela dan redha, sesungguhnya akan datang lah kebahagiaan kepada kamu...

Tuesday 12 January 2010

First Day Orientations...

Wow.. Pretty amazing , today I attended our pre-orientations. Our next real orientations will be held next week. The date is yet to be confirmed. So glad to meet up with some of my friends at Cosmo today. I met 3 of my x-MD friends there. I also met wiih new friends, who'll be taking IDBA, IADBA, IDAC, IADAC, LCCI.. We were on the same pre-orientations with the senior students too. It was exuberant. I feel so delighted to be one of the students.

The sad thing about this is, I decided to deactivate my facebook account for the mean time. Soo sad :( Im not sure why did I deactivate it. Hmm, let me tell you the truth. When there's FB, there'll be the time where my 'not so good feeling' appear.
'Ya Allah, Sesungguhnya aku hanya seorang manusia yang lemah..punya perasaan cemburu.. Peringatkanlah aku dan berilah aku petunjukmu ya Allah..'
How can i concerntrate on the studies while I keep on opening this facebook everywhere i go..and every single day, evry second of my life (this includes when Im awake from my sleep). This is nonsense you know!! urghh!! This might be the reason. Other than that, I know its wasting my times. My mum remind me every second of my life to study hard,...
'skulah ani bukan free lai..belajar tah banar-banar..jangan sia-siakan yang ada ani.. mama mau nadia dapat smpai at least HND..'
Sigh.. I paused very deeep.. Im scared. Sometimes I am too afraid to face the truth, thou I learnt so much things in so many ways to be confident!~ hmmm..

Some of my modules would be a subject that I have been hating since form 5 like P.O.A. Among my 8 subjects, this is where the only subjects that I didn't managed to pass my o'level. only managed to get 'D7'. While EConomics is my thoughest subjects in my A'level.. Im way to scared!! :'( :'(

I know its delirious. Seems the confident level went somewhere out of my body! but what motivate me is to pursue 'all this while...DREAMS' hmmmmmm....

Jangan takut dan jangan bersedih, kerana Allah sentiasa bersama kamu.......

InsyAllah...:) Wahai teman-teman diluar sana... I hope you understand my situations and wish me all the best!! I will never forget you my dearest dear friends. I close my facebook at exactly 800 Friends in my FB. Soo greatful to know soo many beautiful peoples in my life. Nevertheless, This blog will continue my journey..... :)

"I love you guys" *hugs*

Sunday 10 January 2010

Nikmat itu datang dari Allah...

Assalamualaikum sahabats~

Alhamdulillah, Only to Allah i praise. Its already the first week in January 2010. Didn't realised time flew so fast! But I feel happy because, with only 1 week in January. There were lots of things happening around.

So, let me share some happiness moments around me few days back. Ok, last week as usual..working hard for work. I know Holiday mood is still on and off. This week, starting from Friday... it was a lil bit of shockness because, someone called me..who is that?? uu..lets guess.. I let u decide who. haha so anyway, last friday me and my ex-classmates should go lunch together but unfortunately there were something unavoidable happened. So we cancelled it and I bought sushi's for lunch.
And in the afternoon..i felt that I am soooo hungry, although Ive eaten sushi during lunch. So, at the moment I passed MR> PANDA BEAR or I simply called KUNGFU PANDA, i asked for my treat..and oh btw he is Lim Jin Hou. My colleague. hehe :P So, i said...
"hey, where's my treat?? ohh you know, mac donald..(MCD)"

haha, he then replied.. "ohh yeah, what do you want?"

"ermm r u sure" i said.. "yeah. yeah.. mc chicken? Fish o fillet? double cheese?" he replied.

"hehe no lah, i was just kidding you.." me said.. then i left him.

So, when i got back to my seat, then somebody surprised me with a msg!...and this person was MR PANDA..owww...

He said... "So, what wud u like. Mc Chicken. Fish o Fillet, big mac?"

"ahaha chicken i guess, haha... :) r u sure?? hee. :D

"Yes okae, so have to wait a while ok. Usually it takes an hour. Is it a mc chicken meal?"

With my innocent look replied "Hmm anyhing will do. Meal also good i cn share with ruhsana..haha"

So, the story goes on...Waited an hour around 5pm, the delievery came. And Jin Hou gave me the meal.. aww.. he's so sweet. And always try to please peoples. hahaha OMG, I didnt mean to, I was just teasing him though. huuhu.. So Panda, hee :D But nevertheless Im full.. haha.. Next time makes no promises with people. And you will never being asked for it. hahaha.. So cute life story..

