Wednesday 28 December 2011

Renungan bersama part II

Renungan bersama:
kekadang orang yang kita tidak suka itulah yang terbaik untuk kita.. sentiasalah menjadi org yg pemaaf dan memaafkan..

jika kita pernah berbuat kesalahan..usahlah diungkit perkara yg lama.buatlah lembaran baru setiap hari untuk menjadi yg terbaik untuk smua org asalkan mencuba...

memang dulu dia pernah berbuat jahat kepada kita, dulu juga kita pernah berbuat jahat dibelakangnya..namun cubalah untuk berubah..kerana akhirnya kita tidak mengetahui apa yg kita jahati itu..dia sebenarnya lebih baik dripada kita...

AKHIR SEKALI... MENCUBALAH JADI TERBAIK namun jangan pernah menganggap diri baik sekali ~
 - Got it from someone's FB :) Jazakillah ukhti for sharing... 

Monday 26 December 2011

Cosmopolitan College Appreciation Night!

Salam Dearest...

Same dress for my previous dinner. Ha-ha. Re-usable Dress! Not! :p This appreciation Night wasn't expected to join, where my friends invited me unexpectedly. I thought if non of my friends come, I wouldn't bother to come! hehe 

Anyway 3 Appreciation/Annual Dinner in just 2 months. Cool! Its memories right?

Yours Truly,

Sunday 11 December 2011

RBTS Appreciation Night 2011!

Assalamualaikum Ladies!

It was delayed in uploading the RBTS appreciation night Pictures. The theme was initially informed to be a Glamorous! But it change to Smart Casual Instead. But I just wear the dress that I made. The function was Ok! & I won a lucky draw prizes. Well actually all wont one! Shall I say it's not a Lucky draw, prolly Lucky dip! hehe So, I won a Speaker Set and it costs around $100+ When I claimed the prize at Ying Hoe Radio, they said I can change the prize so I did change to an Oven! That is just so cool! More opportunity to bake! ho-ho-ho :D

 So anyways here are few picts that I captured and from Fuji Photographer. hehe
Dress inspired by Such!

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Do enjoy watching. 
Uplift yourself... For your own good!
All the very best of luck for your Life...

Wednesday 23 November 2011

a little happiness!

Dear Friends, Assalamualaikum...

My brother's result was out today. Alhamdulillah he will be in Year 10 Next Year.. But some of his result drop a bit. Below was the comparison of his Mid year exam and End of Year exam!

Some goes up and some goes down. was a bit worried for his A.Maths... I know its a lil bit hard and its a tough subject anyways!

So this afternoon I went to his school for Parents & Teacher's Meet (On behalf of Mom). This was my 2nd time. And I took the opportunity to meet his teachers.. Times only permits me to see his Computer Studies, Maths & A.Maths, Chemistry & English Teachers!

Most of them commented Abizar is a quite person. Hardly ask questions even with his classmates. Only for some close friends he will speak! All of his teachers that I met give a good comment. Its only Abizar need more practise on certain questions/subject.
The most touchable comment was given by his Maths & A. Maths teacher where she told me personally that Abizar had shown his effort in achieving his target and Abizar has "prove me wrong". She wasnt expected that Abizar can get a high and improved result from the first term exam until the final. She said he has the potential and he is brilliant...

My brother indirectly taught me this: 

The more life goes tougher & harder, the more we actually should appreciate life. 

His teacher told me that he is a different student amongst all of his friends. He knows his background & that makes him serious in his studies. Indeed this is a big realisation for me... The time when I heard this from his teacher, I feel like tears wana falls down and its a bit deep for me.

Unbelievably saying that, what Abizar done is so true! I envy him much... He is only 3 months old when dad passed away. He have no love from a father but he has gone this far and makes his dad and even his family proud of him... The reason I said he indirectly taught me this was because despite his sadness and pressure background but he managed to study well. Tho some of his subject drop a lil from C to D or even D to E. But I believe he can do it much better in the future!

If we think this deeply, It's quite true and logic when I say.... Most of well families, sometime they dont appreciate life much that they tend to neglect or dont care much of their studies. But for those who came from a different background tend to appreciate life more especially in terms of studies, this is so because they know this is an opportunity for them... This makes me think so...

