Tuesday 12 January 2010

First Day Orientations...

Wow.. Pretty amazing , today I attended our pre-orientations. Our next real orientations will be held next week. The date is yet to be confirmed. So glad to meet up with some of my friends at Cosmo today. I met 3 of my x-MD friends there. I also met wiih new friends, who'll be taking IDBA, IADBA, IDAC, IADAC, LCCI.. We were on the same pre-orientations with the senior students too. It was exuberant. I feel so delighted to be one of the students.

The sad thing about this is, I decided to deactivate my facebook account for the mean time. Soo sad :( Im not sure why did I deactivate it. Hmm, let me tell you the truth. When there's FB, there'll be the time where my 'not so good feeling' appear.
'Ya Allah, Sesungguhnya aku hanya seorang manusia yang lemah..punya perasaan cemburu.. Peringatkanlah aku dan berilah aku petunjukmu ya Allah..'
How can i concerntrate on the studies while I keep on opening this facebook everywhere i go..and every single day, evry second of my life (this includes when Im awake from my sleep). This is nonsense you know!! urghh!! This might be the reason. Other than that, I know its wasting my times. My mum remind me every second of my life to study hard,...
'skulah ani bukan free lai..belajar tah banar-banar..jangan sia-siakan yang ada ani.. mama mau nadia dapat smpai at least HND..'
Sigh.. I paused very deeep.. Im scared. Sometimes I am too afraid to face the truth, thou I learnt so much things in so many ways to be confident!~ hmmm..

Some of my modules would be a subject that I have been hating since form 5 like P.O.A. Among my 8 subjects, this is where the only subjects that I didn't managed to pass my o'level. only managed to get 'D7'. While EConomics is my thoughest subjects in my A'level.. Im way to scared!! :'( :'(

I know its delirious. Seems the confident level went somewhere out of my body! but what motivate me is to pursue 'all this while...DREAMS' hmmmmmm....

Jangan takut dan jangan bersedih, kerana Allah sentiasa bersama kamu.......

InsyAllah...:) Wahai teman-teman diluar sana... I hope you understand my situations and wish me all the best!! I will never forget you my dearest dear friends. I close my facebook at exactly 800 Friends in my FB. Soo greatful to know soo many beautiful peoples in my life. Nevertheless, This blog will continue my journey..... :)

"I love you guys" *hugs*



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