So, On saturday... At exactly 10am, I had my interview at It was awesome. Haha no lah. I mean..its just a brief explaination about my course, school fees and etc. A lil bits and pieces of it. ANd guess what? Ive got the study schedule already~ Alhamdulillah..

In the evening, I went jalan2 with Affy. We went to Batu satu area, Kiarong and Kiulap. I bought few accessories and affy bought Kain and T-shirt. We go for window and real shopping! ahah. yeah.. it was fun :)

Aww, TODAY~ my JAPANESE-INDONESIAN relative's wedding who've been married to a local BRUNEIAN man.. I would like to say, SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU to the newly wedd couple this morning. I wish you have a happy life till the end of your lives. Wishes you all the best.. and May you have much more Prosperous & Happiness showered in your lives.. CONGRATULATIONS to...

Ak. Mohd Aizat & Marina Sato. ♥

Wahh it was an awesome wedding function. It was held at dewan chancellor, UBD. And there were some performances. And guess what..the bride was wearing Indonesian wedding gown. And the groom was wearing Bruneian style. And it was definitely good combinations. Btw, before the events started, a video of this both couple were shown on the screen. Wow, what a lucky man and women.. I can see they are both in LOVE together~ How I wish~~~~~ The best part of the video was Marina was wearing Japanese KIMONO and Aizat was wearing CARA MELAYU and they go jalan-jalan (pre-wedd-shoot) at Kampung Ayer...It was totally awesome!! I LOVE the video so much! I can just simply say...aww *bitting my nails* so lovely and suuwwett.. ♥♥♥

Finally, hehe.. Later this afternoon, i might go jalan2 again with Munirah~ I miss my best friends already. How I wish DY was around too~ Its ok lah, she's not available. Busy maybe.. And tonight, I have a dine out hmm... a bit scary u know.. haha. Only Allah knows my feeling. I try to be myself tonight. Wish me all the best!!

Okies dookies peoples. You know I Love you right?? *hugs*

Friday 8 January 2010

Ronan Keating - Superman

I LOVE THIS SONG very much...

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Unintentionally happey...


Dear dear dear...

i feeel something. unintentionally. so terrible me. sometimes, i hate it~ Gosh. What happened?? erghhh.. stupidity sometimes came without knowing and realising it. rawr... I just want to say that Im simply HAPPY !! :) its a blisss.

Oh, actually not that one.. the things that I'm gonna say. The picturess above is where the Markucing is. I went there with the colleagues. As usual, every Wednesday activities. wow, i guess ive discovered brunei's junggle track. huhuhu.

anyways, life is normal as it is. working. and. working! Simply Hate it! NO, I LOVE it.. a lil bits and pieces of happiness blew in the heart today. Maybe only one knows. And me. haha xp

Why did I talk crap today, because its unintentional & unconditional happiness! (shouldnt 'unconditional be describe for Love' - not really i guess. ahaha

anyways guys. I will write a proper things tomorrow!~ okies cookies dookies~

Simply loving you guys!!~ appreciate your every moments!! remember!! ♥

Monday 4 January 2010

Monday Blue or Yellow?


Today, 4th January 2010. A bit  not well today.. I have flu since last saturday.  So, i decide to go to the nearby clinic on sunday. But I forget that all clinics is close on sunday. Ohh..gosh have to wait for monday then. So this am, I went to the workshop to fetch our car cos its broke down since saturday too.. 

So, we went there at about 9.30am, but the car got stucked again. Have problems with the starter. So, we waited till almost 12pm. Finally our car fixed. Our next destinations was to the clinic. Oke, This is the medicine that were given to me. Antibiotics and Flu tablets. Alright. We then went straight to Sumbangsih, me and my mum haven't eat any yet for lunch. When we reach there, guess what happened. my eyes got itchy. I just rub and rub, until I felt something happening to my contact lense. So terrible, that I took a glance look on the mirror. I know, I feel something bad happened.