Another suprises was from his English teacher. He told me that in every classwork and exercises given, he is like any other ordinary student. But when it comes to exams, he always surprises me with his brilliant ideas especially his composition.. 

Alhamdulillah... I really thanks to Allah for giving us this little happiness! I really wish him to be a successful Man. Success in his life dunia and akhirat... Amiin Insyallah.. :)

Till then...

Sunday 20 November 2011

KFC & Rasamas Annual Dinner


Dear Friends, I've attended KFC & Rasamas 19th Annual Dinner last Wednesday, 16th Nov 2011. It was awesome fun! This was my first time attending such events organize by KFC & Rasamas Management. Last year I didnt manage to join the annual dinner due to exams plus I was on long holidays, which therefore not able to attend and (indirectly wasn't informed about this... hehe)

So this time round, I was asked to join & make performance on behalf of Rasamas!
The event was held at The Goldstone Ballroom, The Centrepoint Hotel with a theme Colourful and creative!
After all the ups and downs during the practise, Alhamdulillah we were announced to be the 2nd place!
Alhamdulillah again, I've sacrificed so much of my money to pay the parking fees, my personal time until midnight just for the sake of practicing everyday concurrently in a week! Being scolded etc etc..... So this is the rewards! Yeay, Alhamdulillah... aren't we like a pricessess? haha indeed! :p

Photosession with the colleagues before the performance

 First place goes to KFC Giant
Second place goes to Rasamas
Third Place goes to KFC The Mall (If Im not mistaken)

Photo session with Management Team & Rasamas Airport & Kiulap

Next Week On Saturday Insyallah will be  
Royal Brunei Technical Services' 23rd Annual Dinner 
which will gona be held at The Rizqun International Hotel 
with the theme, Red Carpet and Glamorous! *bitting the nails* Red Carpet?? Glamorous??
hahaha Till then... :) Wait for the next post!!

Yours truly,

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Mon Frere...

Salam Dear Loves,

Today Im gona update a lil about mon frere. I met him last Saturday when I was in Ministry of Finance (MOF). I dont actually have the intention to go to MOF @ TAP to request for my latest statement of account. I said to Amy that Im gona apply the PSTS scheme next year so I will request my updated statement next year (one of the requirement to apply for PSTS Scheme is Updated TAP statement of account). So for the mean time, "I can bring you to TAP for your own updated statement." I said to Amy.

Once we reached at MOF at TAP, I have just realised that I left my phone in the car. I have this strong feeling to go and get it. So I just left Amy alone as she was on the phone with her boss for some urgent matter! So I decided to just take it alone and I go straight to the basement!

After taking my phone, I go back up. The only way up and back to the basement is only by using the stairs, so as I walk through the stairs, I suddenly stopped and stare infront of this Man. My heart suddenly beatin' so fast that I couldnt barely breath! And I just realised that he was my eldest brother......

Speechless for a few second, then I greeted him with "Assalamualaikum Bang"... and he replied with a smile "Waalaikumsalam"... I am really not sure if he recognise me or not. I am totally not ready for all this unexpected moments. One thing that I regret was I didnt kiss his hand (I mean respect of a sister to her brother). So I just left, and when i go up I suddenly stopped when I saw his wife few steps back. Not quite sure if actually she didnt see me (With or Without intention) I just go up when I realised my brother was actually starring at me. My heart cant stop beating, as if you meet your prince charming or what soever! I have that kind of attitude of panicking when something unexpected just happened or pass by!

I just couldnt believe it til now that I met him unexpectedly. I am not sure if this is what you called faith? or coincidence? I leave it all to Allah s.w.t. I know he is working in this big building but i never will expect that I am gona meet him exactly at the stairs.. of all the places...... Maybe this strong feeling to get my phone in the car actually meant somethin' I believe this is faith!! :') :')

Then again, I just wish that 'one day' me and my family will get back together.. :') Dear all my siblings... If only you'd be able to read this... I really wish that we could be together and accept us for who we are regardless where we came from as we are still one family~ ~ Tho we have different mother, but still we have a same dad! 

