Sunday 3 January 2010

Here goes the promises!...


Finally, the intentions to write...

On the previous post I promise to you to that I will tell the things happened within the past 2 months.. Oke, lets just make it simple. Plus, I will share you my greatest moments happening within the past 12 months. huh, I hope I can remember it all.

1. Joined Brunei Speakers Club.

2. Won 2 trophies : "The most Improve Speaker" & "Hjh Rosmawati Challenge" with a certificate on the speechraft Training.

3. Invited as Formal duet Emcee (in english) to host an annual events of the BRUNEI SPEAKERS CLUB at Jerudong Polo Club.

4. Training on Core Value 1 in July at Royal Villa, Empire Hotel.

5. Training on Personal Effectiveness in Jerudong Polo Club & Being an informal emcee to appreciate the training host by 8th Pinnacles.

6. Being a Part-Time Insurance agents in American International Assurance for about 3 months. Here I learnt the basic of Insurance principal. (Very Valuable Experience)

7. Selected as a committee of Brunei International Defense Exhibitions (BRIDEX in August 2009). In Bridex I involve in 2 committee team member.
- Committee for Opening Ceremony (at which our Sultan to officiate the new building and Launching of the BRIDEX 2009).
- Committee for BRIDEX International Night. (The last day of BRIDEX 2009, Sort of appreciating the Visitors & Exhibitors in commemorate of the success of BRIDEX 2009). 

Here in BRIDEX, I have gained so much valuable lesson and experience that I hardly get. As I am also highly involve in this both the Opening Ceremony & International Night as a sub-committee member. The memorable memory in BRIDEX is when I was given the chance to mend the booth. And I met with lots of different people around the world, no matter local or outsiders. Explaining to them the responsibilities of our company [RBTS] as the main ORGANISER of BRIDEX 2009. Other than that I was trusted and given the opportunity to be the backstage emcee.. Eheh, i know backstage..but its opportunity tho.. So, Overall...BRIDEX have given me so much experience in managing an international exhibition in Brunei.

8.  Appointed as the Emcee for the Hari Raya Aidilfitri with customers at the Sheraton Hotel in Malay Language.

9. Selected to be the committee and as the Emcee for Hari Raya Korban.

10. Training on Secretarial and Executive Training at Empire Hotel.

11. Training on Core Value 2 in November 2009. Which given me more joyful moments in my life that I will hardly forget. Especially when one of my classmates throw me in the swimming pool which I actually couldn't swim and without my luck I will not survive. LoL. :D

12. And Finally, Within the month of Nov & Dec... I appreciate my everyday life, by taking all the opportunity infront of me. I spent my precious weekend. Almost every weekend i spent my leisure time doing adventure activity with my colleagues and friends. Such as, Hiking at usual place at Tasek Lama & Bukit Shahbandar, and new places such as, Bukit Subok Jalan Kota Batu, Taman Rekreasi Bukit Subok Kg. Belukut [infront of Kmpg. Ayer] and Bukit Malapajong Mukim Mentiri.

13. Owh the most important thing that I almost forget is that I get promoted twice in a year. Once on July [informally], directly after my department moved to VMC, Salar and once the formal one on the 1st November 2009. 

Wow, at last. I hope nothing missing there. There are ups and downs in the year 2009. The worst thing was I broke up with my beloved boyfriend that I love him so very much, he broke up with me on February 28th.[if Im not mistaken] Sigh. That's the worst thing happened to me in 2009. I also lose weight about 5 KG after that. Crazy moment aiyaa~ Another aiya moments happened in  December 19th, my 'ex' texted me on Facebook.!! guess what? he said sorry for the things done. Oh, Hell man..For all this while I have built happiness wall almost reaching the great wall of CHINA man~ And suddenly he texted me saying millionth times sorry, all of my effort fall down like a dam burst to the ground flowing to the village dashing and smashing the peoples around. My TEARS FALL DOWN AGAIN for the whole day!!! I don't want to eat, I lock myself in my room alone, flooding!~ Gosh, I am also not sure why did I cry. Or maybe I still miss him. That's the reason why! From that moments on, I say to myself that I will be a strong girL, Never think about the past. What past is past. Think about today, your present will determined your great future!!

"Believe that everything changed and nothing will be the same again. Some could be good and some of them are bad but the best part is learn the past and make it better in the future..."

The courageous words given by my CV mates :
"Awwww.... hope it's working its charm on you! xo May you be surrounded by the highest energies in the form of people. Sending you love and hugs dear!!! Miss you and the rest of our CV family! Will call you guys over for coffee at my place sometime soon. *winks*"

Okay Dear People, Next post will be my Dreams of 2010... I ain't no thinking of the past. Future will be part of me!. Lets just BR PRESENT~ Till tommorrow...
I LOVE YOU Peoples. Thank for your support!!~ 



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