When i see the mirror my contact lense were nowhere in the eyes. OK! I am not gonna panicked. Im scared that my mum (whose still drivinng and looking for parking) that time got panicked too so, i just relaxed and try to figur out where the contact lense went missing (somewhere in my eye ball). The I look at it clearly, Oh, I've found it in the right corner of my eyeball. Alright!! I got it. When I took it out, Its only a quarter of the contact llense "QUARTER!!" OMGoodness!" the other 3/4 is still on my eye!!! oh that's really bother me. So terrible!! And guess where I found the other 3/4.? Above my eyeball, at first I couldn't see it. So, I opened the skin, gently. With all my courage (in a moving car) I carefully took it out..slowly..bit by bit. FINALLY!! i GOT it~fiewwhh. Oh what a terrible day!! (can be seen in the picture the 3/4 of the contact lense).


Then, I accompany mum went to a wet market to but some stuffs. Then go straight back home. Then when i reached home guess who msg me?? Lim Jin Hou.. ahaha that Panda Bear doesn't know me MC for the whole day!. So, he said...

"good aftrenoon can I make an appointment to c dce for a quickie" - he said.

"Hy Panda Bear.. ;D sorry I am mc today cn u ask zar.......bla..bla..bla.." - I said.

He replied. "Tks tiger lady. Oooh what happened to u, flu? Fever? H1n1? Do you need me to bring flowers?"

With my smiley face...

I said "Oh man, u ah.. Thanks for the offer. Just cme back from clinic. Myb i need mcD instead. Ahahaha. jk. Ok have a nice day Lim, i mean Panda Bear xp"

haha silly guy! 

Then he replied "Ha ha...... mcd. Ok let's have it tomorrow. Tiger lady best speaker of the year."

ahaha what a lovely msg I've got today.. Only a simple text, makes my day even brighter. huhu.. He is PANDA BEAR aka KUNGFU PANDA. haha :) and myself is Tiger Lady, title given by Azman. Azman himself I called him PoLar BEAR!! and Azrin is Gorilla.. haha Just to share you some cute staffs happened around DCE's office. I know Ivy sometimes get annoyed by us! hehe sorry Ivy... *winking and drooling* 

Okays, let me continue some stuffs on my next post. Got to help mother packing some stuffs! I have good news. Till later!~ heehee :D

Spread the Love!! Hugs,

Sunday 3 January 2010

Here goes the promises!...


Finally, the intentions to write...

On the previous post I promise to you to that I will tell the things happened within the past 2 months.. Oke, lets just make it simple. Plus, I will share you my greatest moments happening within the past 12 months. huh, I hope I can remember it all.

1. Joined Brunei Speakers Club.

2. Won 2 trophies : "The most Improve Speaker" & "Hjh Rosmawati Challenge" with a certificate on the speechraft Training.

3. Invited as Formal duet Emcee (in english) to host an annual events of the BRUNEI SPEAKERS CLUB at Jerudong Polo Club.

4. Training on Core Value 1 in July at Royal Villa, Empire Hotel.

5. Training on Personal Effectiveness in Jerudong Polo Club & Being an informal emcee to appreciate the training host by 8th Pinnacles.

6. Being a Part-Time Insurance agents in American International Assurance for about 3 months. Here I learnt the basic of Insurance principal. (Very Valuable Experience)

7. Selected as a committee of Brunei International Defense Exhibitions (BRIDEX in August 2009). In Bridex I involve in 2 committee team member.
- Committee for Opening Ceremony (at which our Sultan to officiate the new building and Launching of the BRIDEX 2009).
- Committee for BRIDEX International Night. (The last day of BRIDEX 2009, Sort of appreciating the Visitors & Exhibitors in commemorate of the success of BRIDEX 2009). 

Here in BRIDEX, I have gained so much valuable lesson and experience that I hardly get. As I am also highly involve in this both the Opening Ceremony & International Night as a sub-committee member. The memorable memory in BRIDEX is when I was given the chance to mend the booth. And I met with lots of different people around the world, no matter local or outsiders. Explaining to them the responsibilities of our company [RBTS] as the main ORGANISER of BRIDEX 2009. Other than that I was trusted and given the opportunity to be the backstage emcee.. Eheh, i know backstage..but its opportunity tho.. So, Overall...BRIDEX have given me so much experience in managing an international exhibition in Brunei.