My Heart has been longing and missing you guys~ When one day we be together, please forget all the past that had happened, Ayah has already passed away! We should unite together as brothers and sisters! :) 

Ya Allah, Hope everything happened will give us a good reasons... Amiin Insyallah~

This picture was a press release courtesy of Pelita Brunei
He was the representative for the launching of new currency note last August 2011.
He remind me of dad whenever I see him......... 

Yours Truly,

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Salam. How are you guys? Been a while that I neglected this blog! Been busy all the time.. yesterday I have been receiving good new w/regards to my classes.

1. My next
starts this coming Friday, 4th November 2011, Weekly..
Yesterday Diyana of AF Brunei called me that this term they offer an intensive class for 26 weeks (Which I counted until April 2012 - for 40 hours). Indeed, it was a good news for me, without hesitate I just said yes, i'll join. But unfortunately payment was increased to $600 (due to increasing hours and intensive French Language Class). Payment term is as usual.

Initially, I am still considering whether to take or not to take it. But I just follow my heart, So I did take the class. The reason so is because the more I delay this class the higher chance I will tend to forget the study. I will need to just believe in myself for this. Hope everything will just be fine. Pray for me too guys... :)

2. Degree (Insyallah)
Second thing, yesterday morning I read BB, there was a news about the new scheme implemented and provided by HM through 'Dana Sumber Manusia' which they called it "Skim Pembangunan Keupayaan Sumber Tenaga Di Sektor Swasta (PSTS).

After knowing HM's Titah on this matter, I feel a relieve not only myself but every employees who has been working under private sector but at the same time have an intention to pursue their studies to higher level. To name it, Like Gold falling from the skies. Where opportunities keeps coming like a flowing water...

I would really like to thanks HM for giving us the chance to continue our studies but at the same time working. I am really greatful to be a Bruneians.

I will be applying this next year as I am currently still ongoing my Diploma course which is almost done! So literally, I will have to wait for my result as well as waiting for Letter of Offer from Cosmo for Degree Course.  As it is one of the requirement to apply this scheme.

I pray once again, Hope everything will go as per plan... Insyallah...


Receiving this 2 super good news! I am very Happy... :)

And guess what?? I think I am super happy today too~ haha why? as I am focus typing this updates, I am receiving another happy news! And this makes me tremendously happy!! haha. But I wont tell you now... Let it be a surprise!! hehe

I just give you a clue, Insyallah I'll be meeting Puteri Duyung Soon!~ haha 
Breathe in and breathe out~ 
Till next time!

Yours Truly,

Friday 21 October 2011



I start loving this community.  Come on & be part of them!
People do change.. A change for Good is a 'must' to follow.  :)

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Salam. Last Monday the Result was out... I was a lil bit too shocked to know the outcome.

It was almost 'Lunch Hour' that I have the instinct to call Mr. Reji, my lecturer. So, I did called him to ask if the result was already out or not. I am so fortunate that it was actually.

So, w/o wasting my time.. I asked him what did I get?? Innocently answering my question.. "You failed again" he said and I was terribly shocked! "you sure? AGAIN? Please dont lied to me sir!!" with my voice a lil bit dissapointed... Then he answered "I was just joking, you got 'A', and Thank You for getting an A for me. You should bring me food for it".

And I was speechless and suddenly the tears fall apart!... Without I wanting it to happened, I suddenly fall to the ground and my colleagues was a bit terrified with what had just happened. They thought I was receiving a bad news. I dont care what had just happened.. And at the end of the conversation, I directly said Thanks So Much to Mr Reji for my result..

My colleagues was still wondering.. what had happened. I said I got an A for my exam. They were shocked and said "You were crying because you got an A?" I simply said "Yes, I did" and they congratulate me for that.


Alhamdulillah Ya Allah... Allah gave me another unexpected happiness... :) But yet I am still awaiting one more subject, my Management. I stucked with my management again. So the overall result was 1 A's, 4 B's and 2 C's. Alhamdulillah.......... Syukran ya Allah...........

