Monday 4 January 2010

Monday Blue or Yellow?


Today, 4th January 2010. A bit  not well today.. I have flu since last saturday.  So, i decide to go to the nearby clinic on sunday. But I forget that all clinics is close on sunday. Ohh..gosh have to wait for monday then. So this am, I went to the workshop to fetch our car cos its broke down since saturday too.. 

So, we went there at about 9.30am, but the car got stucked again. Have problems with the starter. So, we waited till almost 12pm. Finally our car fixed. Our next destinations was to the clinic. Oke, This is the medicine that were given to me. Antibiotics and Flu tablets. Alright. We then went straight to Sumbangsih, me and my mum haven't eat any yet for lunch. When we reach there, guess what happened. my eyes got itchy. I just rub and rub, until I felt something happening to my contact lense. So terrible, that I took a glance look on the mirror. I know, I feel something bad happened.

When i see the mirror my contact lense were nowhere in the eyes. OK! I am not gonna panicked. Im scared that my mum (whose still drivinng and looking for parking) that time got panicked too so, i just relaxed and try to figur out where the contact lense went missing (somewhere in my eye ball). The I look at it clearly, Oh, I've found it in the right corner of my eyeball. Alright!! I got it. When I took it out, Its only a quarter of the contact llense "QUARTER!!" OMGoodness!" the other 3/4 is still on my eye!!! oh that's really bother me. So terrible!! And guess where I found the other 3/4.? Above my eyeball, at first I couldn't see it. So, I opened the skin, gently. With all my courage (in a moving car) I carefully took it out..slowly..bit by bit. FINALLY!! i GOT it~fiewwhh. Oh what a terrible day!! (can be seen in the picture the 3/4 of the contact lense).


Then, I accompany mum went to a wet market to but some stuffs. Then go straight back home. Then when i reached home guess who msg me?? Lim Jin Hou.. ahaha that Panda Bear doesn't know me MC for the whole day!. So, he said...

"good aftrenoon can I make an appointment to c dce for a quickie" - he said.

"Hy Panda Bear.. ;D sorry I am mc today cn u ask zar.......bla..bla..bla.." - I said.

He replied. "Tks tiger lady. Oooh what happened to u, flu? Fever? H1n1? Do you need me to bring flowers?"

With my smiley face...

I said "Oh man, u ah.. Thanks for the offer. Just cme back from clinic. Myb i need mcD instead. Ahahaha. jk. Ok have a nice day Lim, i mean Panda Bear xp"

haha silly guy! 

Then he replied "Ha ha...... mcd. Ok let's have it tomorrow. Tiger lady best speaker of the year."

ahaha what a lovely msg I've got today.. Only a simple text, makes my day even brighter. huhu.. He is PANDA BEAR aka KUNGFU PANDA. haha :) and myself is Tiger Lady, title given by Azman. Azman himself I called him PoLar BEAR!! and Azrin is Gorilla.. haha Just to share you some cute staffs happened around DCE's office. I know Ivy sometimes get annoyed by us! hehe sorry Ivy... *winking and drooling* 

Okays, let me continue some stuffs on my next post. Got to help mother packing some stuffs! I have good news. Till later!~ heehee :D

Spread the Love!! Hugs,



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