8.  Appointed as the Emcee for the Hari Raya Aidilfitri with customers at the Sheraton Hotel in Malay Language.

9. Selected to be the committee and as the Emcee for Hari Raya Korban.

10. Training on Secretarial and Executive Training at Empire Hotel.

11. Training on Core Value 2 in November 2009. Which given me more joyful moments in my life that I will hardly forget. Especially when one of my classmates throw me in the swimming pool which I actually couldn't swim and without my luck I will not survive. LoL. :D

12. And Finally, Within the month of Nov & Dec... I appreciate my everyday life, by taking all the opportunity infront of me. I spent my precious weekend. Almost every weekend i spent my leisure time doing adventure activity with my colleagues and friends. Such as, Hiking at usual place at Tasek Lama & Bukit Shahbandar, and new places such as, Bukit Subok Jalan Kota Batu, Taman Rekreasi Bukit Subok Kg. Belukut [infront of Kmpg. Ayer] and Bukit Malapajong Mukim Mentiri.

13. Owh the most important thing that I almost forget is that I get promoted twice in a year. Once on July [informally], directly after my department moved to VMC, Salar and once the formal one on the 1st November 2009. 

Wow, at last. I hope nothing missing there. There are ups and downs in the year 2009. The worst thing was I broke up with my beloved boyfriend that I love him so very much, he broke up with me on February 28th.[if Im not mistaken] Sigh. That's the worst thing happened to me in 2009. I also lose weight about 5 KG after that. Crazy moment aiyaa~ Another aiya moments happened in  December 19th, my 'ex' texted me on Facebook.!! guess what? he said sorry for the things done. Oh, Hell man..For all this while I have built happiness wall almost reaching the great wall of CHINA man~ And suddenly he texted me saying millionth times sorry, all of my effort fall down like a dam burst to the ground flowing to the village dashing and smashing the peoples around. My TEARS FALL DOWN AGAIN for the whole day!!! I don't want to eat, I lock myself in my room alone, flooding!~ Gosh, I am also not sure why did I cry. Or maybe I still miss him. That's the reason why! From that moments on, I say to myself that I will be a strong girL, Never think about the past. What past is past. Think about today, your present will determined your great future!!

"Believe that everything changed and nothing will be the same again. Some could be good and some of them are bad but the best part is learn the past and make it better in the future..."

The courageous words given by my CV mates :
"Awwww.... hope it's working its charm on you! xo May you be surrounded by the highest energies in the form of people. Sending you love and hugs dear!!! Miss you and the rest of our CV family! Will call you guys over for coffee at my place sometime soon. *winks*"

Okay Dear People, Next post will be my Dreams of 2010... I ain't no thinking of the past. Future will be part of me!. Lets just BR PRESENT~ Till tommorrow...
I LOVE YOU Peoples. Thank for your support!!~ 

Saturday 2 January 2010

Good News for New Year's Eve...

Dear bloggers, 

I owe you 2 months stories in my previous blog. I will share you a lil bit later... I have a good news. At about 7+pm when i was like chillaxing my mind. Came a call, and when I answered it, that person said "Hello, Nadiah. This is Dibah from Just to tell you that you will have to attend the orientation this coming 11th January 10.", 

whoooshh my mind blown for a while... 

Then she said, "You can take your acceptance letter from Ministry of Education anytime to your convinience." 

My mind go whoooshhh and out of nowhere! haha 

"Ok, I said I will take it on the 11th itself..ok?" "Ok sure. Thanks." and I said..."Welcome" 

What a great news as early as new years eve!. This is what I have been waiting for! Finally.. I told mum. And she can only said... Alhamdulilah. Study hard dear. Its your opportunity. Appreciate it... 

ahh, Alhamdulillah.... Praise to Allah, who have been fulfilling my dreams... :) All I can say, I wish there will be much more good news coming this 2010... InsyAllah! I just need to discover more~

Okay guys, I know I owe you something, but let me share you on my next post. Alright?? heee :D

I LoVe YoU,


Friday 1 January 2010


Hola Everyone!! Aloha!! Welcome to my new site.. This is where i opened a new chapter of my life in a fresh new page. As early as new year!! Before the stories goes far.. I would like to wish every people in this planet earth a... 
Wishing you all the very best this year... And Now, I would welcome you my NEW Blog called the Wisdom of my soul !!~ I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. With my new resolutions... I set my intentions to update my blog stay tuned with my daily life matters.. Its my everyday moment, that I should appreciate and captured and let the world know I am ME~ who enjoy life every moments... Okey guys, See You around~ Today is JANUARY 1st, Make your day the BEST day Every single Day.. So that one day when you look back to the past you will never regret.. Keep in touch. 

I LoVe YoU,

Nadia ♡


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