Next I am looking forward for my Graduation Next Year! I just can't wait to wear a graduation robe.... :') And officially to be an International Diploma in Business Admin Holder.

Mr Reji informed me that I can skip my HNC and HND year and directly go pursue my degree at Cosmo. The first intake will be September 2012. Registration open in January 2012.. I was soo happy to hear that.... A great good news indeed! :)

Alhamdulillah... May Allah blessed all of us.

Never say never! Never give up... Keep moving though you move slow and steady but keep your consistency. InsyAllah Allah will give the way~

Lotsa Love,

Thursday 8 September 2011

Life must go on...

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Batin to All my beloved families and friends who are somewhere out there in this world. This year of Hari Raya was well prepared. I have managed to cut my budget on an unnecessary spending. But to tell the truth I have 6 set of Hari Raya Baju. But luckily I get it done way before Hari Raya comes in, even before Ramadhan. This was so because of the lesson learnt last year where everything was last minute. I am just so happy about that improvement. The second thing was that, in terms of budget wise - if everything to pay in one go, all my salary will definitely broke down. LoL.

In terms of my study, I Have just finished my final subject last term. Im awaiting my result for this upcoming 16 days left. Last Monday, I met Mr. Reji with regards to my subject to be taken this term (September) as I decided to continue to my 2nd year. Time flew very fast, I dont realised that my 1st year has gone through. Been through the ups and downs. But so far, Alhamdulillah. Managed to study different interesting subjects. This term, ill be continuing my study to my second year which is International Advance Diploma (IAD) which is equivalent to Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Business Administration. I may take only one subject this semester because CCCT only offer 2 subjects which is Business Law(BL) & Quantitative Method(QM) this term. Unfortunately, The class for QM is on Friday from 3pm to 6pm which I will not be able to attend due to work commitment. My first class of the week was conducted yesterday - wednesday, 7th September 2011. Only 2 people attended the class, the rest was still missing! So Lucky ME! haha I can concentrate more on this very difficult yet interesting subject.. Law is out of my boundary. But somewhat I am starting to like it but I have catch up with Law Jargon starting from now! :D

Anyhoos, with regards to my French Class, AF called me yesterday about my class. She asked me either I want to continue this coming term or next term. As I think back, If I continue on the next term, I will tend to forgot the lesson, as French is not easy - it does required intensive study in order to understand the grammar, the verb to be, the verb to have, to familiarize more masculine and feminine word, etc.. etc.. InsyAllah, if time permits I decided to continue.

Talking about my activities this year, I have done so many things this year. I think it was my year Full of activities. From Work to my study. BRIDEX, my BA course, my french classes, business and rasamas. I think I am half way trough my dreams. But Distractions along the way doesn't bother me. People who just knew me this year may say... "Semua jua kau buat ani..., nda ko ngalih kah?" I have no specific answer to that. If I were to say I am tired, Yes I am tremendously tired! But My dream is still my dream, as long as I know how to handle everything, it should be fine right? Divide my time accordingly and spent my time wisely. People often underestimate me with what I have done. But it does not matter, as long as I still know who I am in this world and everything I do is for the sake of my family and myself.

I have so many things to achieve, While I'm still young and can effort to earn money, I will continue/pursue my studies no matter in what field I intend to do. Let me just tell you a bit of everything I've done:

1. Involved with BRIDEX - To gain more experience (to be out of my comfort zone)

2. Involved with Online business - To earn more income & to study how to manage business and finance matter.

3. Working with Rasamas - Initially before I was confirm my promotion as A.E to Deputy Chief Executive (aka P.A) and I did business, I work here because to earn more income as I decided to pursue my study. My school fees is way too expensive for me. Which therefore it make me do so. It has been one year plus working with rasamas and at one time I decided to resign but My boss told me to think twice. And finally I feel like continuing so I did.

4. French classes - To get additional knowledge. Tho some may underestimate me in this matter. I will still pursue it no matter what.

5. Last but not least my IADBA - This is the qualification that will determine my work in the future.

It's up to you to precepts me in everything I done. I just be my authentic self - it's my only opportunity, fully utilizing my youth, isn't this what the government wanted to see - an active youth who are independent and active. This is what I have been doing this year. So, I really need your pray and support. I will not disappoint all of you. InsyAllah..

Sunday 28 August 2011

Renungan bersama...

Tak selalu yg menarik tu baik,
Tak selalu yg hitam tu kotor,
Tak selalu yg berckp tu berani,
Tak selalu yg diam tu pengecut atau penakut....

Cuma kadang perlu jaga hati & perasaan org lain....

Wednesday 10 August 2011


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Tak tahulah mengapa hati dan fikiran bercelaru pada ketika ini. September is so soon! My new Semester Term will start v.soon! I was thinking of quitting my Rasamas job. Because I really wanted to focus on my study. Next term ill be taking up my Higher National certificate (Which also equivalent to International Advance Diploma).

If I were to quit, I need money to pay my school fees and exam fees. Studying under private college is not easy. paying monthly fees of $450/month and exam fees 1 subject = $100. If i take 3 subject ill have to pay $300. In addition to that, M.o.E fees is $50. Added together of $350/SEMESTER TERM. (AND $450 every month).

People dont know how difficult it is to improve my standard of living. Studying and working at the same time. I work at Rasamas just to be paid $100/month and doing my side business earning profit by $300-400 per month. All of my money goes for my education, my brother's education and my mother's expenses, loans, etc. Intending to save money every month seems impossible for me. I am still fortunate that I am currently working with RBTS which literally reduces the burden.

But the problem now is how am I going to decide either to quit rasamas or not. The problem is I wanted to focus doing my assignments as I decided to take 3 module next semester. If I am still working with Rasamas, I would rarely have time to do the assignment. Whereas at the same time, I need money to pay all those expenses! Even a hundred counts!

Ya Allah.... aku bingung.... :s kalau saja aku mampu.... Namun aku bersyukur kerana Engkau telah memberikan ku jalan untuk bekerja di dua tempat, berbisnes dan belajar pada masa yang sama.. Akulah penanggung keluarga akulah juga penentu masa hadapanku.

Biarlah org mau berkata apa pada diri ini, yang penting pekerjaanku dan rezki yang kuberikan buat keluarga adalah suatu yang halal... InsyAllah.. 

Sharing some happy moment, I have just finished learning basic french at Alliance Fracaise de Brunei. Money earned, is also fully utilised for learning additional language too.

My writting today is to open your eyes. Not by mean of showing off, Who am I to show you off? I did everything with my own effort, Mind you that. I earned money in a Halal way, Never in my intention to get it in a wrong(Haram) way. I still stand on my Principe, to work sincerely and honestly. I know to define what is good and what is not.

May Allah gives us Hidayah more... amiin InsyAllah.

Jazakaullah hu Khoir. salam Ramadhan everyone =)

Sunday 17 July 2011

July Happenings...

Salam All,

Here I upload few happenings in my July 2011 for your updates!

BRIDEX 2011, Opening Ceremony

I'll upload more of this picture once I have time.
My visit to TU, Rimba - Meeting personally with the pilots :)

BRIDEX 2011 Welcoming Receptions

BRIDEX 2011 International Night

* * * * * * * * * * *

French National Day, Vivre le France

Friday 27 May 2011



Result was out unofficially. It will be announced officially by the 30th May 2011. Was informed by someone trusted! :)

As i posted a status on my facebook. "Comme ci Comme ça". which literally means 'so-so' or 'like this like that' in French. So, basically it means my result was 50-50. I managed to score my Principle of Management, it happened to be C. and Principle of Quantitative Method - RU. Reunit..Of all the subject that I have gone through this was the easiest one, yet i failed. And before this I even get the highest and 2nd highest during test in class.

This is where you dont expect things to happened the way you wanted it to be. But hey, I dont feel so down at this time. I am only left by 2 more subject. I dont mind to resit PQM, it should be fine.. At least I can try my best for the exam this semester.

* * * * * * * * * *

As for my work side, I am now 3 years in RBTS last 28th April 2011. I have been through the hard and happy times in my working years. I faced soo many challenges along the way. During my first year with RBTS and a fresh graduate College student, I have no experience at all.. But all of 'em are now worth it, though in some instance I set aside my study just for the sake of earning income for the family..

Finally now after being promoted to be the secretary to my Deputy CE, currently Acting CE brings me a lot of experience, I have been dealing with suppliers, clients.. local and overseas doing all those secretarial works, involved 'real-directly' with bridex, as my bos is also the Director for BRIDEX, etc etc... its a really a challenge, and there was one time that I felt that I have to raised a white flag as I was so tired dealing with bunch of work, soo stressed out.. But now I realised that this challenges has taught me a lot of things and it brought me deeper and I gaining more and more experience that all my friend probably dont have it atm.

So anyway... Now I have to face all those challenges, move on and try to adapt all those changes and challenges along the way to success. As many have said, Allah have a better plan for us. I will try to be happy, doing what I Love to do... Life will have to go on..

* * * * * * * * * *

Now, that my business is growing, many and many customer starting to come back and wanting more from Adriana Collections. I am so happy with it.

Its just that I know so many things in just so lil time, What I am worried now is BRIDEX is coming near and I also have to sit for my exam, assignment as well as my test. I think now i will have to take days off for 1 month again in June for Rasamas. like I did before.. to keep everything on track. I really have to.

* * * * * * * * * *

Well to wrap up the updates today as a reward to myself, I bought myself a Samsung Galaxy Tab GT P1000. Its easier than laptop where it is actually a hand-phone as well as an ebook reader, a web browser, and it has a lot of other amazing apps and games. It looks like an iPad but is much better than iPad. :) hehe Now I can do my works and learn french on the go! :p

FYI, My samsung galaxy tab, I bought dr hasil jerih payah ku selama 3 tahun bekerja di RBTS. Tambang free yang diberikan oleh RBTS aku gunakan untuk me-reward diriku sendiri dan untuk memotivasikanku untuk terus berjuang. Janganlah kalian semua salah menilainya. Bukan sekadar untuk suka-suka atau apa.

Your truly,

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Lil' Updates!

Salam Semua....

Just a lil update!! Hehe Ive started my French class last 2 weeks ago. This week gona be my 3rd Class. It will be conducted until July Insyallah.. Whee... My favourite Language. Somehow Im fallin' in Love with French Language. Its Fun and much love.. haha

So anyway... This was the book with Audio CD, I bought from last 2 months ago. It just arrived on the 2nd week of my French Class. And I am so eagerly HAPPY! *ecstatic*

So, other than that... I am only left with one more subject to go for my International Diploma in Business Administrations (B.A) Course.. I decided to further my study to Degree in B.A as well in IGS College. But the requirement must be 2.0 GPA. which i need to achieved at least 1 A and 6 Bs and 1 Cs. Currently I have achieved 4 Bs n 1 Cs. And that means i need to score 1 A and 2 Bs more. I am still awaiting my last semester result.

This semester i am only left with 1 subject which is Management-1. This is the subject that I have to refer exam (RX) and I have to sit for the exam once again.. But its ok, I will never give up. Continue working Harder n smarter. I always have plan B to continue my journey.

My plan, if did not managed my targeted score marks, will continue my HNC on the next semester that is around August or September. Will be taking up 3 subject directly so I do not waste my time..

So I hope and pray all good things comes true.. Semoga Allah melancarkan segala usahaku.. Aminn Insyallah...

Selamat Hari Ibu Bunda...

Semoga Mama sentiasa berbahagia dunia dan akhirat...
Mama lah cinta sejatiku...

P/s: I said to mom: Ma, I LOVE YOU..
Mama said: I LOVE YOU TOO

hehe mama is cute!

Happy Mother's Day!! You are the prettiest mother in the world...

Tuesday 10 May 2011

She is... The Single Women...

She might be the bravest woman I know.

She walks the unaccompanied path. She has her own back. She asks for no favors. Not an ounce of independence does she lack.

She has moments where she feels as though no one sees her. She feels them LOOK at her, but do they really SEE her? She gets catcalls when she walks down the street…yet she goes to bed alone.

She’s not afraid to change her mind…but petrified to change a tire. She makes her own decisions…but can’t make toast without burning it. Her idea of a three course meal is a Lean Cuisine. There are shoes in her cupboard where flour and sugar are supposed to be.

She’s sassy and feisty on the streets…but some nights her tears fall on empty sheets.

She has moments where she KNOWS she’s sexy…and moments where she doubts everything about herself.

She screws up…a lot. She stumbles and she falls. She gets it wrong as often as she gets it right. But she never gives up the fight.

She has bad hair days. She’ll buy a new dress at Target and pray it passes for something a little fancier. Some months she struggles to make her rent and her car payment in the same month. Because she bought too many shoes? Sometimes. But the only pair of designer shoes she has in her collection are a pair of Christian LaCroix that she got half off at a sidewalk sale.

Sometimes her friends let her down. They don’t always say the right things. And the elusive “One That Got Away”? She still can’t cut the strings.

She has moments of panic where she wonders if her Prince Charming got lost somewhere, or decided to settle instead for another less complicated, less stubborn, less independent princess. Sometimes she don’t know where she’s going until she gets there.

She hasn’t got it all figured out...far from it, in fact.

But she loves God and she loves to dance…and she’s her own “Better Half.”

The bravest woman I know?

She is the reason I do what I do.

She is The Single Woman.

She’s me…and she’s you.

Im happy with myself. I am the Lover of Life...

Saturday 16 April 2011

live your dream...

I Will....

Thanks Justin! :')

Saturday 12 March 2011

Inspiring Bruneian Woman.


Dear Ladies, woman and girls.... Be inspired by reading the article from BRunei Times Dated today (12th March 2011). Puan texted me this morning... And I found out she was in the bulletin.

Here is the Link. "MAKING HER VOICE OUT". Be Inspired.

"Time is money," she says. "Knowledge is power. This is true in business, in your career. You really have to work hard to show how competitive you are among the men, women, community and society."

Studying as a part time student while working is a lot of work, but she takes it all in stride. "Indeed, it's a big test. I do have to travel sometimes to and fro to meet with my supervisors. But when you boil it down, it's about ambition, discipline, commitment, self-dedication and most importantly, family support."

"Life is full of obstacles and great difficulties, but if you put your faith and trust in Allah SWT, and keep going, InsyaAllah, things will work out for the better. There are times where I need to stop and take a breather, but once I am ready, I keep going and I don't stop."


"I would like to encourage all young women in Brunei to go for their dreams and not to be discouraged by any obstacles. I am just an ordinary woman, just like everyone. Overcoming challenges in life are what makes us successful."

She was nominated as the TOP 50 WOMEN LEADERS in ASIA-PACIFIC. This shows that Bruneian can also DO IT!~ Congratulations Puan Hjh.... :)

Be Inspired. Love,

Friday 11 March 2011

Caught in AWEsomeness!


Today was really an amazing day or shall i say happening day for me cos so many things happening around. Let me describe it in sequence:

1. This morning, my colleague reuben gave me a cute pink souvenir from Hongkong! It was so cute.... hehe I dont know what it called.. but let me show u the picture soon. Thanks REUBEN!

2. Two of my MSN Chatters chat with me this morning. Basir, he texted me all of sudden? Nazim, my best buddy, my motivator, my courage and he was all the way in Germany when i was in MD. Thank to them for making me smile today! ^_^

3. Ivy bring me out for lunch, she treat me cos she feel so thankful that I have translated her english letter to malay. hehe :p So I decided not going too far. I prefer KFC sja.. Thanks IVY! :)

4. Meeting RBTS VERY FRIENDLY Supplier from FRANCE!! Haha :p and guess what. He said "BONJOUR" haha :D One of them was quite handsome! ahah lol :D Whom shall I say thanks to?? LoL. RBTS?

5. Meeting my ex-lecturer in Cosmo, My Quantitative M. lecture. Mr Abu Hurairah. A very chatty lecturer.. Sorry i forget to mention, VERY the VERY. haha so he joined us for lunch! It was really happening coincidence lunch full of laughter and informative lunch. And Definitely Thanks sir for giving me past year paper with ANSWERS! Lol. Thanks in advance Sir Abu.. haha :p

6. Meeting my old CV Batch Intake. The KFC Managers. Hehe. Thanks KFC! :)

7. I was treated Pizza Hut at Acquisition Department sponsored by Ka nana. hehe :D Thanks Ka Nana :)

8. Having a Quantitative M. class with Mr Reji. And I was predicted to get an 'A' after my test shows an improvement as I was the highest in Class. huhu. That part was unexpected, Cos I was totally unprepared for the test. My foundation was only, concentrate when he taught me and asksss so many questions to my lecturer until he fed up with my questions!. huhu :p and do homework well. And he promise to treat me dinner at Empire Hotel if i can get it, also for the rest!.. It was like WHat?? haha :D okay.. Thanks in advance MR REJI :o)

Do you think it was awesome? I think yes i do.. hehehe :D

Love and hugs! Till next time......... awesomeness please come everyday! Dont you want me smiling everyday?

Thursday 10 March 2011

old scratch..

Salam Ukhwah..

From a trusted friend.. (extracted from his email back then)

I see you are fully utilising your time to work during the day and study during the evening. Don't worry about a lot of external factors. I am sure if you keep your mind and soul focused, you will reach your goal in no time.

So you are excelling in Economics now compared to your MD years? It happens to a lot of people. Remember, Albert Einstein failed in his first two years as a university student. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard in his first year. My point is: studying depends on how you embrace the subject without force. If you set your heart into a certain subject or field, you'll end up excelling easily. You don't have to force yourself to like it. You can reflect on it in terms of your education in Economics.

Your promotion in RBTS is really a blessing. With the extra financial funds, you can continue your night classes. I am sure with the help of your family members, everyone can help each other out. Your mum is also trying to help out in her own way. Don't over-stress yourself thinking that everyone depends on you. Everyone in the family is a team. To be a happy family or team, everyone needs to help each other out. I am hopeful that your family will have a bright future together.

Thanks to Nazim H.A. It really helps!

This morning i texted him from msn and belated congratulation to him that he is now working at UBD as a project Manager! I am happy for ya... After all this while.. you have gone through all the hard time, Your Politics Degree pays you off! ^_- Thanks for your support as well........

Been knowing him quite a while since i was in upper 6th form and he was in 2nd year study in German, now we both are working.. How unbelievable things are and how fast time flew... hmm.. anyway.. there is a lot to be achieved and so many things undone.. Good luck to everyone! ^_^

Till then,,,

Sunday 6 March 2011

A Dream.. A Reality...


Alhamdulillah. We meet again on my next post. NEW NAME uh? Yes.. it is..

I know, I change it again. Im a lil bit sick with my old link. I think this link is much better. I have reasons to change. A bit hard for me to change actually, but I dont know how shall i say. But I change for Good. And for others as well especially for you. Apology that I make this decision, but only this way that i have.

Anyway, Un rêve Une réalité means "a dreams.. a reality..." in FRENCH language. Everything that i wrote in, is all my dream but a reality at the same time, or perhaps reality in the future that I cant predict. The reason why I choose to make it in French is is also relates to my dreams. My dream to go to Paris. And My dreams to Learn French.

Newzelena emailed me last week w/regards to my French Class. I told her that I would not be able to join in this term because the class falls on friday. I have my management class which is much more important than this on the same day. So I have to forgo my french class. But its okay.. Will try my best to join in on the next term Insyallah. If it not clashes with my other classes.

So, I guess just a lil update here. Just to inform you as well, I've made a time to open an online shopping business. When you have time, Just drop by at my online shop in facebook at Adriana Collections. Variety of LATEST FASHION APPARELS, from women's to men's... SO please feel free to visiit.. I have In-stock and pre order items that you'll be able to grab! have a glance and book it while stock last. All my fashions apparels and shoes are made in china. I will try my best to meet your needs! Well I consider this small business of mine as my practical for my Business Admin Diploma Course. As it indirectly relates to my study and business.

Well, that's it for now... tomorrow is monday.. another hectic week that i have to face. Till then.. cu around loves..

Love & Hugs!


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